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作者 標題 [花邊] Rose捐款7000給從芝加哥走去DC的反槍枝民
時間 Wed Aug 9 07:03:57 2017
Cavaliers PG Derrick Rose donates 7K to man walking from Chicago to DC
Cavaliers Derrick Rose Donates 7K To Man Walking From Chicago To DC
Cavaliers PG Derrick Rose has donated $7,000 to a man walking from Chicago to Washington, D.C. to help raise awareness about gun violence... ...
Cleveland Cavaliers point guard Derrick Rose has donated $7,000 to a man
walking from Chicago to Washington, D.C. to help raise awareness regarding
gun violence, according to Kelly Bauer of DNA Info. Demetrius Nash of
Bronzeville has embarked on the long walk in an attempt to draw attention to
the need for funding for violence protection programs.
Nash was incarcerated at 26 years old for drug trafficking. During his
imprisonment, he spent time thinking about how he could become part of the
solution to Chicago’s problems rather than continuing to being a slice of
the problem. That was when he came up with the idea of the walk.
“When I used to be incarcerated, I would fast and pray on Saturdays,” said
Nash, via Andrea Watson of DNA Info. “I got off federal probation May 24 of
this year, so that was a Wednesday. I prayed that Saturday and asked God what
was next for me. After 12 years of bondage I’m finally free. I woke up
Sunday, tapped my girlfriend and said, ‘Babe, I’m going to walk to
Washington, D.C.'”
Now, Rose is trying to help Nash’s cause.
“We’re proud of all the great work you’re doing to save the youth of
Chicago and providing a framework for at-risk youth for sustainability by
providing training for a trade and mentoring via positive & successful
mentors,” said Rose and his partner, Mieka Blackman-Reese, in a comment on
the campaign’s GoFundMe page. “God bless you with safe travels on your
This isn’t the first time Rose has done community work either. The former
Chicago Bulls and New York Knicks point guard has also paid for and attended
funerals of murder victims as well as donating $1 million to After School
Rose捐款的一位從芝加哥走路去DC的Demetrius Nash,來提高對槍枝暴力的認識
Demetrius Nash曾在26歲時因為販毒入獄,期間他在思考如何成為芝加哥解決
Demetrius Nash的計畫募資網頁
Fundraiser by Demetrius Nash : DNash Walkathon
Demetrius Nash needs your help today! DNash Walkathon - I'm walking. Yes WALKING!!! From Chicago to the White House, Washington, starting Friday, Augu ...
而Rose也曾在參加謀殺受害者的喪禮時,捐了1百萬給 After School Matters
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1PYaDaoB (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1502233444.A.C8B.html
推 : 我猜一定會有人嫌他年薪那麼高捐那麼少1F 08/09 07:09
推 : 推愛心2F 08/09 07:13
推 : 鞋子賣那麼多 捐那麼少 XD3F 08/09 07:13
推 : 愛心推4F 08/09 07:17
推 : 愛心推~5F 08/09 07:19
推 : 3樓?6F 08/09 07:30
推 : 功德無量 付出不求回報就是行善~阿彌陀丸7F 08/09 07:41
推 : 有行善就是推8F 08/09 07:48
→ : 推 羅斯9F 08/09 07:49
推 : 還在酸賣鞋 好像不酸不舒服10F 08/09 08:08
推 : 這翻譯...估狗翻的嗎...11F 08/09 08:08
推 : 翻譯的能力有待加強……12F 08/09 08:10
推 : 還行呀13F 08/09 08:13
→ : 以為是遊行,原來只有一個人啊,那捐多了反而害他XD
→ : 以為是遊行,原來只有一個人啊,那捐多了反而害他XD
→ : 人家捐多少還要這些鄉民來評論?先看看自己幾斤幾兩15F 08/09 08:29
→ : 一群廢物的份
→ : 一群廢物的份
推 : 如果是某人就發twitter嘴巴支持17F 08/09 08:32
推 : 推公益18F 08/09 08:35
推 : 捐個10萬鎂,應該就會讓他死在半路被搶劫了19F 08/09 08:36
推 : 第一段看不懂20F 08/09 08:38
推 : 推21F 08/09 08:41
噓 : 捐錢都被嫌少22F 08/09 08:54
推 : 原來是一個人啊 還蠻厲害的23F 08/09 09:00
推 : 拿去幫inner city比較有意義吧,這人只是想紅而已24F 08/09 09:01
推 : 推善心25F 08/09 09:05
推 : 推 Rose26F 08/09 09:34
推 : 捐錢酸少,酸翻譯翻不好又不說哪裡可以改善,偉哉鄉27F 08/09 09:34
→ : 民
→ : 民
推 : 捐得比勝文多很多29F 08/09 09:40
推 : 三樓水準30F 08/09 09:46
推 : 我以為是估狗翻譯XD31F 08/09 10:19
推 : 推32F 08/09 10:46
推 : 3樓呵呵33F 08/09 10:50
噓 : 沒槍只能比拳頭,可惜拳頭大不過官,人民有槍才能真34F 08/09 10:53
→ : 正執行自己的自由,面對多數暴力之時,唯,萬物有利
→ : 必也有斃。民主是多數暴力還是更甚如大陸少數暴力?
→ : 正執行自己的自由,面對多數暴力之時,唯,萬物有利
→ : 必也有斃。民主是多數暴力還是更甚如大陸少數暴力?
推 : 三樓有事?37F 08/09 11:25
推 : 捐款很不錯但不再來台灣...38F 08/09 11:38
推 : 皇叔94有1739F 08/09 11:49
推 : 推好心40F 08/09 12:38
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