※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-02-04 20:44:10
看板 iPhone
作者 標題 [iAPP] 2/4 APP 限時免費速速報-下集
時間 Sat Feb 4 14:31:06 2012
Monster Mayhem
APP Store評價:4顆星
App Store - Monster Mayhem
'Selected by MagicSolver for Free App Magic! Download Free App Magic to discover when more great PAID apps become FREE!'
★★★★★ Free For Limited Time ★★★★★ Get ready for the goriest, bloodiest, hack-and-slash monster attack game you’ve ever seen. The only game where attack IS the best form of defense ...
★★★★★ Free For Limited Time ★★★★★ Get ready for the goriest, bloodiest, hack-and-slash monster attack game you’ve ever seen. The only game where attack IS the best form of defense ...
The Melted Ice Cream
APP Store評價:尚未評鑑
The Melted Ice Cream for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation) and iPad on the iTunes App Store
As the manager of an ice cream factory, you are responsible for keeping the production in good order. Unfortunately, there happens to be some urgent problems at the production line. You must act immediately to put ice creams into refrigerators that correspond to their colors, otherwise the ice cream ...
Astro Bang
APP Store評價:4顆星
App Store - Astro Bang
Astro Bang is a very cool 3d game. Astro Bang is one of the best iPhone games. Fly your spaceship around different planets. Destroy asteroids. Terminate different enemies using guns, bombs and missiles. Collect upgrades, bonuses and tokens. - awesome 3d graphics - 18 levels - 6 different planets - d ...
APP Store評價:4顆星
FlickPig for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation) and iPad on the iTunes App Store
Special weekend sale of 3 days, FREE!
- Eurogamer
Cute iOS effort from Sonic creator.
- joystiq
Meet FlickPig, the latest from former Sonic Team bossman Yuji Naka and his team at Prope. This iOS title tasks players with – ca ...
Special weekend sale of 3 days, FREE!
- Eurogamer
Cute iOS effort from Sonic creator.
- joystiq
Meet FlickPig, the latest from former Sonic Team bossman Yuji Naka and his team at Prope. This iOS title tasks players with – ca ...
Darkness Rush: Saving Princess
APP Store評價:4顆星
Darkness Rush: Saving Princess for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation) and iPad on the iTunes App Store
Download the New FAADChat App by @FreeAppADay.com, make new friends and vote together to make the best paid apps of 2012 like "Darkness Rush: Saving Princess" FREE!
Darkness Rush is an Unreal-powered endless runner with 3-D visuals, rich content and an engaging game plot.
After an adventure, the vam ...
Darkness Rush is an Unreal-powered endless runner with 3-D visuals, rich content and an engaging game plot.
After an adventure, the vam ...
Trial Xtreme 2
APP Store評價:4顆星
Trial Xtreme 2 for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation) and iPad on the iTunes App Store
Download the FAADChat App by @FreeAppADay.com, make new friends and vote together to make the best paid apps like "Trial Xtreme 2" FREE!
We got amazing news! Nomination for the Best Sports game in the world!!! Trial Xtreme 2 has been nominated for the 8th International Mobile Gaming Awards in the ca ...
We got amazing news! Nomination for the Best Sports game in the world!!! Trial Xtreme 2 has been nominated for the 8th International Mobile Gaming Awards in the ca ...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
→ :this item is currently being modified Q_Q1F 02/04 15:03
推 :FlickPig一直失敗 淚奔2F 02/04 15:05
推 :FlickPig 上面寫free 但是按下去之後似乎要收費耶3F 02/04 15:10
推 :Trial Xtreme 2也是上面寫free但按下去似乎要收費4F 02/04 15:14
推 :Trial Xtreme 2 剛剛有免費下載成功 flickpig點下去要收費5F 02/04 15:47
→ :貌似store有些限免bug 會提醒要用到額度之類的提示收費文字6F 02/04 16:00
→ :之前在裝置更新也會提示已錯過限免舊版的bug
→ :該不會以後store都要往要更新要再付錢的方向發展吧.......
→ :之前在裝置更新也會提示已錯過限免舊版的bug
→ :該不會以後store都要往要更新要再付錢的方向發展吧.......
推 :我也不能下載@@ flickpig感覺不錯玩XDD9F 02/04 16:41
推 :flickpig 是乎要錢 @@10F 02/04 18:48
※ 看板: iOS 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 122