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看板 iOS
作者 標題 [情報] Apple宣布明年支援RCS
時間 Fri Nov 17 04:11:40 2023
Apple announces that RCS support is coming to iPhone next year - 9to5Mac
In a surprising move, Apple has announced today that it will adopt the RCS (Rich Communication Services) messaging standard. The... ...
「明年晚些時候,我們將增加對RCS Universal Profile的支援,這是目前由GSM協會釋出的
標準。 我們相信,與SMS或MMS相比,RCS Universal Profile將提供更好的互操作性體驗。
標準。 我們相信,與SMS或MMS相比,RCS Universal Profile將提供更好的互操作性體驗。
In a surprising move, Apple has announced today that it will adopt the RCS (Rich
Communication Services) messaging standard. The feature will launch via a softw
are update “later next year” and bring a wide range of iMessage-style features
to messaging between iPhone and Android users.
Apple’s decision comes amid pressure from regulators and competitors like Googl
e and Samsung. It also comes as RCS has continued to develop and become a more m
ature platform than it once was.
RCS brings iMessage-style features to cross-platform texts
In a statement to 9to5Mac, an Apple spokesperson said that the company believes
RCS will offer better interoperability for cross-platform messages.
Later next year, we will be adding support for RCS Universal Profile, the standa
rd as currently published by the GSM Association. We believe RCS Universal Profi
le will offer a better interoperability experience when compared to SMS or MMS.
This will work alongside iMessage, which will continue to be the best and most s
ecure messaging experience for Apple users.
RCS brings many iMessage-style features to cross-platform messaging between iPho
ne and Android devices. This includes things like read receipts, typing indicato
rs, high-quality images and videos, and more.
Apple’s implementation of RCS will also give users the ability to share their l
ocation with other people inside text threads, the company says. Unlike regular
SMS, RCS can work over mobile data or Wi-Fi as well.
But at the same time, iMessage isn’t going anywhere. It will continue to be the
messaging platform used for all communication between iPhone users. RCS will si
mply supplant SMS and MMS and exist separately from iMessage when available. SMS
and MMS will also continue to be available as a fallback when needed, Apple say
This is not Apple opening up iMessage to other platforms. Instead, it’s the com
pany adopting RCS separately from iMessage.
Apple also reiterates that iMessage is far more secure and privacy-friendly than
RCS. iMessage is end-to-end encrypted, and Apple just took that up a notch with
Advanced Data Protection for Messages in iCloud. Meanwhile, Apple says that RCS
does not currently support encryption that is as strong as iMessage.
Apple’s decision to adopt RCS follows years of pressure from some of its compet
itors, including Samsung and Google. Until today, the company resisted that pres
sure and instead doubled down on iMessage. It has, however, rolled out some impr
ovements to the SMS experience between iPhone and Android devices.
For example, Apple added better support for Tapbacks in iOS 16 for conversations
between iPhone and Android users. With iOS 17, Apple also brought features such
as threaded replies and message editing to iPhone users (but not Android users)
in SMS group chats.
Finally, Apple says it will work with the GSMA members on ways to further improv
e the RCS protocol. This particularly includes improving the security and encryp
tion of RCS messages.
Later next year 應該是iOS 18?
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: kylefan 2023-11-17 04:11:40
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bLdT-h_ (iOS)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/iOS/M.1700165502.A.AFF.html
※ kylefan:轉錄至看板 MobileComm 11/17 04:12
→ ryan0714123 …
推 : 還以為是要拋棄祖傳的AAC格式2F 11/17 06:24
→ : 併存不取代3F 11/17 06:37
推 : 太爽了!我家長輩都安卓,把他們綁來用4F 11/17 07:59
推 : 應該跟iMessage顏色區別開,RCS根本詐騙天堂5F 11/17 08:18
推 : 藍綠終於大和解(?7F 11/17 08:20
推 : 感覺只有文字互通而已8F 11/17 08:43
→ : 蘋安合9F 11/17 08:54
推 : iMessage才是詐騙天堂吧10F 11/17 08:56
推 : 滿口仁義道德為了消費者,Apple就是欠人電11F 11/17 08:59
推 : 終於可以不用line了嗎12F 11/17 09:18
→ : 再設另一個顏色給安卓就好啦13F 11/17 09:28
推 : 蘋蘋安安14F 11/17 09:40
推 : 警政署:RCS是詐騙請關閉,笑死,就使用者跟政府有問題15F 11/17 10:07
→ : 硬要怪給系統
→ : 硬要怪給系統
→ : 腦殘警政署,把iMessage 的號碼取消連動即可。17F 11/17 10:15
推 : 警政署也只能這樣宣導阿 現實就是阿婆不去管制iMessage18F 11/17 10:18
→ : 對詐騙集團來說 零成本又不受管制的iMessage當然是盡量發
→ : 對詐騙集團來說 零成本又不受管制的iMessage當然是盡量發
推 : 為什麼我iMassage 沒收過詐騙訊息?20F 11/17 11:13
→ : *iMessage
→ : *iMessage
推 : 我待在國外也沒收過詐騙訊息,全國的戶政個資都能丟在22F 11/17 11:32
→ : 暗網上賣了,為什麼Apple要負責?
→ : 暗網上賣了,為什麼Apple要負責?
→ : 國外也很多WhatsApp telegram詐騙啊 更別說line fb24F 11/17 11:35
→ : 那些的 你怎麼不要蘋果順便負責你家浴室漏水
→ : 那些的 你怎麼不要蘋果順便負責你家浴室漏水
推 : 笑死,WhatsApp跟telegram的資料流是apple在處理的嗎26F 11/17 12:32
推 : 要支援是沒差 但可以設個RCS的開關嗎27F 11/17 12:44
噓 : 感恩歐盟讚嘆歐盟,蘋果就是欠電28F 11/17 12:45
推 : Apple當然有管制iMessage啊 不然你以為詐騙iMessage29F 11/17 13:22
→ : 怎麼會減少 而不是因為免費而大發特發
→ : 怎麼會減少 而不是因為免費而大發特發
→ : google的message 有spam過濾功能31F 11/17 16:18
→ : 還會被詐騙的應該有點問題
→ : 還會被詐騙的應該有點問題
推 : 政府對詐騙集團就沒什麼有效的反制措施,叫人民關掉iM33F 11/17 18:23
→ : essage 根本很不負責任
→ : 而且我的確沒在用,也還是會一直收到一般簡訊的詐騙啊
→ : essage 根本很不負責任
→ : 而且我的確沒在用,也還是會一直收到一般簡訊的詐騙啊
推 : 現在沒再收過iMessage的垃圾簡訊36F 11/17 18:34
推 : iMessage 直接關了 沒用37F 11/17 21:56
→ : iMessage前陣子處理詐騙之後好不少 RCS好像也開始有38F 11/17 23:07
→ : 詐騙訊息了 不知道會不會處理
→ : 詐騙訊息了 不知道會不會處理
→ : RCS詐騙會更多..因為不需要手機就能傳40F 11/18 01:43
推 : 要先能授權管制簡訊才能夠封鎖41F 11/18 13:12
推 : 通訊軟體都有可以關閉陌生人傳訊息給你的功能42F 11/18 13:15
→ : iMessage沒有 只要隨便申請一個帳號
→ : 就可以免費傳垃圾訊息詐騙訊息
→ : 要不想收到只能整個iMessage關閉
→ : 而且他的介面跟簡訊長得一模一樣 更容易詐騙
→ : 警政署當然只能請用戶關閉
推 : 不像google有內建垃圾訊息過濾
→ : 明顯是系統設計問題吧
→ : iMessage沒有 只要隨便申請一個帳號
→ : 就可以免費傳垃圾訊息詐騙訊息
→ : 要不想收到只能整個iMessage關閉
→ : 而且他的介面跟簡訊長得一模一樣 更容易詐騙
→ : 警政署當然只能請用戶關閉
推 : 不像google有內建垃圾訊息過濾
→ : 明顯是系統設計問題吧
推 : 詐騙iMessge收到就封鎖,很久沒收到了。50F 11/18 15:14
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