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※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-05-06 22:30:49
看板 Knicks
作者 bluebabe (Quest forever)
標題 [外電] 熱火@尼克第四戰  Gameday
時間 Sun May  6 21:39:32 2012

原文 http://knicksnow.com/videos/1361/knicks-vs-heat-gameday

Knicks vs. Heat Gameday
May 05, 07:06 PM EDT
Scouting Report
Jonah Ballow

Where to Watch: ABC
Where to Listen: ESPN 98.7 FM

Team Reports
New York: Friday and Saturday proved to be crucial practice days for the
Knicks as they face a 3-0 series deficit. Amar’e Stoudemire returned to work
on Friday with a heavily bandaged left hand and he is listed as “doubtful”
 for Sunday. Interim head coach Mike Woodson told reporters that he would be
a gametime decision. Meanwhile, Jeremy Lin is officially out for Game 4 after
the point guard felt soreness in his surgically repaired knee following a
scrimmage session on Wednesday. With Iman Shumpert, Lin, and possibly
Stoudemire sidelined, Woodson will be forced to make a decision with his
starting five. The head man will either place sharpshooter Steve Novak at the
small forward spot for the second straight game or place sixth man J.R. Smith
in the starting lineup to add an offensive pop to the unit.

星期五、六兩天對於三連敗的尼克來說是關鍵的練習日。 Amar'e 星期五帶著重重包紮
的左手回到場上練習,星期天是否上場仍列為「未定」,代理總教頭 Woodson 告訴記者
比賽前一刻才會決定。Jeremy 也正式宣佈第四場不會上場,因為星期三的對戰練習後,
手術的膝蓋產生了酸疼。在 Iman, Jeremy 無法上場,Amar'e 也可能缺席的情況下,

Woodson 被迫重新決定先發五人,可能會把射手 Novak 連續第二場放上小前鋒位置,
或者是將第六人 J.R 先發以增加進攻點。

Miami: The Heat spent their off days at the Garden preparing for a close-out
game on Sunday afternoon. After three contests in the postseason, Miami’s
roster is unscathed and healthy heading into Game 4.

(P.S 真的是,比誰能活到最後的一季阿... @@)

Series at a Glance:
Game 3 – Miami 87 New York 70: Despite a four-point lead at halftime and a
raucous home crowd, the Knicks could not take snatch a win at MSG on Thursday
night. LeBron James and Dwyane Wade combined for 34 points in the second half
and Mario Chalmers hit big buckets from downtown throughout the final period
to give the Heat a solid 77-62 advantage with less than six minutes on the
game clock. Carmelo Anthony finished with a team-high 22 points, Tyson
Chandler registered a double-double, and Smith scored 12 off the bench in the
87-70 Game 3 loss.

第三戰: 熱火 87 vs 尼克 70。星期四晚上,雖然中場還有四分領先,加上滿場觀眾的
加油聲,尼克仍然無法在 MSG 拿下勝利。 LBJ 與 Wade 聯手在下半節拿下 34分,
Chalmers 最後時刻不斷投中關鍵球,讓熱火在最後六分種保持 77-62 的領先狀況。
Melo 得到隊上最高的 22 分, Tyson 為 double-double, J.R 拿下 12分。

Game 2 – Miami 104 New York 94: The Knicks made a couple of runs in the
second half and even cut the lead to just five points after Baron Davis
connected on a 3-pointer at the 3:36 mark of the third quarter. Just when New
York seemed to gain momentum, James, Wade, and even Mario Chalmers hit timely
shots to keep the Heat’s advantage hovering around double digit points. Miami
’s balanced attack of Wade, Chris Bosh, and James combined for 65 points.
New York’s Big Three of Anthony, Stoudemire, and Chandler combined for 61
points. The Heat shot 52.1 percent from the floor while the Knicks hit 49.4
percent in the 104-94 Game 2 defeat.

Game 1 – Miami 100 New York 67: The Heat exploded on a 22-2 run while
outscoring the Knicks 30-13 in the second quarter to take a commanding 54-31
lead at halftime. 16 New York turnovers in the first 24 minutes of the
contest plagued the team in its attempt to steal a game in a hostile
environment. James scored 23 of his game-high 32 points in the first half to
help secure a dominant 100-67 win at home. Anthony was held to 11 points and
Stoudemire posted nine in the defeat.


The Numbers Game
Anthony has logged some major minutes in this series, posting 121:39 over the
last three games. That's the most of any player in this first round matchup
with James in second at 108:06.

Melo 三場比賽已經打了121分39秒, LBJ 打了 108分6秒,是所有季後賽中最勞碌命的

Match-up to Watch
Carmelo Anthony vs. LeBron James
對戰組合重點: Melo vs. LBJ

The Knicks need their star to rise in an elimination situation on Sunday.
Miami has thrown the kitchen sink at Anthony throughout the series by
fronting him in Game 1, doubling in Game 2, and Shane Battier and James took
turn harassing the All-Star in Game 3. Anthony explained to reporters on
Saturday that he simply needs to make shots. New York will rely on its
forward to score in an efficient manner and more importantly, penetrate the
Heat’s stifling defense and find open shooters on the perimeter.
Additionally, the Knicks will count on Anthony to defend the likely MVP of
the league. James exploded for 17 points in the fourth quarter to lift Miami
to a Game 3 victory on Thursday. Anthony must limit James’ impact in the
open floor and force him into foul trouble as seen in the previous content
when he picked up his fourth foul late in the third period.

星期天,面臨淘汰邊緣的尼克,需要他們的球星們硬起來。熱火對戰中不斷的對 Melo
施加壓力,第一戰的站前防守,第二站的包夾,第三戰 Battier 及 LBM 的不斷騷擾。
Melo 星期六對記者表示,他只需要能出手投籃。尼克必須仰賴他們的前鋒,有效率地

此外,還得靠Melo 防守 MVP 候選人 LBJ。 Melo 務必限制 LBJ 的衝擊,想辦法讓他
陷入犯規麻煩,如同第三戰第三節時,讓 LBJ 第四犯下場休息。

What to Look For
At Saturday’s media availability, Anthony, Chandler, and Woodson reiterated
the point that the team’s defensive is far ahead of the offensive
production. Against one of the top defensive squads in the NBA, New York will
search for scoring opportunities and will look to create space for Novak to
launch game-changing long bombs. The Knicks felt they were too focused on
side of the floor and they failed to swing the rock around the perimeter to
make Miami rotate and challenge shooters. If New York can increase its
offensive efficiency, outscore the Heat in the paint, and receive big
performances from Smith and Novak, the team will have a shot at extending the
series to a Game 5 on the Heat’s home floor.

星期六媒體訪談中,Melo 跟 Woodson 重複提到,目前尼克的防守遠超過進攻能力。
(P.S 回顧期初....也差太多 =.= )
空間給 Novak,好讓他炸出一條血路。尼克感覺無法好好傳導球,在熱火的輪轉防守
中找出空檔,如果尼克可以增加進攻效率,在禁區得分超越熱火,加上 J.R 及 Novak

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◆ From:
HidakaShu:最後一段...... 尼克你們就不能均衡發展嗎囧1F 05/06 21:45
※ 編輯: bluebabe        來自:       (05/06 21:53)
Dopin:中-長 距離的關鍵是 傳導/命中 本來還肖想有無上帝的劇本 XD2F 05/06 22:04
jayelva:感謝翻譯 尼克加油阿!!! 破釜沉舟3F 05/06 22:11
MAGICMCGRADY:我覺得我還是要來潑大家冷水..這場是一定要看的4F 05/06 22:13
osape:我覺得進攻效率不佳是因為熱火防守實在太紮實6F 05/06 22:13
MAGICMCGRADY:跟練習就能扭轉的了..少輸為贏吧7F 05/06 22:13
skymay:推翻譯9F 05/06 22:14
osape:也不到潑冷水,實力有差本來就知,支持我們的拼勁,能贏更好10F 05/06 22:15
bluebabe:剩下幾小時,就知道會不會有下一個熬夜到天明的日子...11F 05/06 22:16
bluebabe:至少季賽中有許多難忘的鏡頭回憶...14F 05/06 22:17
lest83:實力沒你說的差那麼多啦 只是前題要完整加罵瓜正常發威15F 05/06 22:19
patrickleeee:我覺得好好養傷 明年再拼比較實在 太多人受傷了otz16F 05/06 22:21
skymay:其實也不用說潑冷水啦 尼克傷成這樣,要贏本來就非常難,而且17F 05/06 22:23
Dopin:加油是一定要的啦 !!! 平持常的大夜班都排掉了 (喂喂喂)20F 05/06 22:25
apinky1031:LBJ已經很操了 MELO還比他多操了13分鐘   囧21F 05/06 22:25
HidakaShu:純粹支持他們的拚勁+122F 05/06 22:26
faseno:他們在場上打,就會守在直播前加油!!23F 05/06 22:27
HidakaShu:至於尼克的極限在哪裡,我想等看下一季全員健康時的表現24F 05/06 22:27
osape:可能要先看中場的尼克人生--交易篇上演...XDD26F 05/06 22:28

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