※ 本文為 JackLee5566.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-02-21 16:22:41
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [情報] 公牛將會改變先發陣容
時間 Wed Feb 21 15:35:14 2018
Bulls have 25 more games left and it’s time to get serious about tanking. Exe
cutive vice president of basketball operations John Paxson spoke to the media
Tuesday and shared some interesting news. Paxson told reporters that in the se
cond half there will be a “block of games” where the young players will play
a lot.
Paxson announced that Cris Felicio and David Nwaba will replace Robin Lopez an
d Justin Holiday in the starting lineup. Felicio has had a disappointing seaso
n and has fallen out of the rotation. He has played in 31 games this season an
d is averaging just 2.8 points and 2.7 rebounds per game.
Chris Felicio取代Lopez,Nwaba取代Hoilday上先發,Felicio這一季打的很差,場均只
David Nwaba has had a pretty solid season, and is averaging 6.8 points and 4.2
rebounds per game. Nwaba has played in 45 games this season
Paxson also noted that Cameron Payne will now be the backup point guard. Jeria
n Grant will be out of the rotation. Payne hasn’t played for the Chicago Bull
s this season as he has been recovering from foot surgery
Lauri Markkanen, Kris Dunn, and Zach LaVine will continue to start. Dunn will
no longer be on minutes restriction and LaVine will continue to play 32-34 min
utes a game. Bulls haven’t made a decision on if LaVine will play in back to
back games. I’m assuming that Paul Zipser and Noah Vonleh will get more minut
The front office wants to see how the young players play. Bulls are looking at
the bigger picture which is trying to get a top three pick in the 2018 NBA dr
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※ 編輯: dragon803 (, 02/21/2018 15:36:01
推 : 如果小將打出來拉一波連勝,公牛總管會不會崩潰1F 02/21 15:35
※ 編輯: dragon803 (, 02/21/2018 15:37:18推 : 名練邊坦 高招2F 02/21 15:36
推 : 如果小將打出成績來更好吧,抽狀元還有可能水貨3F 02/21 15:37
→ : 公牛也開坦,騎士籃網籤就危險了4F 02/21 15:37
推 : 坦克超可愛5F 02/21 15:38
推 : 我牛怒坦一波!不要再壞了大事啦6F 02/21 15:38
推 : 情人節呢?7F 02/21 15:39
推 : 光明正大8F 02/21 15:39
→ : 坦的競爭也很激烈 目前有6隊18勝 籃網19勝 公牛20勝9F 02/21 15:40
推 : Grant被球隊放棄了?10F 02/21 15:40
推 : 笑死11F 02/21 15:41
推 : 幾個還蠻有潛力的 要坦最好是要有過氣老人壓陣才穩12F 02/21 15:41
推 : the不讓13F 02/21 15:42
推 : 坦克+曬商品14F 02/21 15:42
推 : 開坦就是比賽前半段認真打,後半段在崩潰15F 02/21 15:42
推 : 坦克牛滿可愛的 XD16F 02/21 15:42
推 : 鐵拳兄弟?17F 02/21 15:43
推 : 点 開起來18F 02/21 15:44
推 : 東西牛都開坦19F 02/21 15:44
推 : Paxson能一直站穩總管位置也很不簡單20F 02/21 15:45
推 : 翻譯:老子要坦了21F 02/21 15:45
推 : 坦克開出來22F 02/21 15:47
→ : 不讓啦 要真刀真槍拚 爐主了23F 02/21 15:49
推 : 公牛會續約拉文嗎24F 02/21 15:49
→ : 要坦 也要練 這才有成果25F 02/21 15:49
→ : 前面認真打 後面........... 你知道的
→ : 前面認真打 後面........... 你知道的
推 : 認真亂打27F 02/21 15:50
→ : 打得好 第四節就冰阿 要坦很簡單28F 02/21 15:50
推 : 一哥Payne終於要登場了29F 02/21 15:50
推 : Grant本季已經展示夠啦,替補堪用先發未滿。30F 02/21 15:50
→ : 只要不要出現烏龍球 都該慶幸.....31F 02/21 15:50
※ AhUtopian:轉錄至看板 ChicagoBulls 02/21 15:51
推 : 現在坦都不遮掩了32F 02/21 15:51
推 : 你看鐵拳哥就是打太好才被換出去的,誰想跟他換?33F 02/21 15:51
推 : 公牛真的當初運氣好去遇到螺絲跟MJ 這種垃圾坦隊34F 02/21 15:53
推 : 最近贏太多 決定開始光明正大坦35F 02/21 15:54
推 : Lavine當少主其實蠻適合的吧36F 02/21 15:54
推 : 坦起來37F 02/21 15:54
推 : 坦然面對剩下賽季38F 02/21 15:55
推 : 坦力全開啦39F 02/21 15:55
推 : payne完全就是坦克大將啊XD40F 02/21 15:57
推 : 舞跳起來41F 02/21 15:58
推 : 獨行俠跟公牛之間的觀念對決42F 02/21 16:00
→ : Grant最近打很好 Payne除了順位之外沒一點贏Grant43F 02/21 16:06
推 : 我覺得公牛乾脆開放季票觀眾上去打好了44F 02/21 16:06
→ : Nwaba上先發蠻正確的 能掩護Lavine,Dunn的防守45F 02/21 16:07
→ : 又不會像假日一樣濫投
→ : 又不會像假日一樣濫投
推 : 擺明要坦惹XDDDDDDDDDDD47F 02/21 16:10
推 : 坦力全開48F 02/21 16:12
推 : 小將打出來可以賣啊49F 02/21 16:13
→ : 我牛要認真坦了~50F 02/21 16:13
推 : Payne....我龜舞伴原來還沒上過場51F 02/21 16:13
推 : Grant展示完畢怕受傷啊 放起來休賽季可以當籌碼52F 02/21 16:14
推 : Payne..15梯樂透最沒表現的= =53F 02/21 16:19
推 : 說Grant打很好的一定只看box沒看比賽54F 02/21 16:19
推 : Grent現在還能買斷嗎55F 02/21 16:20
→ : Grant
→ : Grant
推 : 坦克開出來!!57F 02/21 16:21
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 57
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