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作者 標題 [外絮] McCaw請求下放G-league
時間 Thu Feb 8 10:24:59 2018
來源: The Mercury News
網址: https://tinyurl.com/y95wq8ta
Patrick McCaw requests to go to Warriors' G-League affiliate
OAKLAND – Sensing his shot and overall performance has waned, Warriors forward Patrick McCaw requested to be sent to the Warriors G-League affiliate i ...
Patrick McCaw requests to go to Warriors’ G-League affiliate
OAKLAND — Sensing his shot and overall performance have waned, Warriors
reserve guard Patrick McCaw requested to be sent to the Warriors’ G-League
affiliate in between the team’s next two home games.
Coach Steve Kerr obliged, meaning McCaw will suit up for Santa Cruz against
the Texas Legends on Friday and the South Bay Lakers on Sunday night. He will
still be with the Warriors for Thursday’s game against Dallas and Saturday’
s showdown against San Antonio.
Cruz分別與Texas Legends及South Bay Lakers對戰。星期四勇士對戰Dallas跟星期六對戰
San Antonio時,McCaw還是會隨隊。
The move gives McCaw an opportunity to get major minutes that he wouldn’t
get otherwise. With the Warriors, his playing time has been sporadic. McCaw
hasn’t scored since Jan. 23 against New York, seven games ago. He has not
hit a 3-pointer since the calendar turned to 2018.
McCaw在1/23與New York比賽之後到現在已經七場未得分,在2018年開始到現在沒投進任何
“I think it’ll be great for him to get some shots,” Kerr said. “Most
games he only gets a couple shots up and he plays limited minutes so it’s
hard to emerge from, if you want to call it, a slump or a funk.”
Said McCaw: “If I’m missing, I’ll figure out why I’m missing them and I’
m putting the reps up in practice and shootaround. I feel comfortable with my
shot,” McCaw said. “It’s nothing about me having a bad shot, it’s about
getting those reps and getting those shots up just so I can get a feel for my
release and shots that I’ll be able to take in the game.”
In 2016, the Warriors paid $2.5 million for his rights from the Milwaukee
Bucks in a draft-day trade. McCaw returned the favor in his rookie season,
specifically in Game 2 of the 2017 Western Conference finals when he scored a
career-high 18 points off the bench. That cemented his status as a valuable
piece for the future.
This season, with the offseason signing of Nick Young, McCaw has battled for
minutes at backup shooting guard.
After a Nov. 2, 2017, win over the San Antonio Spurs, Kerr proclaimed McCaw
the firm backup shooting guard. However, McCaw’s minutes began to drop yet
again in favor of Young. With his latest slump, McCaw acknowledged he was
putting undue pressure on himself.
“I’m an infectious guy, I don’t like to make mistakes,” McCaw said. “
Having that on my shoulders as well as trying to make sure I do the right
thing. Just trying to find a balance within myself and my mind when I’m on
the floor.”
Complicating McCaw’s situation is his impending restricted free agency.
Depending on how he finishes out the year, this second-year slump could hurt
his stock.
Still, McCaw says he remains unfazed by what the future holds.
“I don’t really pay attention,” McCaw said. “For me it’s about finding
that rhythm, finding that flow again and that’s all I’m really concerned
with right now.”
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推 : 天分不夠1F 02/08 10:25
推 : 麥靠2F 02/08 10:26
→ : 下去練練3F 02/08 10:27
推 : 我覺得他應該走偷跑底線或偷跑快攻路線4F 02/08 10:27
推 : 運氣最好新秀 一年達成一堆球星一輩子拿不到的東西5F 02/08 10:29
推 : 昨天被龜龜虐爆玻璃心碎了嗎6F 02/08 10:29
推 : 有自覺很好,好好調整,我勇需要你7F 02/08 10:29
噓 : 打到完全沒信心了8F 02/08 10:30
→ : 他怕被交易吧XD9F 02/08 10:30
推 : 不用雷霆 他一月就很慘了10F 02/08 10:31
推 : 這季真的打蠻爛的11F 02/08 10:31
推 : 樓下幫我推最大團都沒人請求下放12F 02/08 10:31
→ : 他如果還有交易價值 可能還比較令人欣慰13F 02/08 10:32
推 : 心態滿好的14F 02/08 10:32
推 : 反觀15F 02/08 10:34
推 : 昨天被我龜一步過爆扣16F 02/08 10:35
→ : 昨天打雷霆真的慘 很常第一步就被過17F 02/08 10:36
推 : 這心態只能推了18F 02/08 10:36
→ : 夠積極,希望他能因此有所得19F 02/08 10:37
推 : 加油 希望能盡早脫離低潮20F 02/08 10:37
推 : 推心態21F 02/08 10:38
推 : 下去虐菜恢復信心22F 02/08 10:39
推 : 最近真的不在狀態內,好險自己有看到自己的低潮23F 02/08 10:39
推 : 昨天守龜龜看起來像LV10初心者挑戰LV80魔王 狂被電24F 02/08 10:39
推 : 這季超爛25F 02/08 10:39
推 : 想辦法轉隊吧 留在勇士沒有機會成長26F 02/08 10:39
推 : 肢體不太協調 上一場又被電到崩潰.. 下去療傷27F 02/08 10:40
→ : 新秀到勇士有機會新人拿冠軍戒 可是磨練機會少很多28F 02/08 10:41
推 : 想去建立一下信心吧29F 02/08 10:41
→ : 三巨頭平均一場要轟70幾分 球權還剩下多少30F 02/08 10:42
推 : 去找carry的感覺 重現信心 回來再戰31F 02/08 10:42
推 : 感謝各位的指教 I will b back!! See you guys soon32F 02/08 10:43
→ : !
→ : !
推 : 他的機會已經羨慕死一堆二輪球員惹吧34F 02/08 10:43
噓 : 講的好像勇士沒給他機會上場磨練一樣35F 02/08 10:44
→ : 之前勇士狂輪休時他很常上好嗎
→ : 之前勇士狂輪休時他很常上好嗎
→ : 你不是像大衛西李文伊谷的老將 只是個小配角37F 02/08 10:44
→ : 勇士都市傳說 KT沒球權 McCaw沒機會38F 02/08 10:45
推 : 去找自己了39F 02/08 10:46
推 : 這心態很正向啊 對球隊或對他自己都好啊40F 02/08 10:47
推 : 反觀丁尺41F 02/08 10:47
推 : 狀況不好沒關係 心態給推42F 02/08 10:48
推 : 心態好給推43F 02/08 10:48
→ : 馬靠: I will be back44F 02/08 10:48
推 : 菜鳥還有要練的東西 JR這年紀是能練什麼?45F 02/08 10:51
推 : 心態大推!! 勇勇用了什麼巫術 竟然有心到自請下奈46F 02/08 10:52
推 : 心態不錯 給推47F 02/08 10:56
推 : 菜鳥願意自請下放 這心態有夠成熟 非常人所及48F 02/08 10:58
推 : 心態很好吧49F 02/08 11:02
推 : 心態不錯 期待你的歸來50F 02/08 11:02
→ : QQb51F 02/08 11:09
推 : 反觀一些拿頂薪的打出比菜雞還菜雞的成績52F 02/08 11:12
推 : 圍巾罰球真爛53F 02/08 11:12
推 : 看來是回不來了54F 02/08 11:12
推 : 心態讚。55F 02/08 11:12
推 : good56F 02/08 11:13
推 : 本人推文XDD57F 02/08 11:13
推 : 原來G聯盟可以拿來練手感XD58F 02/08 11:13
推 : 軟趴趴的59F 02/08 11:18
推 : 反觀最大團 呵呵60F 02/08 11:20
推 : 推心態積極 希望恢復狀況61F 02/08 11:21
推 : push62F 02/08 11:23
推 : 比較想看到他練壯一點 感覺會很勇QQ63F 02/08 11:23
推 : 天份不足 但心態積極64F 02/08 11:24
推 : 被龜虐到忘記怎麼打球要下去虐菜65F 02/08 11:24
推 : 看成McGee...66F 02/08 11:29
→ : 他有的是機會 穩定的話至少還可以看到他至少10幾年67F 02/08 11:30
推 : 在哪裡看到10幾年真的是神預測68F 02/08 11:32
推 : 心態超棒 他會成材69F 02/08 11:32
推 : 勇士也有意要養他吧 對他真的都不錯70F 02/08 11:33
推 : 至少有自覺肯努力不擺爛,很不錯了71F 02/08 11:39
推 : WOW!72F 02/08 11:44
→ : 有這種例子?自請下放二軍 整個好日本啊= =
→ : 有這種例子?自請下放二軍 整個好日本啊= =
推 : 反觀騎士某後衛74F 02/08 11:44
推 : 真的是被龜害的 太殘忍了75F 02/08 11:46
→ : 季後賽專用就好76F 02/08 11:48
推 : 加油!77F 02/08 11:49
→ : 馬尻78F 02/08 11:53
推 : 轉去雷霆穿龜殼修煉吧79F 02/08 11:58
推 : 小AI能不能下放啊 那個整組換掉的投籃下去投到爽80F 02/08 12:02
推 : 真是好孩子!81F 02/08 12:17
→ : 澳門哥82F 02/08 12:19
推 : 心態不錯啊83F 02/08 12:36
推 : 至少心態正確84F 02/08 12:47
→ : 把李文跟小AI下放吧 我宇宙勇只需要超級巨腿85F 02/08 12:48
推 : 加油,懂得找地方去努力的球員86F 02/08 13:03
→ : 替補時間不夠沒手感 下放實戰練習很好啊87F 02/08 13:07
推 : 心態推88F 02/08 13:07
噓 : 孬89F 02/08 13:13
推 : 尼克楊 到底有什麼用途....90F 02/08 13:17
推 : 心態好,未來一定會成長的更好91F 02/08 13:47
推 : 心態不錯92F 02/08 14:10
推 : 尼克羊就三分射手啊93F 02/08 14:34
→ : McCaw本季場均上場時間有15.9分鐘
→ : 出賽時間排全隊第六 僅次於不死亡五小
→ : 比Livingston Zaza Casspi Bell Young West還高
推 : 然後他的+/-是全隊最慘的-1.3
→ : NetRTG是倒數第二慘的-1.2
→ : McCaw本季場均上場時間有15.9分鐘
→ : 出賽時間排全隊第六 僅次於不死亡五小
→ : 比Livingston Zaza Casspi Bell Young West還高
推 : 然後他的+/-是全隊最慘的-1.3
→ : NetRTG是倒數第二慘的-1.2
推 : 去年磨很多 今年打回原形99F 02/08 14:50
推 : 明年進明星賽100F 02/08 15:18
推 : 推心態101F 02/08 16:20
推 : 聰明人102F 02/08 17:20
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 53
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