※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-05-15 03:29:13
看板 Jeremy_Lin
作者 標題 [外絮] 林書豪成八卦小報新寵
時間 Mon May 14 15:15:25 2012
Knicks guard Jeremy Lin gets the gossip page treatment
Published: Sunday, May 13, 2012, 11:00 AM
文╱ Alex Raskin, NJ.com Knicks blogger
Jeremy Lin has been great with the media, but now that the honeymoon is over,
the gossip pages have turned on the Knicks' rising star.
For the most part, Knicks point guard Jeremy Lin has been kind to the media
and the media has been all too happy to reciprocate. Outside of his knee
injury in late March—a time in which he was somewhat evasive—Lin has been
forthcoming and has been treated with mutual respect.
But the Knicks first-round loss to the Miami Heat closed the door on the
honeymoon. Now comes the irritating part of living in New York. The fans that
pack Madison Square Garden with "Linsanity" and "Super Lintendo" signs might
also be the fans who pick up the New York Post and read about the personal
lives of the players they love.
And in some cases, even when those players do the kinds of things that any
24-year-old male in Manhattan might do, the fans and media can be pretty
For instance, it's not a big deal that Lin went out with teammates Josh
Harrellson, Jerome Jordan and Landry Fields in the Meatpacking District on
Thursday night. The season is over, nobody was driving drunk, and the players
reportedly were with friends, but kept to themselves.
Unfortunately the Post's report of the night out puts everything in a
different light.
"They were really drowning their sorrows," one unnamed source told the Post.
"Jeremy was drinking and was acting tipsy... like a college frat kid."
The article also noted that Lin was "talking to a group [of women] dressed in
tight-fitting dresses."
Has anyone been to the Meatpacking District after 10 p.m.? Nearly everyone
has on tight clothes. But, when you read the description in the Post, it
seems like he was up to something particularly seedy.
Lin, who will likely be a restricted free agent this summer and will probably
receive the team's mid-level exception to stay in New York, told the Post on
Thursday that he loves the Knicks, "but at the same time it's a business,"
adding, "crazy things happen."
He's right. Crazy things do happen, and in New York City, they happen all the
time. Thursday night was just a taste of how crazy things can get for Lin.
Knicks guard Jeremy Lin gets the gossip page treatment | NJ.com
Jeremy Lin has been great with the media, but now that the honeymoon is over, the gossip pages have turned on the Knicks' rising star. ...
10分鐘火速譯完 XD
希望能平衡上面偏頗的報導,大家也不要受影響啦 :)
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◆ From:
推 :謝謝翻譯 :)1F 05/14 15:16
推 :優良新聞 感謝翻譯2F 05/14 15:17
推 :感謝 N大翻譯!!!!!!! 紐媒暑假要來嗎+台媒 很熱鬧喔!!!3F 05/14 15:17
→ :感謝翻譯4F 05/14 15:17
推 :感謝翻譯,大蘋果有甜美有酸澀:))5F 05/14 15:18
推 :感謝翻譯 推!! ^^6F 05/14 15:18
推 :太中肯了7F 05/14 15:19
推 :紐約真的很讓人瘋狂!正面負面都是.8F 05/14 15:19
推 :這篇po的真是時候!!! XD9F 05/14 15:19
推 :感謝翻譯啊!!10F 05/14 15:21
推 :大推翻譯與這位記者!!11F 05/14 15:23
推 :感謝翻譯!12F 05/14 15:23
推 :謝謝翻譯!!這篇中肯13F 05/14 15:23
推 :辛苦了14F 05/14 15:24
※ 編輯: noral 來自: (05/14 15:25)推 :推翻譯&中肯報導 這整件事明明就沒什麼好說嘴的15F 05/14 15:25
推 :推 中肯 根本沒什麼的事 那報導還用這種別有用意的語氣16F 05/14 15:25
推 :感謝翻譯!這篇文章跟網友回應其實都很中肯17F 05/14 15:25
→ :居然還有人被牽著走...18F 05/14 15:25
推 :感謝翻譯!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 這一切真的很瘋狂19F 05/14 15:26
→ :紐郵的報導語氣就是故意把一件正常的事形容得好像很八卦20F 05/14 15:26
推 :感謝翻譯:D 我也快翻好了說XDDDDD21F 05/14 15:26
推 :下面有幾則回應要不要翻 還蠻好笑的22F 05/14 15:28
推 :任何指標都會有正反兩面的東西追隨 習慣就好XDD23F 05/14 15:28
推 :然後台媒的語氣就把八卦變成更下流的八卦 (陪酒!?)24F 05/14 15:28
→ :S大不然你繼續翻網友留言好了XDD25F 05/14 15:28
推 :有人要翻下面的評論嗎???好像很好笑(跪求26F 05/14 15:29
推 :想看留言翻譯+127F 05/14 15:29
推 :本來就很平常的事講得好像見不得人一樣28F 05/14 15:29
推 :n大翻得好棒!!!!!!!!!!!(趕快把我翻的刪掉lol)29F 05/14 15:29
→ :S大不然翻九篇回應好了:P 沒啦 上班辛苦了XDD30F 05/14 15:29
推 :想看留言翻譯+131F 05/14 15:29
推 :感謝翻譯!32F 05/14 15:29
推 :想看留言翻譯+1 :)33F 05/14 15:31
推 :謝謝翻譯!34F 05/14 15:31
→ :silviasun大別刪啦!! 求你的留言翻譯!! XD35F 05/14 15:32
推 :討厭紐媒阿!LIN快去別隊吧!!36F 05/14 15:33
→ :希望silviasun大接力翻譯下面的評論 :)37F 05/14 15:34
→ :我趕著出門 晚上回來再和大家討論
→ :我趕著出門 晚上回來再和大家討論
→ :翻留言+1,想看外國鄉民的反應.39F 05/14 15:36
推 :感謝翻譯!!!!!40F 05/14 15:49
推 :紐郵+台媒 造謠無敵41F 05/14 15:52
推 :紐郵Page Six 名不虛傳啊 XDDD42F 05/14 15:54
推 :cool, JLin is not only go to a church but also bars..43F 05/14 16:00
→ :↑這則留言XDDDDD
→ :↑這則留言XDDDDD
推 :原PO翻得很棒~S大你也辛苦了:)45F 05/14 16:01
推 :感謝翻譯和平衡報導!! 想看外國鄉民留言的翻譯+146F 05/14 16:05
推 :推翻譯 本來就沒什麼 有些人就愛大驚小怪47F 05/14 16:19
推 :感謝翻譯 紐媒現在就找碴啊 愛把小事渲染48F 05/14 16:22
推 :感謝翻譯~49F 05/14 16:27
推 :感謝翻譯50F 05/14 16:41
推 :感謝翻譯^^51F 05/14 17:58
推 :大感謝....不會以後啾咪談戀愛也要被狗仔跟蹤吧52F 05/14 18:56
推 :感謝翻譯 希望Lin開心做自己53F 05/14 19:13
推 :也太厲害的火速翻譯!!謝謝!54F 05/14 19:19
推 :推翻譯~55F 05/14 19:33
推 :有人覺得澄清新聞來的很快嗎....看到我都笑了..XDD56F 05/14 19:49
推 :無腦報導繁殖的速度更快 XD57F 05/14 19:56
→ :其實美國衣服露滿多的,買了一些在台灣都不太敢穿58F 05/14 20:02
→ :紐郵寫那篇讓我覺得報社的人假道學,那些記者最好都沒去夜店
→ :紐郵寫那篇讓我覺得報社的人假道學,那些記者最好都沒去夜店
推 :去夜店又沒什麼 紐郵記者明顯寫不出東西只能報這個 =.=60F 05/14 20:13
→ :話說回來 揪咪不是老早就被狗仔跟了嗎 他應該也習慣了..
→ :話說回來 揪咪不是老早就被狗仔跟了嗎 他應該也習慣了..
推 :記者大多只管報導出現之後的聳動性...所以就拿Lin開刀了~ XD62F 05/14 20:14
→ :people are just too into each other's business,63F 05/14 21:46
→ :especially medias.
→ :especially medias.
推 :謝謝這篇報導 呼~看了心情不錯...)65F 05/14 23:10
→ :美國的文化的確與台灣不太一樣...我們在批評前該先了解他
→ :們的文化及民情 再來抒發自己的意見 會比較能說服人 這其
→ :實也是對於不同國家的人的尊重
推 :看到o大的發言,讓我想到,美國人很多都較豐滿,但走在街
→ :上會看到很多女生穿得很清涼,所以會看到蠻多...嗯..下垂
→ :的腰肉,台灣女生的稍胖就會不敢穿露的衣服了,蠻不同的
→ :這點就蠻欣賞台灣女生,覺得我們較懂得藏拙..但他們那樣
→ :也沒啥不好啦..就觀念不同囉
→ :美國的文化的確與台灣不太一樣...我們在批評前該先了解他
→ :們的文化及民情 再來抒發自己的意見 會比較能說服人 這其
→ :實也是對於不同國家的人的尊重
推 :看到o大的發言,讓我想到,美國人很多都較豐滿,但走在街
→ :上會看到很多女生穿得很清涼,所以會看到蠻多...嗯..下垂
→ :的腰肉,台灣女生的稍胖就會不敢穿露的衣服了,蠻不同的
→ :這點就蠻欣賞台灣女生,覺得我們較懂得藏拙..但他們那樣
→ :也沒啥不好啦..就觀念不同囉
→ :回來看到上面走羶色腥路線的新聞爆了XD 這類消息就是有市場74F 05/15 00:12
→ :才有報社負責生產吧^^ 話說紐郵那篇是12日刊出 這篇是13日
→ :昨天置底文還聊到不知台媒會選哪篇翻譯 結果只能說不意外XD
→ :才有報社負責生產吧^^ 話說紐郵那篇是12日刊出 這篇是13日
→ :昨天置底文還聊到不知台媒會選哪篇翻譯 結果只能說不意外XD
推 :確實XDD77F 05/15 00:15
→ :現在的報紙都是越來越腥羶色...不過就是有其市場 唉78F 05/15 00:15
The 2012 Knicks Are Dead, Long Live The 2012 Knicks - SBNation.com
The 2012 Knicks are gone, but they will never be forgotten. From "We Can Win It All!" to "Flame Out," relive the madness from start to finish, as told by New York Post covers. ...
推 :樓上,尼克人生超好笑的!XDDDDDDDD80F 05/15 00:33
→ :其實紐郵也滿天才的,很會下標題XD
→ :其實紐郵也滿天才的,很會下標題XD
→ :尼克人生圖集一口氣看下來超有喜感XD edith大提供的連結好棒82F 05/15 00:51
推 :謝謝尼克人生圖集XD83F 05/15 00:53
※ 看板: kulinomi 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 180