※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-01-30 02:45:06
看板 iPhone
作者 標題 [情報] IPAD 4 128G
時間 Tue Jan 29 21:47:26 2013
Apple announces 128GB iPad with Retina display, available February 5th starting at $799 | The Verge
Just as the rumors foretold, Apple has just anounced a 128GB version of its fourth-generation iPad with Retina display — the Wi-Fi model costs $799, while the Wi-Fi plus LTE model costs a... ...
Apple announces 128GB iPad with Retina display, available February 5th starting at $799 | The Verge
Just as the rumors foretold, Apple has just anounced a 128GB version of its fourth-generation iPad with Retina display — the Wi-Fi model costs $799, while the Wi-Fi plus LTE model costs a... ...
Just as the rumors foretold, Apple has just anounced a 128GB version of its fo
urth-generation iPad with Retina display — the Wi-Fi model costs $799, while
the Wi-Fi plus LTE model costs a whopping $929 — that's nearly as expensive
as the base model MacBook Air. The new iPad model isn't available in the store
yet, but Apple says it will be on sale as of February 5th. Unfortunately for
iPad mini users craving huge amounts of storage, this new storage capacity is
only available on the full-size iPad.
Still, it wouldn't surprise us if Apple eventually brought this expansive
storage capacity down to the iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad mini eventually —
a 128GB iPod touch might finally convince Apple that it can stop selling the
iPod classic.
799 wifi
929 LTE
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: slent67 來自: (01/29 21:50)
推 :Wow1F 01/29 21:48
→ :128G是要放幾片進去才放的滿啊 = =2F 01/29 21:49
推 :.........................3F 01/29 21:49
→ :BDrip兩片?4F 01/29 21:49
→ :好大XD5F 01/29 21:51
推 :真的要出了!!!6F 01/29 21:52
→ :128G是要裝什麼啊-.-7F 01/29 21:53
→ :這樣加一滴滴東西一直出會有人一直換嗎8F 01/29 21:53
→ :64GB不夠用的就會換了吧9F 01/29 21:54
→ :好大10F 01/29 21:54
推 :這叫加一滴滴嗎?11F 01/29 21:55
推 :CEO出來講話了12F 01/29 21:56
推 :看到CEO就先跪了13F 01/29 22:02
→ :我的MBA 也才128GB QQ14F 01/29 22:02
推 :比我的SSD硬碟大了...15F 01/29 22:03
其實某種程度來說 應該算合理價位快閃磁碟 就大概是ssd(?
就像有些人用16g就夠了 有些人卻要64g
不過我是希望下一代就直接淘汰16G 直上32
※ 編輯: slent67 來自: (01/29 22:05)
→ :我買32G還夠用ㄟ16F 01/29 22:07
→ :64跟128價差這麼多 成本...顆顆 賺爽爽17F 01/29 22:20
推 :要是touch也出128g 最後的轉盤iPod真的也差不多了18F 01/29 22:22
→ :這價差的級距跟前面一樣吧 同樣100鎂19F 01/29 22:29
推 :128GB還不如直接買MBA20F 01/29 22:29
推 :硬碟永遠不嫌大21F 01/29 22:32
噓 :價差這麼多?新來的喔 明明就只差100 每個級別差距都一樣22F 01/29 22:41
→ :怎麼算都不會是變貴 32升級64跟64升128多花一樣的錢
→ :怎麼算都不會是變貴 32升級64跟64升128多花一樣的錢
推 :等iPAD 8出256GB 才划算阿!!!24F 01/29 23:11
→ :ipad 8早就2T了吧25F 01/29 23:26
推 :64g 快滿了*126F 01/29 23:42
推 :J大 你知道128SSD多少錢再來跟我說16~128價差3000鎂合理27F 01/29 23:48
→ : 300
→ :成本超便宜 賺超大
→ : 300
→ :成本超便宜 賺超大
推 :我平板玩到這裡就夠了 不需要大到128GB = =30F 01/29 23:52
推 :我會貼錢買11吋AIR@@"31F 01/29 23:54
→ :性質不同不能比32F 01/29 23:55
→ :你先想想看怎麼把128SSD裝到IPAD裡吧33F 01/30 00:03
→ :128SSD本身才接近100鎂...34F 01/30 00:04
→ :拿SSD比是哪招 要也找記憶卡來說35F 01/30 00:04
→ :快装SSD到你的ipad上 不要在那打嘴砲36F 01/30 00:05
→ :乾脆說2T HDD算了 也100鎂37F 01/30 00:07
→ :看到3000的...41F 01/30 00:09
→ :不過這USB
→ :但是是fash drive無誤
→ : flash
→ :不過這USB
→ :但是是fash drive無誤
→ : flash
推 :拿inand比ssd會不會太離譜45F 01/30 00:15
推 :比較想要能插卡的不過應該是不可能 哀哀46F 01/30 00:25
推 :flash drive是存儲介質 可做成SD卡 快閃隨身碟 固態硬碟47F 01/30 00:30
→ :iNAND等...所以我才用SSD比 價格真的是不會差很多
→ :iNAND價錢查不太到 因為要問手機維修行 看他們不同容量
→ :主機板價差多少錢 我朋友之前32G換64G價差1000...
→ :flash memory才是存儲介質(更正)
→ :iNAND等...所以我才用SSD比 價格真的是不會差很多
→ :iNAND價錢查不太到 因為要問手機維修行 看他們不同容量
→ :主機板價差多少錢 我朋友之前32G換64G價差1000...
→ :flash memory才是存儲介質(更正)
推 :iPad用的就是固熊硬碟SSD啊,不拿它比要拿啥比?52F 01/30 01:46
推 :這超猛的阿...高層級用戶絕對用得到 我小孬孬拿16G53F 01/30 02:02
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