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看板 humorless
作者 humorless (休摩里斯)
標題 HTML DOM properties & methods
時間 2010年07月30日 Fri. PM 02:40:57

HTML DOM Properties

Some DOM properties:

    * x.innerHTML - the text value of x
    * x.nodeName - the name of x
    * x.nodeValue - the value of x
    * x.parentNode - the parent node of x
    * x.childNodes - the child nodes of x
    * x.attributes - the attributes nodes of x

Note: In the list above, x is a node object (HTML element).

HTML DOM Methods

Some DOM methods:

    * x.getElementById(id) - get the element with a specified id
    * x.getElementsByTagName(name) - get all elements with a specified tag name
    * x.appendChild(node) - insert a child node to x
    * x.removeChild(node) - remove a child node from x

Note: In the list above, x is a node object (HTML element).

※ 來源: DISP BBS 看板: humorless 文章連結: http://disp.cc/b/124-gcL
※ 作者: humorless  來自:  時間: 2010-07-30 14:40:57
※ 看板: humorless 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 131 
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