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看板 Knicks
作者 標題 [外電] David Stern: 'The Knicks are loaded'
時間 Thu Jun 14 11:01:37 2012
David Stern: 'The Knicks are loaded'
On the day of the Early Bird Rights hearing in New York, NBA commissioner
David Stern went on ESPN New York 98.7 FM to talk about the NBA playoffs --
but he was obviously asked about the league's case against the players'
早鳥權聽證會當天,NBA總裁大衛· 斯特恩來到ESPN紐約98.7調頻電台討論NBA季
Stern hinted that the union, meaning the Knicks as well, will not win its
appeal, which is attempting to secure Early Bird Rights for players with the
team that acquired them during the season. In the Knicks' situation, those
two players are Jeremy Lin and Steve Novak.
夫· 諾瓦克。
"The reality here is that it doesn't really affect the Knicks as against
Jeremy Lin," Stern said. "It just means that the union is trying to say, 'We
want to win this, even though the words of the agreement don't support it,
because we'd like the Knicks to have some more money to spend on players.'
And that's always been a contention between the NBA and the players. We try
to spend what we agreed to spend, and the union says, 'Yeah, but we think you
agreed to spend more,' and then we litigate about it.'"
工會正試圖說, '我們希望贏得上訴,即使協議中的條款並不支持,因為我們希
望尼克有更多的錢花在球員上'。這是一個總存在於聯盟和球員之間的爭奪。 我
們試圖去花費我們所同意的數額,而工會說, '對,但我們認為你們贊同更多的
Stern said he doesn't see why the Knicks would need more salary-cap space for
another key acquisition, when, in his opinion, they're already stacked.
"I mean, on top of Jeremy and on top of Amare [Stoudemire] and on top of
Carmelo [Anthony] and on top of [Tyson] Chandler and on top of [Iman]
Shumpert and on top of ...," he said. "I mean, the Knicks are loaded."
Regarding Lin, Stern said he expects him to be a "really good" player for the
"Clearly, I have never in all of my number of years seen a phenomena like
Jeremy Lin, which I thought was spectacular for Jeremy and for the Knicks and
for the league," Stern said. "And he was playing at an extraordinary high
level, one that I think most NBA teams didn't expect him to do it. Hopefully
he's healthy again -- I saw him recently and he said he is -- and so the
Knicks are going to have a high-performing point guard. That's great. That's
great for the league and it's great for the Knicks."
David Stern: 'The Knicks are loaded' - Knicks Blog - ESPN New York
On the day of the Early Bird Rights hearing in New York, NBA commissioner David Stern went on ESPN New York 98.7 FM to talk about the NBA playoffs -- ...
尼克高層os:痾...誤會阿~大人 我們沒這鳥權原陣容難保阿 TAT (誤XD
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◆ From:
推 :大人饒命啊...囧>1F 06/14 11:40
→ :香波還在傷病中啊,還沒辦法趕上下一季開打呢...
→ :香波還在傷病中啊,還沒辦法趕上下一季開打呢...
推 :Stern為什麼認定LIN一定是尼克的人?香波受傷了開季又不能打3F 06/14 11:54
→ :Amare又不算完整戰力,Stern的結論就是不想尼克成為強隊
→ :Amare又不算完整戰力,Stern的結論就是不想尼克成為強隊
→ :a大第一個問題我也很困惑XD 明明LIN就還不是尼克的XDD5F 06/14 12:03
推 :垃圾屎疼肯定是想搞另類地鐵大戰,籃網現在的實力還不夠6F 06/14 12:03
→ :要是尼克陣容太完整,地鐵大戰就搞不起來了,Business is bus
→ :iness ,這樣對他才最有利
→ :要是尼克陣容太完整,地鐵大戰就搞不起來了,Business is bus
→ :iness ,這樣對他才最有利
推 :感覺史藤是不希望讓尼克過太爽...因為沒過也是很爽了...XD9F 06/14 12:41
推 :因為尼克絕對不會丟Lin啊10F 06/14 13:16
推 :就算尼克絕對不會丟Lin,香波也不能算上11F 06/14 13:22
→ :難道全隊4打5,一直等到香波傷癒歸來,才能有完整陣容
→ :Dolan跟Stern有什麼恩怨,Stern那麼不想給尼克奪總冠軍的機會
→ :難道全隊4打5,一直等到香波傷癒歸來,才能有完整陣容
→ :Dolan跟Stern有什麼恩怨,Stern那麼不想給尼克奪總冠軍的機會
推 :現在先發替補都快排不出來 還完整陣容14F 06/14 13:30
推 :結論:尼克很沒有Stern愛,melo則是球星中很沒有裁判愛(哀)15F 06/14 13:40
→ :樓上 拳王和阿罵也算球星吧?! XDDD 尼克三巨頭是集T王XDD16F 06/14 13:42
推 :Duncan表示:17F 06/14 14:38
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