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看板 iPhone
作者 標題 [情報] 2012.02.16 Dr.愛瘋 限時免費報報午夜篇
時間 Thu Feb 16 23:58:53 2012
iPic Sharp Pro (通用型)
App Store - iPic Sharp Pro
Free for a limited time only!
iPic Sharp is a photos/video management app,can manage your photos/video into folders and subfolders, Compress photos/folders into zip file and extract photos from a compressed (zip/rar), Use password protect your files, and transfer photos/(zip/rar) between computer an ...
iPic Sharp is a photos/video management app,can manage your photos/video into folders and subfolders, Compress photos/folders into zip file and extract photos from a compressed (zip/rar), Use password protect your files, and transfer photos/(zip/rar) between computer an ...
iPic Sharp Pro是一款多媒體檔案專業管理程式,你可將照片或影片以壓縮方式存放在文件夾或子文件夾中。你也可設定密碼來保護這些圖片或影片壓縮檔,它也支援解壓縮的功能,甚至可在電腦與iPhone/iPad間傳輸檔案。
★★★☆☆ 6-Ratings $1.99Bad Mouse (通用型)
App Store - Bad Mouse
The incredibly intelligent bad mouse brainwashes moles to destroy the world. Defense yourself from moles to save the world.
★★★★★ Stress Reliever!
De-stress yourself from Hitting the moles with a hammer.
★★★★★ Simple, Addictive, Fun!
Everyone can play from kids to ad ...
The incredibly intelligent bad mouse brainwashes moles to destroy the world. Defense yourself from moles to save the world.
★★★★★ Stress Reliever!
De-stress yourself from Hitting the moles with a hammer.
★★★★★ Simple, Addictive, Fun!
Everyone can play from kids to ad ...
☆☆☆☆☆ 0-Rating $1.99PUZZLE PRISM
PUZZLE PRISM---No1 PUZZLE GAME which is highly evaluated by medias and users.
"PUZZLE PRISM" is still increasing its fans!
**[How to Play]
--Flick left/right to rotate blocks and down to drop.
1.Use various forms of blocks to fill the gaps between blocks.
2.If you succeed it, ...
"PUZZLE PRISM" is still increasing its fans!
**[How to Play]
--Flick left/right to rotate blocks and down to drop.
1.Use various forms of blocks to fill the gaps between blocks.
2.If you succeed it, ...
PUZZLE PRISM是一款好玩又必須要有解謎技巧的遊戲,你必須要將上方要落下的部分塊體以符合下方凹槽方塊中,透過轉動角度方式來讓彼此密合。一旦密合了,那個區塊就會爆炸消除。
★★★★☆ 5-Ratings $2.99TI Mobile(Tactical Intervention)_PLUS
App Store - TI Mobile(Tactical Intervention)_PLUS
TI Mobile(Tactical Intervention)
Tactical Intervention is a new FPS game by Minh Le, the creator of Counter-Strike, a World-wide blockbuster FPS game.
TI Mobile, a mobile version of Tactical Intervention for iOShas been released for the gamers who have been eagerly awaiting Tactical Intervention Onl ...
Tactical Intervention is a new FPS game by Minh Le, the creator of Counter-Strike, a World-wide blockbuster FPS game.
TI Mobile, a mobile version of Tactical Intervention for iOShas been released for the gamers who have been eagerly awaiting Tactical Intervention Onl ...
TI Mobile是由大名鼎鼎的CS設計者所為iOS設計的即時射擊遊戲,整個遊戲場景發生在現代的都市叢林中,重裝武器的恐怖份子正等著你。玩家在遊戲中可派出狗狗去攻擊敵人,然後再讓牠取回掉落的物品。它支援商店武器道具補給與購買機制,17種武器、3種頭盔等等。
☆☆☆☆☆ 0-Rating $2.99TI Mobile(Tactical Intervention) HD_PLUS (iPad版)
TI Mobile(Tactical Intervention) HD_PLUS for iPad on the iTunes App Store
TI Mobile(Tactical Intervention)
Tactical Intervention is a new FPS game by Minh Le, the creator of Counter-Strike, a World-wide blockbuster FPS game.
TI Mobile, a mobile version of Tactical Intervention for iOShas been released for the gamers who have been eagerly awaiting Tactical Intervention Onl ...
Tactical Intervention is a new FPS game by Minh Le, the creator of Counter-Strike, a World-wide blockbuster FPS game.
TI Mobile, a mobile version of Tactical Intervention for iOShas been released for the gamers who have been eagerly awaiting Tactical Intervention Onl ...
這款iPad版TI Mobile是由大名鼎鼎的CS設計者所為iOS設計的即時射擊遊戲,整個遊戲場景發生在現代的都市叢林中,重裝武器的恐怖份子正等著你。玩家在遊戲中可派出狗狗去攻擊敵人,然後再讓牠取回掉落的物品。它支援商店武器道具補給與購買機制,17種武器、3種頭盔等等。
☆☆☆☆☆ 0-Rating $2.99原文網址:http://app.yipee.cc/?p=16696
歡迎大家來我們的FB粉絲團點讚看更多iPhone、iPod Touch及iPad相關消息喔
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◆ From:
推 :現在還出午夜版了喔@@1F 02/17 00:04
推 :...........2F 02/17 00:08
推 :不知道有沒有早鳥篇3F 02/17 01:03
推 :TI Mobile 很像我國中時代的CS 超好玩的!而且限免4F 02/17 02:16
→ :真的賺到了! 感謝原po的午夜場分享 XD
→ :真的賺到了! 感謝原po的午夜場分享 XD
※ 看板: iOS 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 137
作者 ivyu 的最新發文:
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