※ 本文為 JackLee5566.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-02-22 16:39:14
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [花邊] 獨行俠辦公室性騷擾
時間 Thu Feb 22 00:25:37 2018
Report: Dallas Mavericks Investigating Allegations Of Sexual Misconduct
A Sports Illustrated story detailed "the corrosive work culture" of the Mavericks. ...
Jon Wertheim 及Jessica Luther 於Sports Illustrated 的報導中指出達拉斯獨行俠隊
Interviews with more than a dozen former and current Mavericks employees in
different departments, conducted during a months-long SPORTS ILLUSTRATED
investigation, paint a picture of a corporate culture rife with misogyny and
predatory sexual behavior: alleged public fondling by the team president;
outright domestic assault by a high-profile member of the Mavs.com staff;
unsupportive or even intimidating responses from superiors who heard
complaints of inappropriate behavior from their employees; even an employee
who openly watched pornography at his desk.
都是針對於2015年辭職的前任隊主席及CEOTerdema Ussery。
One shared that Ussery had repeatedly propositioned her for sex, even
offering to leave his marriage if the woman relented—an account the second
woman confirmed to SPORTS ILLUSTRATED for this story. Another woman shared
that Ussery’s inappropriate behavior was one of the reasons she was quitting
her sales job after more than a decade.
The Mavericks organization takes these allegations extremely seriously.
Yesterday we notified the league office and immediately hired outside counsel
to conduct a thorough and independent investigation. The investigation will
focus on the specific allegations related to this former employee, and will
look more broadly at our company’s workplace practices and policies. In
addition, an employee whose job was to receive and investigate such
complaints and report them accurately and fully, has been suspended pending
the conclusion of our investigation.
獨行俠老闆 Mark Cuban主張他對於此"腐敗的辦公室文化"毫不知情,這一切都是"新"聞
Cuban再說他對此感到難堪及此辦公室文化必須受到"指正"。人資部門首長Buddy Pittman
At this meal, with ESPN crew members seated nearby, Ussery struck up an
unusual conversation. As the woman recalls the exchange, Ussery claimed that
he knew what she was going to do over the coming weekend. When the woman
asked, confusedly, what Ussery meant, he smiled.
“You’re going to get gang-banged,” he asserted, “aren’t you?”
“No,” the woman responded, caught off-guard. “Actually, I’m going to the
movies with friends.”
“No,” Ussery insisted. “You’re definitely getting gang-banged.”
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1QZPs4BU (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1519230340.A.2DE.html
→ : 看成小飛俠1F 02/22 00:26
推 : 嘖嘖 _____精神2F 02/22 00:27
→ : 本來還以為這隊又在搞笑了 沒想到居然是嚴肅的內容3F 02/22 00:27
推 : 獨行俠場外新聞比場上有趣4F 02/22 00:27
推 : 改名淫行俠5F 02/22 00:28
※ 編輯: cliffman1004 (, 02/22/2018 00:35:52→ : 瀆行俠6F 02/22 00:30
推 : Kobe:哪裡面試7F 02/22 00:30
→ : 球團氣氛怎跟最近鬧很大的MSU藝術體操性騷擾很像8F 02/22 00:31
推 : 莫非是萬里獨行9F 02/22 00:35
推 : 一樓好眼力10F 02/22 00:37
推 : 老大!11F 02/22 00:38
推 : 也可以扯到小飛俠kobe 這厲害12F 02/22 00:38
推 : 老大!!!13F 02/22 00:39
推 : 整篇都改成小飛俠,也蠻合理的阿14F 02/22 00:39
推 : 老大!!!!!!!!!15F 02/22 00:40
推 : 一樓+116F 02/22 00:41
→ : Cuban也是看報紙才知道的嗎?17F 02/22 00:42
推 : 1樓100分18F 02/22 00:44
推 : 這對話好智障喔 大家說淫語是不是?19F 02/22 00:44
推 : cuban一定爆怒20F 02/22 00:46
推 : 如果是真的那有點扯21F 02/22 00:48
→ : Cuban主張他對於此毫不知情....... 你信?22F 02/22 00:49
推 : 小牛連這個也要坦23F 02/22 00:51
推 : Cuban搞不好也共犯 誰知道24F 02/22 00:53
推 : 我愛小飛俠25F 02/22 00:54
→ : 這時候除了切割還能怎辦?難道學成龍道歉?26F 02/22 00:57
推 : 一定是有人反串。正義俠內部怎可能發生這種事27F 02/22 00:59
推 : 為什麼這裡也有老大XD28F 02/22 01:08
推 : 老大無所不在29F 02/22 01:19
推 : 追隨老大的腳步30F 02/22 01:22
推 : 老大至今仍逍遙法外31F 02/22 01:25
推 : Hen糟糕32F 02/22 01:28
推 : 獨行俠我只會聯想到kobe= =33F 02/22 01:29
推 : 督腥嚇~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~34F 02/22 01:34
→ : 怎麼有個俠字的都...35F 02/22 01:36
推 : 老大哥無所不在36F 02/22 01:38
推 : 這樣也行XD37F 02/22 01:56
噓 : 整個辦公室長期的問題然後Cuban聲稱不知情?哇噻真38F 02/22 01:58
→ : 不愧是瀆行俠,推的一乾二淨,千山你瀆行
→ : 不愧是瀆行俠,推的一乾二淨,千山你瀆行
推 : 毫不知情《—全世界說法都一樣啊......40F 02/22 01:58
推 : 不然要說 嘿嘿 其實我早就知道了嗎?41F 02/22 02:03
推 : 嘿嘿 其實我現在想要吃雞42F 02/22 02:07
推 : 上樑不正下樑歪43F 02/22 02:17
推 : 小飛俠XD44F 02/22 02:18
→ : odom不想打球的原因到底是什麼???45F 02/22 02:19
推 : 千里獨行小飛俠~~獨行俠~~~46F 02/22 02:40
推 : 看來是萬里獨行!47F 02/22 03:01
推 : 老大無所不在!!48F 02/22 03:05
推 : 喔,是萬里獨行小飛俠~49F 02/22 03:16
推 : 才性騷擾 難怪只能當獨行俠50F 02/22 03:29
推 : 老大!51F 02/22 03:50
推 : Kobe要不要來應徵?52F 02/22 03:59
推 : laoda~~~53F 02/22 06:25
推 : 還以為小飛俠54F 02/22 06:57
推 : 獨行狎55F 02/22 07:26
→ : 老大無所不在56F 02/22 07:50
推 : 小牛要坦 胸露背的 不意外57F 02/22 07:51
→ : 扒衣精神永流傳58F 02/22 07:52
推 : 要自編自導自演這齣嗎59F 02/22 08:17
推 : 要說完全不知情也太扯60F 02/22 08:34
推 : 老大回來了61F 02/22 08:42
推 : 老大要復出了!!(誤)62F 02/22 08:54
推 : 放棄十多年工作,性騷擾63F 02/22 09:22
→ : 哈哈講到性 一堆人都先想到kobe XD64F 02/22 09:24
推 : ......65F 02/22 09:41
推 : 這獨行俠是不是很小還會飛66F 02/22 09:51
推 : 犢迷ㄏㄏ67F 02/22 09:58
推 : 萬里獨行68F 02/22 10:03
推 : 又是好老闆 嘖嘖69F 02/22 10:09
推 : 一樓你很會XD70F 02/22 10:20
推 : 好老闆你敢嘴71F 02/22 10:31
推 : 整個歪樓 XD72F 02/22 10:41
推 : 雲遊四海 Kobe系小飛俠73F 02/22 10:41
推 : 看成小飛俠+174F 02/22 10:45
推 : 推文也太歪75F 02/22 11:10
推 : 1樓好猛,笑到歪腰XD76F 02/22 11:29
推 : 我以為是小飛俠舊文77F 02/22 11:34
推 : 以為是Kobe新的新聞78F 02/22 11:41
推 : 以為是xobe的腥文79F 02/22 11:59
→ : 不意外啊80F 02/22 14:00
推 : 1樓神推~~~整篇推文全變成kobe~~XDD81F 02/22 15:14
推 : 老大不意....等等82F 02/22 15:57
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