※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-05-15 03:27:37
看板 Knicks
作者 標題 [外電] 拳王也想成為進攻武器
時間 Mon May 14 16:48:28 2012
Tyson wants to be a 'threat' more on offense
Addressing the media for the final time of the season on Thursday, Tyson
Chandler said there's not a big gap between the Knicks and the Heat and
Bulls. He called his team "explosive," but said they just need some
fine-tuning to compete with the beasts in the East.
That fine-tuning includes Chandler wanting to return stronger and become more
of an offensive threat next season.
"I want to come back in better condition and I want to be more of a force on
the block," he said. "I want to be able to pass better out of pick-and-rolls.
I just want to become more of a threat. Myself and Amare, we really have to
become a threat on the block. I mean, we have the pieces here and we have to
get better. ... I've got to come back a better player next year."
Looking at Chandler's scoring numbers from this past regular season, he only
scored 22 of his 699 total points (0.03 percent) on the block in post-up
situations, and only nine points in isolation (0.01 percent). He did most of
his damage in pick-and-rolls and cuts to the basket, scoring 231 points (33
percent) and 208 points (30 percent). Here's the full breakdown:
來自限制區的低位背打,僅占到0.03%,而個人的獨自出手得分只有 9分,僅
Chandler By Play Type During Regular Season
Points | Points per play | Percentage of scoring
Pick-and-rolls -- 231 points | 1.229 | 33 %
Cuts to the basket -- 208 | 1.518 | 30 %
Putbacks off offensive rebounds -- 103 | 1.096 | 15 %
Transition -- 83 | 1.482 | 12 %
Post-up -- 22 | 1.000 | 3.1%
Isolation -- 9 | 1.000 | 1.3%
Other -- 41
Source: ESPN Stats & Info
Chandler called the season "crazy and difficult" based on the coaching change
and all of the injuries, but he's looking forward to training camp where
he'll have more time to refine his game, while learning how to blend in with
Stoudemire and the rest of his teammates.
"It's very important because that's where you kind of get your identify,
defensively and offensively," he said. "I thought we did a great job of just
becoming a good defensive team throughout the season without any of that.
When you have a full training camp and say, 'This is going to be our system,
this is how we're going to attack people,' it makes it a lot easier."
It will obviously be a lot easier on the team if Chandler, Stoudemire and
Carmelo Anthony can all learn how to co-exist. When they were together on the
court this past season, their plus-minus was a poor -9, and the team's field
goal and 3-point field goal percentages were only 45.1 and 26.8,
respectively. The spacing on the court was sometimes jammed -- mostly based
on Chandler and Stoudemire occupying similar space -- which slowed down ball
movement, and limited good shots and open looks from downtown.
In fact, if you look at the Knicks' top-four five-man lineups from this past
season (based on plus-minus), the top three don't include the Big Three.
Here's the full breakdown:
1. Baron Davis, Iman Shumpert, Landry Fields, Carmelo Anthony and
Tyson Chandler -- +44
2. Jeremy Lin, Iman Shumpert, Landry Fields, Steve Novak and
Tyson Chandler -- +23
3. Jeremy Lin, J.R. Smith, Steve Novak, Jared Jeffries and
Tyson Chandler -- +21
4. Jeremy Lin, Landry Fields, Carmelo Anthony, Amare Stoudemire and
Tyson Chandler -- +20
Source: ESPN Stats & Info
The best lineup is further proof that the Knicks played better when Anthony
operated as the power forward, Stoudemire was sitting on the bench and
Chandler became more of a rebounder and inside scorer (areas in which he's
been more effective than Stoudemire, based on averages and percentages). But
the team needs the trio to be on the same page so their success can be
If Chandler becomes a better low-post player, as he discussed (along with
Stoudemire), that will enable the Knicks to engineer a more balanced offense.
The Big Three would be able to have more defined roles, instead of stepping
on each other's toes too much.
For example, in one situation, Chandler could be on the block, Melo on the
wing, Stoudemire popping out off a down screen for the midrange jumpshot and
the team's shooters (most likely Steve Novak and J.R. Smith) rotating on the
perimeter for the three. Melo could also play the post with Chandler and
Stoudemire setting screens for each other to get open, especially cutting to
the basket. In fact, all those elements have the makings of a
Triangle-looking offense, especially if Melo can become a more willing passer
and Jeremy Lin can improve his 3-point shot (he's already an aggressive
attacker). Mix in occasional pick-and-rolls, and the Knicks will have the
full arsenal.
In the end, how Chandler and Stoudemire work together is arguably the most
critical component to the success of the starting five's offense. They can't
do too much of the same thing. Developing new skills, as Chandler pointed
out, is essential for them to play off each other better, while allowing Melo
to still be, well, Melo.
原文新聞: http://ppt.cc/rAz~
Tyson wants to be a 'threat' more on offense - Knicks Blog - ESPN New York
Addressing the media for the final time of the season on Thursday, Tyson Chandler said there's not a big gap between the Knicks and the Heat and Bulls ...
钱德勒自信下赛季强势回归 直言欲当进攻端武器_网易体育
钱德勒表示,他希望通过夏天的训练营好好和队友进行一番磨合,他希望下个赛季自己可以更多地参与进攻,特别是内线的进攻。 ...
钱德勒表示,他希望通过夏天的训练营好好和队友进行一番磨合,他希望下个赛季自己可以更多地参与进攻,特别是内线的进攻。 ...
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :我相信Tyson是說到做到的男人!1F 05/14 16:57
→ :阿罵跟拳王要增加三分線附近跳投命中率 這樣禁區空間才大2F 05/14 17:06
推 :你後半段沒翻阿, 他有scenario 述說3F 05/14 17:10
→ :恩 我英文不夠好僅能提供翻譯來源有翻到的部分 sorry4F 05/14 17:17
→ :其他英文部分可能就請大家看原文了 抱歉 或如果有人要幫翻
→ :我可以再補上^^
→ :其他英文部分可能就請大家看原文了 抱歉 或如果有人要幫翻
→ :我可以再補上^^
→ :老實說 讓他多消耗進攻的體力不如加強全隊防守7F 05/14 17:21
→ :全隊守起來 大鎖才不用守多個點 進功能力自然變強
→ :全隊守起來 大鎖才不用守多個點 進功能力自然變強
推 :原文關於得分比例的地方似乎怪怪的 22/699=0.031 應該是3.1%9F 05/14 17:23
有道理 已修正 謝謝樓上的仔細觀察^^
推 :Melo: 又要多一個人來要球嗎? (誤)10F 05/14 17:24
推 :全隊增加防守跟拳王增加進攻手段似乎不抵觸^^"11F 05/14 17:28
推 :啊,我想到拳王上次運球被艾莉絲抄走的那次(掩面12F 05/14 17:32
推 :個人覺得增加拳王攻擊比重, 不如增加全隊防守比較好~13F 05/14 17:33
→ :在武僧模式下, 以甜瓜為主炮, 揪咪阿罵第二攻擊選擇, 其他
→ :人撿空檔&搭配檔拆, 拳王依舊當防守重心比較強
→ :在武僧模式下, 以甜瓜為主炮, 揪咪阿罵第二攻擊選擇, 其他
→ :人撿空檔&搭配檔拆, 拳王依舊當防守重心比較強
→ :拳王:他們練他們的防守,洒家想練進攻,這樣不行嗎? (誤XD16F 05/14 17:37
→ :武器永遠不嫌多17F 05/14 17:47
推 :1. 防守時 成功阻止對方得分 2. 進攻時 確切把握穩當得分18F 05/14 18:40
→ :1. 或 2. 完全執行 球隊可以立於 "近" 不敗的情況 但現實狀
→ :是 1. 2. 都很難達到完美 但可以確認的是 1. 2. 是分開的兩
→ :件事 而且 1. 2. 都做到一定的程度 才能確保勝利 我相信阿罵
→ :跟拳王都知道這個前題 所以他們也會想在進攻時找到新的選擇
→ :1. 或 2. 完全執行 球隊可以立於 "近" 不敗的情況 但現實狀
→ :是 1. 2. 都很難達到完美 但可以確認的是 1. 2. 是分開的兩
→ :件事 而且 1. 2. 都做到一定的程度 才能確保勝利 我相信阿罵
→ :跟拳王都知道這個前題 所以他們也會想在進攻時找到新的選擇
推 :我看他的意思有點像是球隊運用他去檔切的次數要稍微增加一23F 05/14 18:46
→ :點,而不是外圍導傳導傳ISOISO。
→ :點,而不是外圍導傳導傳ISOISO。
→ :對阿 拳王的意思是希望大家能多利用他擋拆的意思25F 05/14 18:53
推 :很明顯季後賽用很單純那套,射手們幾乎完全無空檔,導致效26F 05/14 19:04
→ :率幾乎為0,若還有一個季中因檔切而使射手得到大量空檔的
→ :戰術也許能讓射手們有點貢獻的機會。
→ :其實D'an的進攻戰術設計確實是很不錯的,可惜有一好沒兩好
→ :率幾乎為0,若還有一個季中因檔切而使射手得到大量空檔的
→ :戰術也許能讓射手們有點貢獻的機會。
→ :其實D'an的進攻戰術設計確實是很不錯的,可惜有一好沒兩好
推 :請D'an回來當進攻教練xd30F 05/14 19:17
推 :樓上害我笑了XD 超尷尬31F 05/14 19:18
钱德勒渴望为国征战,称与德安东尼仍有联系,钱德勒渴望为国征战,称与德安东尼仍有联系的相关报道. ...
钱德勒渴望为国征战,称与德安东尼仍有联系,钱德勒渴望为国征战,称与德安东尼仍有联系的相关报道. ...
推 :還有lin34F 05/14 19:33
→ :收穫最多應該是lin~畢竟冷笑話戰術著重在後衛~
→ :收穫最多應該是lin~畢竟冷笑話戰術著重在後衛~
→ :恩 LIN當初也有說會和他保持聯絡,我都在想當陪練是不是他給36F 05/14 19:41
→ :的建議?!XD
→ :的建議?!XD
因為剛好提到就額外補充一下 冷笑話近況
(Mike D’Antoni),日前傳出有意前進奧蘭多,接任魔術下季兵
因素」住在紐約,而丹東尼目前最重要的工作,就是協助「 K教
練」(Mike Krzyzewski),積極為七月底的美國奧運男籃備戰。
原文來源: http://ppt.cc/c1O-
Mike D'Antoni Not Likely To Coach Next Season, According To Report - SBNation.com
SB Nation is a collection of over 300 individual communities, each offering high quality year-round coverage and conversation led by fans who are passionate about their favorite teams, leagues or sports. By empowering fans, SB Nation has become the largest and fastest growing grassroots sports netwo ...
NBA/尼克前教頭不復出 奧運與甜瓜再聚首 | ETtoday體育新聞 | ETtoday 新聞雲
季中因為一波六連敗,慘遭紐約尼克炒魷魚的前尼克教頭丹東尼(Mike D’Antoni),日前傳出有意前進奧蘭多,接任魔術下季兵符,但這項傳聞很快遭到駁斥,強調下個球季他還是會因「個人因素」住在紐約,而丹東尼目前最重要的工作,就是協助「K教練」(Mike Krzyzewski),積極為七月底的美國奧運男籃備戰。 ...
推 :我印象中,拳王很久前在公牛時有低位單打過38F 05/14 19:46
推 :記得之前看過文章說拳王一開始進聯盟時是有進攻火力的39F 05/14 20:12
→ :只是當初有兩名新人...剛好拳王被分配到注重防守...結果就
→ :成了現在這樣...XD
→ :只是當初有兩名新人...剛好拳王被分配到注重防守...結果就
→ :成了現在這樣...XD
→ :讓我想到KG 聽說他很討厭當中鋒 但被配到 不過他還是做得42F 05/14 20:17
→ :很好!!! 結果拳王現在也得了最佳防守員
→ :很好!!! 結果拳王現在也得了最佳防守員
推 :我相信拳王是說到做到的真男人,想練就加油吧~^o^~44F 05/14 20:29
※ 編輯: skymay 來自: (05/14 21:11)推 :拳王上次運球被艾莉絲抄走那段有影片連結嗎?好想複習一下45F 05/14 21:27
推 :拳王好棒~喜歡他對自己的期許46F 05/14 23:02
推 :拳王:球給我 ╰ˋ口ˊ╯47F 05/14 23:14
推 :被抄球的那段是在4/12對公鹿那場,第二節剩下約1:13左右48F 05/15 01:16
→ :不過youtube全場都刪光了> < 期待拳王下季的變化^^
→ :不過youtube全場都刪光了> < 期待拳王下季的變化^^
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