※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-02-03 17:02:15
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作者 標題 [情報] 口袋相機INStan Pocket限時免費
時間 Fri Feb 3 00:23:19 2012
簡單的說,INStan Pocket就是一款口袋相機APP
INStan Pocket主要在於它有相當多的可控制功能,
但是,最強的還是它的濾鏡了!! 它的濾鏡效果相當漂亮,
App Store - INStan Pocket - Toy Digital Camera
Limited time sale! Free until February 05!
Please visit our support page for instructions (PDF, Japanese only) on how to take a picture or other interesting features about INStan Pocket ver.1.2.
INStan Pocket is a toy digital camera that allows you to capture any moment.
Your photo may turn out to b ...
Limited time sale! Free until February 05!
Please visit our support page for instructions (PDF, Japanese only) on how to take a picture or other interesting features about INStan Pocket ver.1.2.
INStan Pocket is a toy digital camera that allows you to capture any moment.
Your photo may turn out to b ...
App Store - INStan Pocket - Toy Digital Camera
Limited time sale! Free until February 05!
Please visit our support page for instructions (PDF, Japanese only) on how to take a picture or other interesting features about INStan Pocket ver.1.2.
INStan Pocket is a toy digital camera that allows you to capture any moment.
Your photo may turn out to b ...
Limited time sale! Free until February 05!
Please visit our support page for instructions (PDF, Japanese only) on how to take a picture or other interesting features about INStan Pocket ver.1.2.
INStan Pocket is a toy digital camera that allows you to capture any moment.
Your photo may turn out to b ...
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推 :收費了><1F 02/03 09:28
→ :還是免費阿2F 02/03 12:18
推 :$0.993F 02/03 13:03
推 :剛剛看到2/5都是免費~~4F 02/03 13:10
※ 看板: iOS 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 203
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