※ 本文為 bake088 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-07-31 14:02:33
看板 SailorMoon
作者 標題 [閒聊] 英文爵士版的月光傳說
時間 Thu Sep 12 07:07:30 2013
Plantina Jazz- A Moonlight Serenade(Sailor Moon)
Platina Jazz presents Sailor Moon - A Moonlight Serenade - YouTube Our albums on iTunes: Facebook: Twitter: @platinajazz LYRICS ARE AVAILABLE ON OUR FACEBOOK PAGE! Allow us to pr...

水管上有許多來自不同國家的人翻唱月光傳說 也各有不同的風味
但沒想到發展成爵士版本竟然這麼搭XD 好好聽好讓人熱血沸騰呀!
但沒想到發展成爵士版本竟然這麼搭XD 好好聽好讓人熱血沸騰呀!
(是說月光傳說的旋律原本就十分浪漫憂傷 用演歌的方式唱應該也很有味道)
《A Moonlight Serenade》
It's in my dreams I find the right moment
It is the night that brings me the moonlight
And though I know it's too late to call you
Your shadow's always right by my side
Now all the tears I cry are made of sorrow
Reflected pools that will never dry
My eyes will slowly dawn on tomorrow
The truth will speak in the ray of light
Romance and miracles so hard to define
Invited by the moon in your eyes
I can see you there in every moment
As the day it's so bright and clear
Kaleidescopic turns in my heart that burns
Will show the way through the darkest night
The past remains present in the future
Time seems endless when you are near
Like a ticking clock, the twinkle of the stars
So hard to tell what's now and here
Romance and miracles so hard to define
Invited by the moon in your eyes
Like the sky begins on the horizon
The vision's clear but so far away
Like we are stories told, never to behold
Out of touch but it's always there
Romance and miracles so hard to define
Invited by the moon in your eyes
It's in my dreams I find the right moment
Time seems endless when you are near
Like we are stories told, never to behold
Out of touch but it's always there
The vision's far but it's always clear
It is the miracles that we share
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◆ From:
推 :很好玩~~~1F 09/12 17:22
推 :這太強!!!!!!!2F 09/12 17:50
推 :好聽!3F 09/13 00:40
※ 看板: bake 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 170
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