※ 本文為 bake088 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-05-05 19:55:19
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [爆卦] 雷恩.葛斯林吃下玉米片了
時間 Tue May 5 17:44:41 2015
演出充氣娃娃之戀的Ryan Gosling
Ryan Gosling's post on Vine
Watch Ryan Gosling's Vine taken on 5 May 2015. It has 114519 likes. Vine is the best way to see and share life in motion. Create short, beautiful, looping videos in a simple and fun way for your friends and family to see. ...
只是個簡單吃玉米片(Cereal)的動作有甚麼好看的? (雖然他超帥)
其實是因為,之前網路有人把Ryan Gosling的影片剪輯
Ryan Gosling Won't Eat His Cereal (2013-2014 Vine Compilation) - YouTube Here is a new compilation of my vine series 'Ryan Gosling Won't Eat His Cereal' Thanks to everyone for sharing :D (and thanks to Ryan Gosling for not eating ...
而製作這系列影片的人也叫 Ryan , Ryan McHenry
而幾天前,Ryan McHenry因癌症RIP,Ryan Gosling得知之後
Ryan Gosling Pays Tribute To Ryan McHenry And Finally Eats His Cereal
Ryan Gosling filmed a video of himself eating a bowl of cereal to pay tribute to Ryan McHenry, the creator of the famous internet meme. ...
RIP Ryan McHenry, The Man Behind ‘Ryan Gosling Won’t Eat His Cereal’
Vine's official Twitter account broke the news about McHenry, who had been battling cancer for years. ...
R.I.P. Ryan McHenry
Watch Ryan McHenry's Vine "Views from a train in Scotland: Part 3 - featuring Me ?"
Watch Ryan McHenry's Vine "Views from a train in Scotland: Part 3 - featuring Me ?" taken on 7 February 2015 at Glasgow. It has 16621 likes. Vine is the best way to see and share life in motion. Create short, beautiful, looping videos in a simple and fun way for your friends and family to see. ...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1LI94HRP (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1430819089.A.6D9.html
※ 編輯: vdml (, 05/05/2015 17:45:58
噓 : 我只知道席恩‧葛雷喬伊是個REEK 你這是啥1F 05/05 17:45
推 : 超渡完畢2F 05/05 17:45
→ : 生魚片:3F 05/05 17:45
※ 編輯: vdml (, 05/05/2015 17:46:28推 : Q_Q4F 05/05 17:46
噓 : 0勝5F 05/05 17:47
→ : 炸蟹斗?呸!6F 05/05 17:47
推 : 還不是0勝7F 05/05 17:48
推 : 有贏過密拉.....8F 05/05 17:53
→ : 之前就有了9F 05/05 18:00
→ : 有洋蔥10F 05/05 18:14
推 : 超帥der11F 05/05 18:25
推 : 太溫馨12F 05/05 19:54
※ 看板: bake 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 515
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