※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-05-11 19:43:17
看板 Knicks
作者 標題 [外電] Promise to ‘Figure It Out’
時間 Fri May 11 17:06:56 2012
Knicks Players Promise to ‘Figure It Out’
GREENBURGH, N.Y. — In their final defensive stand of the season, Carmelo
Anthony and Amar’e Stoudemire planted their feet and swatted away
conventional wisdom — namely, the belief that they cannot thrive together.
The collected evidence against them is damning. The Knicks were ousted
Wednesday in the first round of the playoffs by the Miami Heat, who
dispatched them in five games. They were swept in the first round last spring
by the Boston Celtics.
Fifteen months after the blockbuster trade that brought Anthony to New York
and united him with Stoudemire, the Knicks are still in search of greatness,
or even consistency. They are 31-40 when both stars play, including a 1-7
record in the postseason.
So the doubts persist. 所以,懷疑者仍在。
“I get tired of hearing that, man,” Anthony said Thursday, when the Knicks
conducted their annual postseason exit interviews. “I get tired of hearing
about, Can it work? Will it work? We’re here to play basketball. When we
win, it works. When we lose, it don’t work.”
Anthony insisted: “We’ll figure it out. I don’t really think it’s
something that’s that difficult to figure out.”
The Knicks, who went 36-30 in this compressed season, are headed for a busy
and challenging off-season.
They are already moving to re-sign Coach Mike Woodson, who compiled an 18-6
regular-season record after replacing Mike D’Antoni. Woodson has the
enthusiastic support of his stars. A deal could be completed by next week.
The Knicks also seem committed to re-signing Jeremy Lin, their young point
guard sensation, who will be a restricted free agent. Woodson practically
guaranteed it.
“Will he back next year? Absolutely,” Woodson said. “He’s a big part of
our ball club.”
Woodson was less definitive about Lin returning as a starter, saying, “Only
time will tell.”
Lin, who revived the Knicks’ season in February and became an international
star, said he wanted to return to the team that gave him his N.B.A. break.
“I think it’d be great if I could come back,” Lin said, “but crazy things
The Knicks will have to use their midlevel exception, worth $5 million, to
retain Lin (salary-cap rules will prevent rivals from offering more). Yet
once they do, the Knicks will have little flexibility to sign players for
anything more than the minimum. And they are almost certain to encounter a
new rule that effectively imposes a hard payroll cap at $74 million.
Salary-cap constraints could prevent the Knicks from retaining their other
top free agents, most notably Landry Fields, Steve Novak and J. R. Smith (if
he opts out of his contract).
Fields has the best chance of staying, as a restricted free agent with “
Early Bird Rights.” Smith is widely expected to opt out of his $2.5 million
deal, although he said he is undecided. The Knicks will be unable to match
any richer offers.
Then there is Novak, who is heading for his first big payday after leading
the league in 3-point shooting. Novak is unrestricted, with no Bird rights.
Assuming the Knicks use the midlevel exception for Lin, they will be left
only with the biannual exception, worth $1.96 million, which might not be
“All I know is how much I’ve enjoyed playing here and how much I would love
to be back,” said Novak, a fan favorite.
The various cap restrictions will make it nearly impossible to sign an impact
player, such as Steve Nash or Jason Kidd, unless he accepts a minimum salary.
Or the Knicks would have to cut loose Lin, to keep their midlevel exception.
As much as any personnel move, the need to blend the talents of Anthony and
Stoudemire will dominate the Knicks’ agenda in the months to come. They are
the franchise’s two highest-paid players — earning a combined $39.4 million
next season — and their two best scorers. They are under contract for three
more seasons, so the Knicks’ championship hopes are dependent on their
partnership blossoming.
“It definitely can work,” said Stoudemire, who contends the Knicks simply
need time and stability.
Indeed, the Knicks have had little of either commodity since Anthony and
Stoudemire became teammates.
原文新聞: http://ppt.cc/bMXt
翻譯來源: http://sports.163.com/12/0511/12/817OKPM700051CA1.html
甜瓜:早厌倦与小斯共存问题 小斯:时间能解决_网易体育
“甜瓜”安东尼表示,他早就厌倦了自己是否和斯塔德迈尔共存的问题,表示“会解决”这个问题的。而斯塔德迈尔表示,这只是时间问题。 ...
“甜瓜”安东尼表示,他早就厌倦了自己是否和斯塔德迈尔共存的问题,表示“会解决”这个问题的。而斯塔德迈尔表示,这只是时间问题。 ...
伍德森称林书豪铁定留守 不承诺下赛季首发位置_网易体育
尼克斯主帅伍德森表示,林书豪下赛季肯定会留在纽约。不过对于其能否出任首发控卫,伍德森并没有做出承诺,他表示林书豪还需要进一步提高。 ...
尼克斯主帅伍德森表示,林书豪下赛季肯定会留在纽约。不过对于其能否出任首发控卫,伍德森并没有做出承诺,他表示林书豪还需要进一步提高。 ...
武僧 http://knicksnow.com/videos/1418/season-recap-woodson
甜瓜 http://knicksnow.com/videos/1419/season-recap-melo
阿罵 http://knicksnow.com/videos/1421/season-recap-stat
拳王 http://knicksnow.com/videos/1420/season-recap-chandler
書豪 http://knicksnow.com/videos/1422/season-recap-lin
JR改口愿继续效力尼克斯 称今夏将苦练提升防守_网易体育
J.R.-史密斯在今天的媒体见面会上改口,表示愿意继续留在尼克斯。代理主帅伍德森则期望球队能够在今夏留住史密斯以及三分射手诺瓦克。 ...
J.R.-史密斯在今天的媒体见面会上改口,表示愿意继续留在尼克斯。代理主帅伍德森则期望球队能够在今夏留住史密斯以及三分射手诺瓦克。 ...
"I think you guys looked at that a little bit too much, overanalyzed that,"
he said. "We all can come back in better shape, better condition.
"I'm not going against what coach Woodson said. But I felt like I was in
phenomenal shape, especially coming down the stretch, late March, April, the
whole month of April, even coming down to the playoffs."
原文新聞: http://ppt.cc/R7Q4
Carmelo Anthony: I was in shape
Carmelo Anthony agrees with Mike Woodson's offensive coaching philosophy, but not his opinion about Anthony's physical condition. ...
安东尼:我的身体状况一直都很好,安东尼:我的身体状况一直都很好的相关报道. ...
安东尼:我的身体状况一直都很好,安东尼:我的身体状况一直都很好的相关报道. ...
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◆ From:
推 :瓜瓜: 別想阻止我吃洋芋片 ( ˊ_>ˋ)1F 05/11 17:09
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→ :胖瘦還好,手感要回來比較重要
→ :胖瘦還好,手感要回來比較重要
推 :melo現在還好了吧?只是不要暑假又胖回去就好5F 05/11 17:13
推 :瓜瓜不想減肥XDD6F 05/11 17:13
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推 :但是連續彈跳能力又超好(這點超謎的)12F 05/11 17:18
推 :那可能是可以連續彈跳但跳不高XDD13F 05/11 17:19
推 :重點還是在本季尼克幾乎沒有全員健康到齊的練球.比賽14F 05/11 17:19
→ :因為軟肉比較有彈性嗎... (ˊ<_ˋ )15F 05/11 17:20
→ :本季發生太多事情了 陣容不斷改變 總教練也改變16F 05/11 17:20
→ :兩大球星又剛好一起進入生涯最低潮 慘= =
→ :兩大球星又剛好一起進入生涯最低潮 慘= =
推 :因為安東尼是吃彈速,他大腿很發達!18F 05/11 17:20
→ :但跳不跳的高是看小腿,他的小腿明顯就不是很發達!
→ :但跳不跳的高是看小腿,他的小腿明顯就不是很發達!
推 :原來如此 感謝R大20F 05/11 17:24
推 :瓜瓜:我必須吃洋芋片才能思考 ˊ_>ˋ21F 05/11 17:58
推 :鍋吃的多是從以前到現在都是如此22F 05/11 18:06
推 :瓜瓜:我就是喜歡吃多利多滋,不要叫我戒掉> <23F 05/11 18:09
推 :瓜:我正在籌備多力多滋派隊,誰都不能阻止我!24F 05/11 18:27
→ :各位,話說線在湖人把嘎受嫌得一無是處,是不是可以考25F 05/11 18:44
→ :慮用阿罵換嘎受阿??
→ :慮用阿罵換嘎受阿??
→ :既然他們都希望再多點時間磨合了,我希望再觀察下賽季好了27F 05/11 18:48
→ :阿罵也說了他在尼克但感覺每年都換一個球隊一樣
→ :novak也說熱火也是經過磨合才有今天,相信尼克也行
→ :阿罵也說了他在尼克但感覺每年都換一個球隊一樣
→ :novak也說熱火也是經過磨合才有今天,相信尼克也行
推 :連續跳該不會是他根本沒有認真搶吧XD30F 05/11 18:52
→ :瓜也說要大家等著看明年賽季,他會跟阿罵一起證明的31F 05/11 18:52
→ :而拳王也說他相信尼克的潛力
→ :而拳王也說他相信尼克的潛力
推 :今年有奧運 瓜瓜應該會去打33F 05/11 19:07
推 :ˊ_>ˋ:是不能淡定的吃洋芋片嗎...34F 05/11 19:09
推 :大感謝翻譯!!35F 05/11 19:31
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