※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-05-31 23:12:29
看板 Knicks
作者 標題 [外電] 史騰看見了尼克和籃網未來的良性競爭
時間 Thu May 31 22:53:38 2012
Stern sees 'great rivalry' for Knicks, Nets
ESPN By Kieran Darcy
Stern sees 'great rivalry' for Knicks, Nets - Knicks Blog - ESPN New York
NBA commissioner David Stern is excited about having two NBA teams in New York City next season, with the Nets' move from New Jersey to Brooklyn. I ...
NBA commissioner David Stern is excited about having two NBA teams in New York City next season, with the Nets' move from New Jersey to Brooklyn. I ...
NBA commissioner David Stern is excited about having two NBA teams in New
York City next season, with the Nets' move from New Jersey to Brooklyn.
"I think that we are going to have a great rivalry," Stern said Wednesday at
a news conference prior to the NBA's annual draft lottery.
"I am hoping for more sparks -- a few verbal -- some build-up," Stern added.
"We are going to have two spectacular new buildings in New York City and we
are going to have two very aggressively managed teams."
The Nets will be residents of the brand-new Barclays Center, while the second
phase of a three-year renovation of Madison Square Garden is now under way.
籃網將在全新的球場Barclays Center展開,而麥迪遜花園廣場預計將花費三年時間來翻
"We are awaiting the summer to see how the Nets fulfill their assurances and
their aspirations," Stern said. “But we have seen the Knicks moving up quite
a bit, and I think that we are going to have, you know, two sold-out arenas,
not just for games against each other, but for all games."
「我們期待今年夏天籃網如何兌現他們的允諾。 」史騰說道:「但我們看到尼克已
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推 :推翻譯1F 05/31 22:58
→ :本來想改標題為:史騰看見了錢途,想想還是算了...XDD2F 05/31 23:00
→ :接下來NBA官網還有史騰談假摔、惡性犯規和奧運...文章很長..
→ :接下來NBA官網還有史騰談假摔、惡性犯規和奧運...文章很長..
推 :錢途還蠻符合的阿XDDD 奧運那個好像有說希望限制23歲齁?4F 05/31 23:04
→ :假摔那個真的希望別只是說說趕快限制啦
→ :假摔那個真的希望別只是說說趕快限制啦
推 :奧運其實沒必要限制年齡 派當打之年的比較精彩6F 05/31 23:07
※ 編輯: osape 來自: (05/31 23:08)推 :奧運不是屎藤說的算阿...他只是不希望他的商品受傷而已XD7F 05/31 23:10
※ 看板: kulinomi 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 95
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