※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-02-01 15:44:07
看板 iPhone
作者 標題 [iAPP] 2/1限時免費速報-下集
時間 Wed Feb 1 15:15:05 2012
Front Camera Zoom
Apple Store評鑑:4顆星
Front Camera Zoom for iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod touch (4th generation), iPad 2 Wi-Fi, and iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G on the iTunes App Store
*****Featured in Whats HOT!*****
*****Over 50,000 Downloads!*****
*****Valentines DAY Contest*****
Tweet your zoooomed pic to @zooomcam for a chance to win a new iPod Nano! We will be giving one away every day until valentines day!
Finally an app that allows you to zoom on your iPhone 4 front camera ...
*****Over 50,000 Downloads!*****
*****Valentines DAY Contest*****
Tweet your zoooomed pic to @zooomcam for a chance to win a new iPod Nano! We will be giving one away every day until valentines day!
Finally an app that allows you to zoom on your iPhone 4 front camera ...
之前的臉部鏡頭都不能Zoom in…現在Front Camera Zoom將克服這個問題
Protoxide: Death Race
Apple Store評鑑:4顆星
App Store - Protoxide: Death Race
Protoxide: Death Race is free today in association with http://www.DailyAppDream.com. Download the Daily App Dreams App to find out about the other free apps on offer each day!
Are global warming, abnormal weather, increasing number of cataclysms all over the planet, cocktails of earthquakes, tsunam ...
Are global warming, abnormal weather, increasing number of cataclysms all over the planet, cocktails of earthquakes, tsunam ...
FunTom of the Opera
Apple Store評鑑:4顆星
App Store - FunTom of the Opera
Get ready to experience the craziest and most addictive voice activated game to ever hit the iPhone. FunTom of the Opera puts you in control of a fuzzy blue creature that loves nothing more than to see glassware burst!
*** WATCH OUT: Playing Funtom of the Opera will keep you coming back for more! ** ...
*** WATCH OUT: Playing Funtom of the Opera will keep you coming back for more! ** ...
Super Mega Worm Vs Santa
Apple Store評鑑:4顆星
App Store - Super Mega Worm Vs Santa
Save Mother Earth!
Guess who has been a naughty boy this Christmas? Santa and his little helpers have crossed the line and now they must pay. Join Wojira, The Great Mega Worm, as it returns in this all new adventure set in the North Pole. Crawl and eat your way through waves of elves and their evil ...
Guess who has been a naughty boy this Christmas? Santa and his little helpers have crossed the line and now they must pay. Join Wojira, The Great Mega Worm, as it returns in this all new adventure set in the North Pole. Crawl and eat your way through waves of elves and their evil ...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :Opera那個很好玩,一個人在那邊ㄟ啊ㄜ的很好笑,謝謝情報1F 02/01 15:34
※ 看板: iOS 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 124
作者 soulgod 的最新發文:
- 各位板友大家好,我們是CMONEY, 經版主同意,回答上一篇留下的建議, 雖然建議有點少,所以用抽講給建議讓大家有東西拿, 也非常感謝版友的留言, 每周一次的對話想認真回覆每位問題! 下面就回答一下上 …23F 23推
- 各位板友大家好,我們是CMONEY, 感謝版友建議與指教,上次活動規則不足之處,我們虛心改進, 提醒版友郵件要確認,有部分版友輸入自己郵件有誤,導致無法收件,謝謝各位~ 經版主同意下,我們在這邊發一篇 …21F 18推 3噓
- 各位板友大家好,我們是CMONEY, 每篇內文除了業配內容,也想將自身自己一點點的投資經驗寫在每篇內容, 希望每篇內容對於版友除了看到口袋證券APP,也可以學到一些投資經驗。 經版主同意下,我們在這邊 …303F 288推 2噓
- 各位板友大家好,我們是CMONEY, 之前兩篇「功能、定期不定額」介紹留言非常活躍, 也恭喜抽中板友,隔天就會抽出名單,並當日就會發送贈品! 也感謝版主給與機會,繼續介紹更多實用的功能。 這次介紹「選 …152F 150推
- 各位版友大家好,我們是CMONEY, 協助口袋證券針對小資理財開發了一系列App功能, 今日想介紹「定期不定額」功能, 此功能比一般定期定額來的更加人性化, 長效時間更是一年,解放投資人的雙手。 經版 …56F 55推
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