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看板 NBA
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
標題 [外絮] 嘴綠:他X的沒有一隊知道如何打敗我們
時間 Fri Oct 13 11:00:24 2017



來源: Bleacher report
網址: http://tinyurl.com/y73peosa
Draymond Green: No Team Has 'A F--king Clue' How to Beat Warriors | Bleacher Report
Golden State Warriors power forward Draymond Green confidently said other NBA title contenders "don't have a f--king clue" how to handle the defending ...


Draymond Green: No Team Has 'A F--king Clue' How to Beat Warriors

Golden State Warriors power forward Draymond Green confidently said other NBA
title contenders "don't have a f--king clue" how to handle the defending
champion Dubs.

On Thursday, Clay Skipper of GQ passed along Green's response to comments by
Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey, who said the Warriors "are not

"What the f--k are you talking about? They are really trying to rethink their
whole strategy," the reigning Defensive Player of the Year said, before
adding: "because teams know they don't have a fucking clue."

Golden State lost a single game during its entire run through the 2017 NBA
playoffs—Game 4 of the Finals against the Cleveland Cavaliers. Only a
record-setting night from beyond the three-point line by the Cavs prevented
the Warriors from a 16-game sweep of the postseason.

"That'd never been done!" Green said of the Cavs' three-point barrage. "They
don't come out and hit twenty-four threes and they're swept. And that's the
second best team in the world. It's pretty f--king sick to see how everybody
is just in a f--king panic about what to do. You sit back and think, like,
these motherf--kers, they know. That's the fun part about it: They know they
don't stand a chance."

He added: "They didn't stand a f--king chance. It pissed me off we didn't
sweep them, though."

The Warriors will head into the 2017-18 campaign as overwhelming favorites to
win another championship. They are listed at 5-8 odds to capture another
Larry O'Brien Trophy next June, well ahead of the Cavaliers, who are the
second choice at 7-2, per OddsShark.

Green isn't buying into his own team's preseason hype, though. He believes
expectations are being made intentionally high so "everybody got something to
talk about" if the Dubs fall short.

"That's motivation for me," he told GQ. "Everybody wants to anoint us as the
greatest team ever, or whatever. The Warriors are gonna win the next 5
championships. The f--k outta here. It's so hard to win a championship. And
if you win three in a row, and everybody said you were going to win the next
five, they're gonna s--t on you. Because if everybody places you on the top,
you only got one place to go. And that's down."

Green has played with a chip on his shoulder since falling to the second
round of the 2012 draft.

Along with serving as the Warriors' defensive stalwart, he's also their
emotional leader, and his outspoken nature gives the star-studded team an
edginess not brought to the table by Kevin Durant, Stephen Curry or Klay


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lipsred1006 : 夠嘴給推1F 10/13 11:02
gankgf      : 狂喔2F 10/13 11:02
leon1309    : 這樣算敗人品?還是立旗?3F 10/13 11:02
austin7037  : 中肯給推4F 10/13 11:03
doleful     : 馬刺:5F 10/13 11:03
formap      : 推倒數第三段6F 10/13 11:03
JeffFu0910  : 太嘴啦7F 10/13 11:03
gn00945822  : 超狂 超多髒話8F 10/13 11:05
mcwu        : 他有資格嘴9F 10/13 11:05
zxcv3147    : 中肯 說實話錯了嗎10F 10/13 11:05
peace1way   : 狂!沒有人知道怎麼打敗我們,我知道要輸了出腳XDD11F 10/13 11:06
linchw      : 他有三小資格12F 10/13 11:06
sam86716    : 就不要輸掉13F 10/13 11:06
phoenician  : 狂 超狂 非常狂14F 10/13 11:07
rahim1211   : 現代老巴 比kd這種貨色好太多15F 10/13 11:07
Tony12477   :  唉 要是能出一個歐肥等級的就能教育一下嘴綠了16F 10/13 11:08
osiris34    : 他有資格啊 就憑他能招募到KD17F 10/13 11:10
SnakeO      : 還不是靠ZAZA,不然至少兩敗18F 10/13 11:10
jokethelife : 嫩 跨過你就贏了好嗎19F 10/13 11:10
newsboy3423 : 出個KG也可以啊 XDD20F 10/13 11:10
chon34      : 樓上 跨過他下半輩子的幸福就沒了好嗎21F 10/13 11:11
cblade      : 確實有資格跟實力這樣嘴22F 10/13 11:11
peaceever   : 的確很強,但也真的很雞掰...23F 10/13 11:12
ooxxman     : 老實說 真想不出怎擊敗雙巔峰MVP+DPOY+超級3D的組合24F 10/13 11:12
cblade      : 西區橫掃 騎士8打5拿一場25F 10/13 11:12
Jarvis7     : 雖然嘴但這是事實,其他隊伍沒有爆26F 10/13 11:12
Jarvis7     : 發一定是被虐
qk56        : 直話直說28F 10/13 11:12
SpadeR      : ZAZA中流砥柱29F 10/13 11:12
draft117024 : 輸了就出腳 怎麼贏30F 10/13 11:12
ooxxman     : 嘴綠超狂是有所本的,陣容強到不行,其他隊只是好看31F 10/13 11:13
kent0398    : 知道別人再捧殺還敢這樣講  真的是很有信心...32F 10/13 11:13
tatata      : 你聽過業力嗎33F 10/13 11:13
kiwifat     : 綠超帥34F 10/13 11:14
force5566   : 真性情35F 10/13 11:14
cblade      : 至少不是開分身帳號嘴36F 10/13 11:14
wailman     : 他是嫌不欣賞勇士隊的球迷太少了?37F 10/13 11:14
tim8333     : 踢蛋最無恥38F 10/13 11:15
grimnir158  : 上季才收斂一點 一拿冠又開始發作了39F 10/13 11:15
yuiop358    : 勇士有三個接近180俱樂部的射手真的難打 嘴綠又扛起40F 10/13 11:15
yuiop358    : 禁區髒活
b08297      : 刺迷還在廁所喔,沒被踩最多勇士多一敗而已好嗎42F 10/13 11:15
wowandy     : 呵呵43F 10/13 11:16
john91018   : 立flag囉44F 10/13 11:17
Tony12477   : kg也可以 但可能不到能吃乾抹淨45F 10/13 11:17
hutten      : ...這真的立旗了46F 10/13 11:17
ccl007      : 舒服 20171013記著47F 10/13 11:17
mailman     : 蠻真性情的啊48F 10/13 11:18
amber419    : 水準依舊49F 10/13 11:18
AngelNo13   : 又發作了50F 10/13 11:18
yniori      : 當然啦~勇士有無敵神腳ZAZA51F 10/13 11:18
osiris34    : 不過我是覺得他也不要高興的太早,他在勇士的功用也52F 10/13 11:19
osiris34    : 快被zaza取代了
dollarshih  : 小ai、curry、kd、kt、嘴綠、zaza 6隻明星怎麼打?54F 10/13 11:19
skoyeee     : 他很看得清現實阿 每個人都把勇士捧上天 其心可議55F 10/13 11:19
skoyeee     : 勇士只需要做好自己就好 沒冠軍也沒什麼
sasakihiroto: 嘴綠水準怎麼樣大家早就心知肚明啦 不意外 沒事兒沒57F 10/13 11:22
sasakihiroto: 事兒
brokenXD    : 我勇威武59F 10/13 11:22
a9527a      : 嘴,簽下ZaZa了不起喔60F 10/13 11:22
brokenXD    : 想不到勇士輸的理由61F 10/13 11:23
ksk0516     : 霸氣,不愧是超過72勝公牛的新王朝62F 10/13 11:23
CaspianY    : XD太中肯啦會被噓63F 10/13 11:23
GothicMetal : 惹人厭64F 10/13 11:24
j0618204    : 馬刺有KL,沒KL,差很多,不是差一敗。那怎不說201665F 10/13 11:24
j0618204    : 年,勇士沒KD,不是只差一個人?顆顆。
pounil      : 舒服 KD加入後究無敵舒服了 這大家都知道67F 10/13 11:26
glay7566    : 既得利益者68F 10/13 11:26
CaspianY    : 既得利益者是這樣用的嗎囧69F 10/13 11:27
jeffsu      : 沒在真宇宙最大團你能這麼囂張喔XDDD70F 10/13 11:28
Despairile  : 馬刺第一場因為那一腳才贏完全假裝沒看到呵呵71F 10/13 11:28
charmy01    : 我好期待業力引爆那天嘻嘻72F 10/13 11:28
IB1SA       : 可愛健康絕對完爆73F 10/13 11:28
d8456aaa    : 功用快被zaza取代 你不是睜眼說瞎話就是不會看球74F 10/13 11:29
ksk0516     : 不讓KD一個人嘴75F 10/13 11:29
tim1112     : 例行賽都爆不了了 還在幻想喔76F 10/13 11:30
tim1112     : 可愛這麼屌 去年就不會輸雷霆了
ericmelo    : 中二屁孩會出來噴不意外78F 10/13 11:31
kobi0910    : 沒錯啊  喬神都說其他隊是垃圾了79F 10/13 11:31
Thompson13  : 趕快生出一隊打爆勇士啦80F 10/13 11:31
l5i9hbba    : 想幫KD分散仇恨?81F 10/13 11:33
dotdotisme  : 777777777777777 誠實82F 10/13 11:34
atking      : 有了Zaza 馬刺也不知道要如何贏了83F 10/13 11:35
ClutchShot  : 命好身在最舒適團啊~ MJ都出來說其他28隊是____了84F 10/13 11:35
ClutchShot  : 不過還是要讚賞一下勇士自己培養巨頭跟當初敢續嘴綠
Rothur      : 73-9時也沒人知道怎麼打敗你們啊86F 10/13 11:36
chengzan9309: 騎士那場還8打587F 10/13 11:36
ClutchShot  : 跟KT頂薪的好眼光 紅利約爽翻天88F 10/13 11:36
SHetler     : 幹他真的很嘴== 不過那段捧很高然後之後惟一的方向89F 10/13 11:37
SHetler     : 是向下 很中肯
abdgmnzc    : 先打預防針到時候有人受傷 沒拿冠軍 就可以有理由了91F 10/13 11:37
fishfish1314: 超嘴92F 10/13 11:38
ClutchShot  : 嘴綠真的是來幫KD吸仇恨的XDD93F 10/13 11:38
mikemax     : 夠嘴 真性情 給推94F 10/13 11:38
AlmaMater   : 讚95F 10/13 11:39
leo755269   : 不意外96F 10/13 11:41
bejay1022   : 雖然聽了不爽,但他講的是事實97F 10/13 11:43
poscal      : 出來混遲早要還的98F 10/13 11:43
lulttm      : 豪嘴豪棒棒99F 10/13 11:43
hsshkisskiss: 有zaza的確是沒人知道怎麼打敗你100F 10/13 11:46
dy1278dy    : 狂101F 10/13 11:47
ggwp2040    : 嘴綠就是嘴102F 10/13 11:49
yochengyu   : 一個體系球員畫這麼多103F 10/13 11:50
kkc890048   : 手機幫我播給那個……104F 10/13 11:50
Blazeleo819 : 整個NBA就只有我真性情!105F 10/13 11:51
CaTkinGG    : 畢竟勇士王朝106F 10/13 11:51
floriany    : 中肯107F 10/13 11:51
zxcc        : NBA乃哥!!!108F 10/13 11:51
sm981512    : 掰109F 10/13 11:52
andy27021527: 推嘴猛綠110F 10/13 11:54
DameLillard : 勇士好棒111F 10/13 11:54
QQStanGD666 : 招募KD這貨是他最強的一刻112F 10/13 11:55
shiun1017   : 改不了吃__113F 10/13 11:55
Lovesandy8  : 姆咪好不容易透氣了別這樣114F 10/13 11:55
WAYNE1989   : 是事實 但這話Curry KD講才有份量115F 10/13 12:00
kairiyu     : KD講? 你認真的嗎116F 10/13 12:00
WAYNE1989   : 廢話 kd重要性大它太多了117F 10/13 12:01
Abajohn     : 夠嘴118F 10/13 12:01
necotume    : 腿迷崩潰119F 10/13 12:03
zzz55597    : 夠狂120F 10/13 12:05
lucky1314w  : 事實 也夠格 四巨頭121F 10/13 12:05
jojozp06    : 又在敗人品122F 10/13 12:06
Arsenalhenry: 夠嘴給推123F 10/13 12:06
Rabarc      : KD蛋糕 Curry太溫 Green講才能提振士氣124F 10/13 12:07

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