※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-06-05 22:56:14
看板 iPhone
作者 標題 [iAPP] 6/5 iPhone & iPad 限時免費APP整理包(1)
時間 Tue Jun 5 11:50:22 2012
6/5 iPhone iPad 限時免費APP整理包-上集 | APP 軟體 | 討論區 | AppGuru | Android & iPhone 好用APP 推薦第一站
Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing
APP Store評鑑:4顆星
SEGA明星來賽車啦!!!難得限免的老牌巨作,... ...
Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing
APP Store評鑑:4顆星
App Store - Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing
Your favorite SEGA characters come together to battle it out in an adrenaline-fueled race to the finish line! •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ★★ WHAT THE PRESS ARE SAYIN' ★★ Touch Arcade -- “Seriously, if you like Kart racers, just go download it.” 10/10 Pocket Gamer -- “Sonic & Sega All-St ...
APP Store評鑑:尚未有評分
有點類似知名跑跳遊戲Jetpack Joyride,只是這次是要往上衝還非往前飛,玩家必須背著噴射背包突破重重關卡飛向太空,立體方型的人物設計(如下圖)個人覺得有點像造型過的樂高人啊~
http://itunes.apple.com/tw/app/id512800631MiniFlyer for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation) and iPad on the iTunes App Store
*Download the @FreeAppADay.com Store app and wish for more top rated paid apps like MiniFlyer to become FREE for a day!* are YOU ready to ROCKET?
strap on your JETPACK and SHOOT for the STARS! MASTER every MECH and RACK UP CRAZY coin COMBOS! how HIGH can you FLY?
Get ready for the ultima ...
strap on your JETPACK and SHOOT for the STARS! MASTER every MECH and RACK UP CRAZY coin COMBOS! how HIGH can you FLY?
Get ready for the ultima ...
Funimal Phonics
APP Store評鑑:尚未有評分
Funimal Phonics for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation) and iPad on the iTunes App Store
"This is an impeccable flashcard-style app, with beautiful illustrations and extremely well done, end-to-end. A must have!" Apps4Kids Funimal Phonics for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad is the fun way for a child to learn about letters and their sounds. It is ideal for children 18 months + who are start ...
更多Funimal Phonics畫面請參考以下影片:
DvO (Dwarfs VS Orcs,雙版本限時免費中)
APP Store評鑑:尚未有評分
App Store - DvO
!!! FREE download for limited time !!! =======================================
Thank you for all DvO fans. Please contact us by email or review about game-related inquires. We will respond as quickly as possible.
E-Mail : dvomeforyou@gmail.com
- Game Reviews
" ...
Thank you for all DvO fans. Please contact us by email or review about game-related inquires. We will respond as quickly as possible.
E-Mail : dvomeforyou@gmail.com
- Game Reviews
" ...
DvO HD for iPad on the iTunes App Store
!!! FREE download for limited time !!!
Thank you for all DvO fans. Please contact us by email or review about game-related inquires. We will respond as quickly as possible.
E-Mail : dvomeforyou@gmail.com
- Game Reviews
" ...
Thank you for all DvO fans. Please contact us by email or review about game-related inquires. We will respond as quickly as possible.
E-Mail : dvomeforyou@gmail.com
- Game Reviews
" ...
TripREC – Driving Recorder
APP Store評鑑:尚未有評分
TripREC - Driving Recorder for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation) and iPad on the iTunes App Store
● TripREC is a powerful tool for driving recorder.
TripREC is designed especially for recording your driving and traveling. It can upgrade your iphone transformed into a powerful tool for recording and playback of the video. It also can record your route, position, distance, speed and other detailed ...
TripREC is designed especially for recording your driving and traveling. It can upgrade your iphone transformed into a powerful tool for recording and playback of the video. It also can record your route, position, distance, speed and other detailed ...
最後昨天有提供慶祝上市兩週年,Fruit Ninja兌換碼免費贈送中(地區限定)的情報,剛剛試了一下,網頁還滿順的,有興趣的讀著參考一下嚕~
完整兌換說明(含圖)請見: http://goo.gl/rHJZv
慶祝上市兩週年,Fruit Ninja兌換碼免費贈送中(地區限定) | APP 軟體 | 討論區 | AppGuru | Android & iPhone 好用APP 推薦第一站
讀者們如果有經常逛付費排行榜的話,會發現Fruit Ninja舊是其中一款時常出現在前50大的好玩遊戲,開發商為了慶祝APP推出兩週年,開始了免費贈送兌換碼的活動,其是這已經是第二波了,第一波... ...
6/5 iPhone iPad 限時免費APP整理包-上集 | APP 軟體 | 討論區 | AppGuru | Android & iPhone 好用APP 推薦第一站
Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing
APP Store評鑑:4顆星
SEGA明星來賽車啦!!!難得限免的老牌巨作,... ...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :超愛第一個!1F 06/05 12:01
推 :第一個竟然限免了2F 06/05 12:03
→ :第一個不是第一次限免了0.03F 06/05 12:09
推 :推推 女生應該會愛吧 精緻可愛的賽車4F 06/05 12:12
→ :第一個之前就free過了5F 06/05 12:12
→ :還好阿...個人就覺得有點無趣...加速很詭異
※ 編輯: loxgive 來自: (06/05 12:22)→ :還好阿...個人就覺得有點無趣...加速很詭異
→ :這款去年12月有限免過噢!個人覺得更新後跑起來更順了一點7F 06/05 12:36
→ :去年沒跟到 今年終於跟到了 t.t8F 06/05 12:45
推 :Funimal Phonics 恢復原價了喔9F 06/05 13:45
※ 看板: iOS 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 188
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