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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 Re: [爆卦] reddit也在討論八仙
時間 Tue Jun 30 01:55:15 2015
I've done two color runs. They have 50 gallon barrels of the stuff and they
use a leaf-blower with a vacuum attachment to make large clouds of color at
the start and finish lines.
我參加過兩次彩粉路跑,他們用會在起點和中點用真空風扇噴出50加侖的彩虹雲 = =
So don't smoke on the color run? 別在路跑時抽菸嗎?
That's an actual rule I think. Can't recall, it was years ago. They do
nothing with lighting or pyros, at least the ones I went to.
It's actually lot of fun and like over half of the fees go to charity. It's
corn starch so it's not bad while running. Now the mass group of people at
the stage that go crazy with it a different set times...does make me think
that if people saw/know how to do this I foresee a bad terrorist attack.
EDIT: Most importantly girls...in tight clothing 'cause, ya know, exercise.
重點是有很多妹子會穿很緊的衣服 阿斯~
It doesn't matter whether you do or not since it requires everysingle person
in the crowd to not do anything to ignite the cloud
http://goo.gl/GxUguQ (完美塵爆原)
This was one of the most horrific things I've ever seen.
Hundreds of people on fire at a Taiwan concert. (Dust explosion)
If you think that one's bad, check out this one from USA
The Station Night Club Fire (GRAPHIC) - YouTube
Around a 100 people were horribly burned alive this tragic night. It clearly demonstrates how the when the right amount of combustible material and oxygen ar...
Around a 100 people were horribly burned alive this tragic night. It clearly demonstrates how the when the right amount of combustible material and oxygen ar...
I don't think you've seen this fire in the stands of a soccer game.
LiveLeak.com - Bradford Football Disaster - Raw Footage- 11 May 1985
The Bradford City Fire Disaster occurred on Saturday 11 May 1985 when a flash fire consumed one side of the Valley Parade football stadium in Bradford, England.
The fire broke out during a football ma ...
The fire broke out during a football ma ...
It doesnt take much for a small fire to become a blazing inferno.
Christmas Tree Fire - YouTube
This video done by the NIST shows a VERY DRY Christmas tree on fire in a room. It takes a little over 30 seconds for the room to flashover.
This video done by the NIST shows a VERY DRY Christmas tree on fire in a room. It takes a little over 30 seconds for the room to flashover.
Here's a recent picture of one of the survivors.
These were the available exits.
This is the same building plan showing where they found victims.
他們也是用玉米粉 也會拿機器一次噴一團出來 只是剛好沒遇到而已
這次事件 不只是該檢討塵爆
※ 引述《gnew (mix)》之銘言:
: http://goo.gl/S3LJI2
Holi color powder catches fire at Taiwan's water park concert, hundreds serverely burned... (omfg.) [NSFW] : videos reddit: the front page of the internet ...
: serverely burned... (omfg.) [NSFW]
: Holi彩色粉引爆台灣水上樂園大火,數百人被燒傷...(歐..我X你上帝的)
: jbisdaman:
: Is this the same powder that gets used on 10k runs like The Color Run?
: 這跟10公里彩色路跑用的粉是一樣的嗎?
: Mutt12234:Yes
: 是的
: straydog1980:Except less pyrotechnics in the colour run
: 只是路跑玩的粉沒這個多
: slogand:And it's open air, and not a tiny included dance floor.
: 而且路跑是在開放空間,不是在狹小而封閉的舞池
: straydog1980:and the people are already running
: 況且參加路跑活動,在開始時人就已經開始在(逃)跑了
: popggoey:This was outdoor
: 不,那舞池其實是在室外
: ShrimpCrackers:This was open air.
: 對阿,那是露天的
: watobay:"Open air" makes no difference
: 露天還是沒用 -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRw4ZRqmxOc
Mythbusters - Creamer Cannon - YouTube
Season 07, episode 03. 'Viral Videos' Airdate: September 3, 2008 The Mythbusters test if they can create a 'creamer' cannon using non-dairy creamer, compress...
Season 07, episode 03. 'Viral Videos' Airdate: September 3, 2008 The Mythbusters test if they can create a 'creamer' cannon using non-dairy creamer, compress...
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1435600518.A.107.html
→ : 租游泳池,然後把水抽乾 老外的確想不到1F 06/30 01:56
推 : 大 巨 蛋2F 06/30 01:57
推 : 夜店那個是羅德島夜店大火吧,很有名3F 06/30 01:59
→ : Station夜店大火是美國數一數二慘重的火災了吧4F 06/30 01:59
推 : 台灣KTV大火好像也不少次5F 06/30 02:00
→ : 那些塵爆源就等著哪天燒一次就知道痛6F 06/30 02:01
→ : 夜店玩火噴到消音棉產生火災 記得國內也有發生過7F 06/30 02:02
推 : 聖誕樹QQ8F 06/30 02:02
→ : 恐怖組織只要借鏡一下,這種活動帶個打火機去後果就....9F 06/30 02:02
推 : 蹦10F 06/30 02:02
推 : 在室內演唱會噴煙火也太....吸音棉超易燃的11F 06/30 02:03
→ : 這真的給恐怖組織很大靈感欸= =12F 06/30 02:03
→ : 例如台灣之前的夜店大火13F 06/30 02:03
推 : 阿拉 衛爾康 論情.....每一次意外 才要重大修法14F 06/30 02:04
推 : 演唱會那個知道逃生出口也沒用 大半人都卡死在出口那邊15F 06/30 02:04
推 : 那個出口怎到最後都塞住了@@?16F 06/30 02:06
推 : 那個消防影片每年公家機關演習請來的都會放一次17F 06/30 02:06
→ : 然後說濃煙發生的時間有多快怎樣怎樣..最後推銷滅火器= =
→ : 然後說濃煙發生的時間有多快怎樣怎樣..最後推銷滅火器= =
→ : 如果八仙彩趴辦在室內 一定比羅德島慘19F 06/30 02:09
推 : 夜店那個超可怕 30秒火就燒到出口去了20F 06/30 02:09
令人震驚的火災真相!你不可不知的4個事實可以救你一命! - YouTube 1)在火災現場你根本什麼都看不見,火災發生的瞬間你即刻會變成瞎子 2)濃煙不會驚醒你,只會讓你睡得更香更甜。會殺死你的不是火焰本身,而是濃煙和瓦斯毒氣 3)會殺人的不只是濃煙,還有熱度,只要吸一口這樣的空氣就可以毀了你的肺,極高的熱度會讓你身體瞬間喪失功能。要存活你必須爬著行走,你站著一定馬上變瞎子,並且馬上沒命...
推 : 說到推銷滅火器 今年去教召又被推銷一次22F 06/30 02:10
→ : 沒水的游泳池就跟一般空間一樣 要有防火設備吧23F 06/30 02:11
→ : 1分鐘就看到一堆人嗆昏在門口 更後面的大概都gg了24F 06/30 02:11
推 : 夜店那個超可怕25F 06/30 02:17
→ : 夜店掌鏡der一看到煙出現就開始退到門口了 真正趨吉避凶26F 06/30 02:21
推 : 夜店看地圖有其他出口 是不是沒開阿?27F 06/30 02:23
推 : 不是,因為多數的人只會記得進來的入口28F 06/30 02:26
→ : 火災現場讓人按照既定逃生路線均勻的疏散根本不可能
→ : 火災現場讓人按照既定逃生路線均勻的疏散根本不可能
推 : 怎麼翻得出"= ="的啊XD30F 06/30 02:30
推 : 推檢討31F 06/30 02:30
推 : 足球場那個也超可怕 民眾根本沒意識到會蔓延到燒整棟 覺得32F 06/30 02:34
→ : 更瞎的是還有一堆人在嬉鬧唱歌 = =
→ : 更瞎的是還有一堆人在嬉鬧唱歌 = =
噓 : 外國月亮... 至少人家不用去參加ROC山寨惡搞版34F 06/30 02:36
推 : 夜店大火。。。根本無處可逃生命以秒在倒數35F 06/30 02:37
推 : 那為什麼就台灣發生 如果外國也是這樣一直噴36F 06/30 02:41
推 : 夜店那個 走去後面聽到活活被燒的尖叫聲 讓我37F 06/30 02:53
→ : 今天整天笑不出來.........
→ : 今天整天笑不出來.........
推 : 因為濃度太高散不掉 加上舞台邊都電器 尤其舞台燈非常39F 06/30 02:54
→ : 熱
→ : 熱
推 : 掌鏡的真的反應快。但現場好慘阿41F 06/30 02:56
推 : Gan好可怕42F 06/30 03:06
推 : 夜店那個5分鐘那 聽到裡面受困的尖叫聲 超可怕43F 06/30 03:34
→ : 足球場那麼大 燒起來也只要7分鐘 那還是半開放的 如果
→ : 發生在密閉場館 根本全部都會死
→ : 足球場那麼大 燒起來也只要7分鐘 那還是半開放的 如果
→ : 發生在密閉場館 根本全部都會死
推 : 看完心情超沈重46F 06/30 04:08
推 : 巨蛋可能比足球場小一點,照影片看來...47F 06/30 04:11
推 : 夜店好可怕 人還堵在門口 出不來48F 06/30 04:29
推 : 這一堆影片好恐怖49F 06/30 08:44
推 : 足球場的觀眾也太high50F 06/30 09:56
→ : 消防演習推銷滅火器的都不是公家機關 叫你們主辦不要偷懶51F 06/30 10:33
推 : 好可怕...足球場的民眾在high什麼啊52F 06/30 10:55
推 : 聖誕樹那影片有看過外面講師拿來當消防教材 講中性帶和53F 06/30 12:06
→ : 天花板輻射熱加速火場燃燒的現象
→ : 天花板輻射熱加速火場燃燒的現象
推 : 火災真得很可怕啊55F 06/30 14:34