※ 本文為 dinos.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-12-25 21:06:04
看板 Soft_Job
作者 標題 [轉錄] The web we lost
時間 Tue Dec 25 13:35:30 2012
* The web was an interesting and different place before links got monetized,
but by 2007 it was clear that Google had changed the web forever, and for
the worse, by corrupting links.
* In the early part of this century, if you made a service that let users
create or share content, the expectation was that they could easily download
a full-fidelity copy of their data, or import that data into other
competitive services, with no restrictions.
* In the early days of the social web, there was a broad expectation that
regular people might own their own identities by having their own websites,
instead of being dependent on a few big sites to host their online identity.
In this vision, you would own your own domain name and have complete control
over its contents, rather than having a handle tacked on to the end of a huge
company's site. This was a sensible reaction to the realization that big
sites rise and fall in popularity, but that regular people need an identity
that persists longer than those sites do.
我十年前也是 user ,這十年來真的是改變不少。
網頁上拉近距離的幫手 實現 GMail豐富應用的功臣
數也數不清的友善使用者體驗 這就是javascript
歡迎同好到 AJAX 板一同討論。
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推 :這跟apple的哲學很像,不是所有人都想自己搞個網站來玩..1F 12/25 20:03
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