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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] 火箭因不知聯盟假日關門而得釋出Nunnally
時間 Wed Jan 23 11:57:56 2019
來源: SBNation
網址: https://tinyurl.com/ych4yzjq
James Nunnally was released by the Rockets because of a holiday - SBNation.com
James Nunnally is a free agent because the Rockets forgot the NBA offices would be closed on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. ...
The Rockets had to cut a player because they didn’t know the NBA office was
closed on a holiday
Promising wing player James Nunnally’s NBA season came to an end on Monday
after he was waived by the Houston Rockets in the middle of his 10-day
contract. It looks like he will go back to Europe, although his agent denied
a Sportando report that he signed with an Italian team.
火箭以10天短約簽下前途看好的搖擺人James Nunnally,他的NBA球季在星期一被火箭釋出
It didn’t have to end like this, though. Nunnally brought depth, three-point
shooting and versatility to a key wing position on the Rockets’ roster. But
Houston made two abrupt roster moves that forced them into this predicament,
and timed them poorly.
They signed Nunnally to replace Danuel House, who declined a multi-year NBA
contract offer once his two-way deal was up so he could test free agency
火箭因為Danuel House為了想在他的雙向合約到期後想試一下FA市場水溫,所以拒絕了火
箭提的多年約,也因此火箭簽了Nunnally來填補Danuel House的位置。
Now, the Rockets have neither. Here’s why.
The Rockets really wanted Kenneth Faried
火箭很想要Kenneth Faried
Clint Capela’s thumb surgery left Houston pretty bare at the center
position. The only healthy big men on their roster were Nene and Marquese
Clint Capela的大拇指手術讓火箭的中鋒位置顯得單薄,唯二在球員名單上還算健康的大
個子只有Nene跟Marquese Chriss。
So when reports broke that the Brooklyn Nets had reached a buyout agreement
with Kenneth Faried, the Rockets were all over it. In the same breath as ESPN
’s Adrian Wojnarowski reported the Faried buyout, he announced the forward’
s likelihood of signing with Houston immediately thereafter.
所以當有報導傳出來,說籃網跟Kenneth Faried快要達成合約買斷時,火箭就衝了。當沃
It takes 48 hours for a player to clear waivers, a period that allows another
team to place a bid on a waived player for a fraction of his contract buyout
amount. Brooklyn officially waived Faried on Saturday. He officially became a
Rocket on Monday.
But the Rockets didn’t have an open roster slot for Faried
Houston hustled to create one at the last second. They traded Carmelo Anthony
and cash to the Chicago Bulls, who could absorb his contract without giving
anything back because of their trade exception from the Justin Holiday deal
with Memphis.
所以火箭趕在最後一秒出手。他們把Carmelo Anthony跟現金給了公牛,公牛可以接手
Melo的合約,因為他們與灰熊交易Justin Holiday裡的交易例外條款,所以他們不用給火
That, in theory, should have created the spot for Faried.
But the Rockets didn’t account for Monday being a national holiday. Monday
was Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and, thus, the NBA league office was closed.
That meant there was no one to process the trade, so it could not officially
be executed until Tuesday.
The Rockets played Philadelphia on Monday night and felt they needed Faried
to go up against Joel Embiid. In order to get Faried ready to play in time
for that game, the Rockets needed to release Nunnally.
火箭在星期一要跟76人打比賽,他們希望Faried可以上場面對Joel Embiid,所以為了可以
Rockets head coach Mike D’Antoni was upset the Anthony trade was unable to
be processed on Monday.
火箭教練Mike D'Antoni對於沒辦法在星期一把Melo交易完成很不高興。
He said that because it cost Nunnally his roster spot
The Rockets had already agreed to sign Faried, and the Anthony trade was
delayed a day. Someone had to go, so the odd man out was James Nunnally.
人就是James Nunnally。
It’s unfortunate, because Nunnally was was playing like he belonged.
Nunnally went 0-of-5 from three-point range against the Lakers, but he made
big plays in Houston’s double overtime loss to the Brooklyn Nets earlier in
the week. He was exactly the kind of player who fit into a Rockets team that
needed to create as much space for Harden on the court.
Houston wanted to keep him too, which is why they executed the Anthony trade.
But they couldn’t keep him and get Faried processed in time for the 76ers
Houston could have avoided this altogether with better planning
The Rockets were in a frenzy to sign Faried because they wanted him to fill
the void Capela left. With Joel Embiid and the 76ers coming to town, the
Rockets wanted to put up some type of fight. They didn’t feel like Nene and
Marquese Chriss was enough.
火箭瘋了似的想要簽Faried,因為他們想要他去填補Capela留下的空缺。隨著Joel Embiid
的76人即將來到的比賽,他們想要做些努力,他們覺得只有Nene跟Marquese Chriss是不夠
In reality, no combination of big men is enough to check Embiid, who went off
for 32 points, 14 rebounds, and three blocks. Faried played 23 minutes and
had 13 points, even shooting 1-of-2 from three-point range, but it didn’t
matter. Houston lost by 28 in a game they trailed as many as 33.
Given the result and the unlikelihood that Faried would have offered much
resistance against Embiid anyway, why the rush? Houston could have waited one
extra day to finalize the Faried signing had they planned for the NBA offices
to be closed on a notable national holiday. That would have allowed the Melo
trade to go through, clearing the spot for Faried.
Instead, Nunnally lost his job, and Houston will have to find a way to
replace him, too. The Rockets aren’t happy with the NBA, but this could have
been avoided.
標題 [公告] NBA 板 開始舉辦樂透!
4、雙十 = 兩隊四節打完107比107進入延長賽→ : 大家別抓我 這麼難不太可能開啦><10/10 00:17
推 : 開4我直接自殺10/10 00:34
開獎結果: 雙十→ : 不自殺 想買樂透惹10/10 21:18
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1548215881.A.67E.html
推 : 扯1F 01/23 12:00
推 : 這包有點大 應該內部作業人員有人要出事了2F 01/23 12:01
推 : 幫納納利QQ3F 01/23 12:01
→ : 火箭在搞什麼東西,替補整個悽慘4F 01/23 12:01
推 : 厲害了5F 01/23 12:01
推 : 莫雷出包 難得6F 01/23 12:01
推 : Nunnally經紀人說還在跟火箭討論後續合作方式7F 01/23 12:01
→ : 就是太會算 有時候會錯過時機8F 01/23 12:01
推 : 火箭會出這種包比較奇怪...9F 01/23 12:02
推 : 莫雷這季出了幾次包阿xddd10F 01/23 12:02
推 : 原來是得,我還以為是得11F 01/23 12:02
推 : 有點扯 而且打76人輸的也蠻慘的12F 01/23 12:02
→ : 等等 半獸人晚一場也沒差吧? 還是重點不在這裡?13F 01/23 12:02
推 : 釋出的時候就覺得很意外,但如果是真的的話那也太衰14F 01/23 12:02
→ : 了啊?!…
→ : 了啊?!…
推 : 亂七八糟 XD 跟當家球星球風類似16F 01/23 12:03
推 : 一切都在八奇莫雷的掌握中17F 01/23 12:03
推 : 感覺跟玩fb時想抓人卻發現得先把IL格搞定而卡住有點18F 01/23 12:03
→ : 像
→ : 像
推 : 扯 國定假日我都沒修20F 01/23 12:04
推 : 這包真的出大了XD21F 01/23 12:04
推 : 都卡薪資了還在出包,到底想不想打季後?22F 01/23 12:05
→ : 是火箭想要讓半獸人提早能上 其實可以等23F 01/23 12:05
推 : 可以,這很莫雷24F 01/23 12:06
推 : 就結果看半獸人那天來不來都沒差 都被鉛筆虐爆25F 01/23 12:08
推 : 多爛的管理團隊26F 01/23 12:08
推 : 出包了27F 01/23 12:08
推 : 竟然還不爽聯盟 好像國定假日是聯盟突然要放假的一28F 01/23 12:09
→ : 樣
→ : 樣
→ : !?!?!30F 01/23 12:09
→ : 看來有人要衰了……31F 01/23 12:09
推 : 雖然是火箭的錯 但當天那麼多比賽 聯盟都不用有人32F 01/23 12:09
→ : 值班 全部放假 也是蠻奇怪的..
→ : 值班 全部放假 也是蠻奇怪的..
推 : 這很像美國。HR 常出包的概念34F 01/23 12:11
推 : 你沒人值班就不要排比賽R35F 01/23 12:11
推 : D'Antoni對於沒辦法在星期一把Melo交易出去很不高興36F 01/23 12:11
→ : 一定有人值班啦,只是蓋最後那顆的在不在37F 01/23 12:11
→ : 講得多重要多重要 結果還不是釋出 看不出哪裡重要了38F 01/23 12:11
推 : 火箭有點可愛呢39F 01/23 12:11
推 : 11樓XDDDD40F 01/23 12:12
推 : 晚一場就不能打七六人,就沒人可以對抗鉛筆41F 01/23 12:13
推 : 馬丁路德42F 01/23 12:13
推 : 自己出包對聯盟不爽???43F 01/23 12:14
推 : 真扯44F 01/23 12:14
推 : 急成這樣然後被鉛筆碾爆…努娜莉QQ45F 01/23 12:14
推 : 樓下莫雷 河河46F 01/23 12:15
推 : 鉛筆:看我幹嘛47F 01/23 12:15
推 : 哈哈笑死48F 01/23 12:15
推 : 巴其境界49F 01/23 12:16
→ : 假日聯盟其實還是可以交易,但必須在放假的前一個50F 01/23 12:16
→ : 上班日6:00 pm ET前通知聯盟,火箭對Faried有興趣
→ : 的時間在這之前,所以其實他們是有充裕時間來準備
→ : 的
→ : 上班日6:00 pm ET前通知聯盟,火箭對Faried有興趣
→ : 的時間在這之前,所以其實他們是有充裕時間來準備
→ : 的
推 : 八奇莫雷 你敢嘴54F 01/23 12:16
推 : 哈哈哈哈我真的笑死 這種基本也會出包55F 01/23 12:17
推 : 不怪聯盟 難道要怪金恩博士嗎? 莫雷大概也不敢XD56F 01/23 12:17
推 : 不早點放瓜哥 結果....57F 01/23 12:17
推 : 莫肥今年出一堆包 要不是運氣好撿到小河被釋出58F 01/23 12:17
推 : 火箭對聯盟不爽幹嘛 自己出包的...59F 01/23 12:19
→ : 瓜哥找不到人願意擔負他合約啊,我寫了兩篇談這事60F 01/23 12:19
→ : 所以事先通知聯盟就行 結果自己忘記通知61F 01/23 12:20
推 : 哈哈 美國一例一休 沒競爭力62F 01/23 12:20
推 : 瓜瓜白走了63F 01/23 12:20
→ : 通知聯盟不需要通知交易細節,你只要通知你們有所64F 01/23 12:21
→ : 有交易的可能即可
→ : 有交易的可能即可
推 : 出包啦66F 01/23 12:22
→ : 可是跟公牛這樣交易也是小蛋糕 不難做吧67F 01/23 12:22
→ : 所以從美國時間消息傳出是禮拜五的美東時間凌晨一68F 01/23 12:22
→ : 點多,到晚上六點前,火箭有17個小時可以找到"交易
→ : 對象" 談細節後續再做也可
→ : 點多,到晚上六點前,火箭有17個小時可以找到"交易
→ : 對象" 談細節後續再做也可
推 : 大概是自己也沒預期可以順利送出瓜哥吧71F 01/23 12:23
→ : 畢竟找了好幾個月了,怎麼突然公牛就願意收?
→ : 畢竟找了好幾個月了,怎麼突然公牛就願意收?
→ : 這可能也是其中一點73F 01/23 12:23
→ : 不過我是覺得公牛都願意幫火箭收MCW了,不少薪資專
→ : 家也早就預測火箭會用同一招處理Melo了
→ : 不過我是覺得公牛都願意幫火箭收MCW了,不少薪資專
→ : 家也早就預測火箭會用同一招處理Melo了
推 : 又沒差 都那8個在打76F 01/23 12:24
推 : 扯77F 01/23 12:26
→ : 結果打七六人還是輸球 哭哭78F 01/23 12:27
推 : 釋出不能再簽回來嗎?79F 01/23 12:27
推 : 娜娜莉其實沒啥差別 這根本小事80F 01/23 12:28
推 : 你為什麼要這麼急呢81F 01/23 12:29
推 : 這包要算制服組吧 聯盟放假會不知道?82F 01/23 12:30
→ : 火矢幫制服組通通回家吃自己83F 01/23 12:30
噓 : 莫雷到底在幹嘛 今年一堆操作有夠爛84F 01/23 12:32
推 : 幹嘛要急著打那場?XD85F 01/23 12:32
推 : 聯盟放假一定知道 又不是第一天在聯盟裡86F 01/23 12:32
推 : 到底在急什麼 沒辦法買回來嗎?看不懂87F 01/23 12:33
推 : 會用同一招是一點,但談了好幾個月送不走也是很慘88F 01/23 12:34
→ : 大概就是火箭真的不願意付手續費,搞到沒人想幫忙。
→ : 大概就是火箭真的不願意付手續費,搞到沒人想幫忙。
推 : 金博士:怪我囉?90F 01/23 12:35
→ : 火箭急惹!!!!91F 01/23 12:37
推 : 扯爆 一定有人要say byebye了92F 01/23 12:37
推 : 為了早打一場球放走了一個人,其實是沒真的想留這93F 01/23 12:38
→ : 個人而已,怪聯盟部分是多餘的
→ : 個人而已,怪聯盟部分是多餘的
推 : 這出包太誇張了吧95F 01/23 12:38
推 : 要去怪金恩博士嗎 明明就自己操作的問題96F 01/23 12:39
→ : 去演魯魯修吧QQ(X)97F 01/23 12:39
→ : 最好是不知道會放假98F 01/23 12:39
推 : 聯盟臨時放假 根本搞火箭 有夠故意的 是這樣嗎?99F 01/23 12:40
推 : Daryl Morey TO+1100F 01/23 12:40
→ : 有差那一場嗎101F 01/23 12:41
→ : 莫雷今年有點猶豫不決進退失據102F 01/23 12:41
→ : 娜娜莉—————!!103F 01/23 12:43
推 : 幹嘛等到最後一天才弄呀104F 01/23 12:44
推 : 把備胎丟了還好吧,不行再找打工浪人備胎就好105F 01/23 12:45
推 : 推翻譯106F 01/23 12:47
推 : 沒人值班這個理由超美國107F 01/23 12:48
→ : 哈哈,我才不相信火箭那麼大的團隊沒一個人知道馬丁108F 01/23 12:49
→ : 路德紀念日放假
→ : 路德紀念日放假
→ : 怪聯盟???國定假日不是嗎??110F 01/23 12:50
推 : GM耍蠢111F 01/23 12:51
推 : UCCU112F 01/23 12:52
推 : 覺得不太可能nba一個合約都幾百萬鎂的113F 01/23 12:53
推 : 忘了把國定假日列入數據中114F 01/23 12:54
推 : 為啥不多等一天115F 01/23 12:54
推 : 因為不想被鉛筆戳爆...結果還是被戳爆....-_-116F 01/23 12:56
→ jinzhu …
推 : 同疑問釋出不能簽回來嗎118F 01/23 13:03
推 : 娜娜莉~~~~~~~~119F 01/23 13:04
推 : 火箭今年這種不上不下的 不考慮坦嗎 賭一下Zion120F 01/23 13:12
推 : 莫名的笑點XDD121F 01/23 13:14
推 : 趕著輸122F 01/23 13:18
推 : 是說那時候我就覺得奇怪 為什麼補一個人清兩個位置123F 01/23 13:20
推 : 一個過失,改變了正妹娜娜莉的一生,如果沒被裁掉124F 01/23 13:31
→ : 的話,搞不好會長成下一個Jokic
→ : 的話,搞不好會長成下一個Jokic
推 : 笑死126F 01/23 13:34
噓 : 莫雷也有這一天啊!國定休假日怪聯盟也不對吧?127F 01/23 13:39
推 : 出這種包是在搞屁128F 01/23 13:46
推 : 火箭不能把 Nunnally 重新簽回來嗎?129F 01/23 13:56
推 : 就再簽一次10天就好了呀,沒甚麼大不了的130F 01/23 14:00
推 : 這真的純出包131F 01/23 14:02
推 : 出大包了...132F 01/23 14:19
推 : ooooooh133F 01/23 14:25
噓 : 最好會不知道啦!NBA味全隊哩剛成立哦134F 01/23 14:35
推 : 白痴135F 01/23 14:36
推 : 可以重簽 可是Nunnally現在似乎不太高興136F 01/23 14:52
→ : 有可能會回歐洲打球
→ : 有可能會回歐洲打球
→ : 娜娜莉的夢魘138F 01/23 14:57
推 : 要簽就給你簽喔 還不端個3年/20M出來139F 01/23 15:29
→ : 所以說 我們的大魔王呢?還在養傷?140F 01/23 15:40
推 : 大魔王早就被釋出了....141F 01/23 16:32
→ : 小事根本不重要142F 01/23 16:42
推 : 這個包很純,一定有人得扛了143F 01/23 17:36
推 : 為什麼那麼重視76人那場?剛來還沒磨合就算趕上出144F 01/23 18:09
→ : 場本來就不保證什麼吧
→ : 場本來就不保證什麼吧
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