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※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-02-08 22:24:06
看板 iPhone
作者 walkmonkey (walking)
標題 [iAPP] FingerLaserII 限時特價 60->30
時間 Fri Feb  8 21:14:04 2013

軟體名稱:FingerLaser II

軟體分類:Game 遊戲


iPhone版: http://bit.ly/FingerLaserII
FingerLaser II for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store
★★★★★ Finger Laser Defense ► iOS 6 and iPhone 5 Retina Display supported!! Sequel of famous game: “Finger Laser Defense”, top one free action game in Japan, Italy, Taiwan and Korea. Owning a customer review average higher than 4 plus stars, an innovating user interface let you have whole new gaming  ...
限時特價 NTD 60-> NTD 30

iPad版  : http://bit.ly/FL2_HD
FingerLaser II HD for iPad on the iTunes App Store
★★★★★ Finger Laser Defense ► iOS 6 and iPad mini supported!! Sequel of famous game: “Finger Laser Defense”, top one free action game in Japan, Italy, Taiwan and Korea. Owning a customer review average higher than 4 plus stars, an innovating user interface let you have whole new gaming experience. ◆C ...
限時特價 NTD 90-> NTD 30

安裝方式(Cydia或是App Store):App Store

適用韌體:iOS 4.3

抽獎最後機會!剩下六組promo codes!

給本文章第1 3 5 7 9 11推


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
victor21813:推1F 02/08 21:14
jiangee:蓋2F 02/08 21:15
kobe8112:超好玩的啊這個3F 02/08 21:15
skyjet:Push :)4F 02/08 21:16
lgfire:我!5F 02/08 21:16
jackch458:推6F 02/08 21:16
shark64:推7F 02/08 21:16
adean123:推~8F 02/08 21:17
VV11:推9F 02/08 21:17
FlashGet:推10F 02/08 21:18
a23203473:011F 02/08 21:18
gsm60kimo:推12F 02/08 21:18
kururare:之前有限免有跟到13F 02/08 21:21
VV11:感謝原po~~14F 02/08 21:27
victor21813:收到感謝XD15F 02/08 21:27
shark64:收到感謝16F 02/08 21:30
erix007:大推,很刺激:)17F 02/08 21:36
kobe8112:感恩~想知道有沒有什麼秘訣QQ18F 02/08 21:36
lgfire:這次搶到啦 感恩19F 02/08 21:41
Mleg:讚20F 02/08 21:45
smallpuma:推~21F 02/08 21:59
ken6937:推22F 02/08 22:07
Pumama:在這個版抽到的第一個APP 謝謝23F 02/08 22:11
b81314:推推24F 02/08 22:16

※ 看板: iOS 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 123 
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