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作者 標題 [外絮] Steven Adams回憶雷霆選他時KD的反應
時間 Tue Sep 4 11:56:45 2018
來源: The Bleacher Report
網址: https://tinyurl.com/yapmpkzj
Steven Adams Recalls Kevin Durant Tweeting 'SMH' After Being Drafted by Thunder | Bleacher Report | Latest News, Videos and Highlights
Kevin Durant apparently had a lukewarm reaction to his former team, the Oklahoma City Thunder , selecting Steven Adams with the 12th overall pick in t ...
Steven Adams Recalls Kevin Durant Tweeting 'SMH' After Being Drafted by
Steven Adams回憶雷霆選秀選他時 KD在推特上的反應是"搖頭"Kevin Durant apparently had a lukewarm reaction to his former team, the
Oklahoma City Thunder, selecting Steven Adams with the 12th overall pick in
the 2013 draft.
KD在2013年,當時雷霆選秀以第12順位選Steven Adams的決定是很冷淡的。
In his book, Steven Adams: My Life, My Fight, Adams recounted hearing of
Durant's initial response to his arrival on draft night (h/t NBA on ESPN):
在Steven Adams的書裡,Adams講述了在選秀的那晚,KD最初的反應。
推特截圖: https://imgur.com/yZRRn6r.jpg
"I found out later that the moment I was drafted someone tweeted 'WELP STEVEN
ADAMS TO OKC' and Kevin Durant apparently replied 'smh'. He deleted the tweet
and replaced it with 'Welcome Steven Adams'."
『smh(搖搖頭)』(smh: Shake My Head)。他之後刪掉那則留言,然後換上『Steven
Durant provided a more hospitable welcome on Twitter:
推特截圖: https://imgur.com/SxHRWUf.jpg
Durant also addressed the rumor he didn't want the Thunder to select Adams at
the time, calling it a "buncha bulls--t" (warning: post contains profanity).
To be fair, though, Durant wouldn't have been the only person in Oklahoma
City shaking their head over the team's decision.
The Thunder were coming off a second-round exit in the playoffs and were in
the NBA Finals in 2012. Given that, one would've expected Oklahoma City to
target a player who could help right away.
在2012年,雷霆打入西區決賽最後打入NBA Finals,就當年的狀況,大家會認為OKC應該要
Instead, Adams was the choice. He spent one year at Pittsburgh, averaging 7.2
points, 6.3 rebounds and 2.0 blocks. While Adams flashed plenty of potential,
many assumed he'd need a year or two of seasoning before he could contribute
to the Thunder in a meaningful way.
Sure enough, Adams was putting up 6.2 points, 6.0 rebounds and 1.0 blocks per
game through his first three seasons, per Basketball Reference, while showing
improvement from year to year.
The 25-year-old has since become a vital piece for Oklahoma City. His 13.9
points and 9.0 rebounds in 2017-18 were a career high, and the Thunder had a
5.0 net rating per 100 possessions with him on the court. The team's net
rating fell to minus-0.6 when he was on the bench, according to NBA.com.
Durant's deleted tweet is another example why it's rarely a good thing to
have knee-jerk reactions on draft night.
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推 : 開到本尊了1F 09/04 11:58
推 : 雷霆真大腿2F 09/04 11:59
推 : SMH有兩個 1.shacking my head 2.so much hate3F 09/04 11:59
→ : Smh4F 09/04 11:59
→ : 不知道*KD是哪個~5F 09/04 11:59
推 : 開錯帳 沒事兒沒事兒6F 09/04 12:00
推 : 又忘了換帳號吧7F 09/04 12:01
推 : 開錯帳號8F 09/04 12:01
推 : Kd:小貓閉嘴9F 09/04 12:02
推 : *KD: 小貓(smh)10F 09/04 12:02
推 : 開錯帳11F 09/04 12:03
噓 : *KD12F 09/04 12:03
推 : KD搖頭13F 09/04 12:05
推 : *KD:smh已經被假*KD刪掉了14F 09/04 12:05
推 : 這個人真的是......唉 現任勇士一哥~~~~~15F 09/04 12:05
推 : 不是WB他籃板在正常球隊應該可以場均多4顆16F 09/04 12:07
推 : 開錯帳號XDD17F 09/04 12:10
推 : 忘記切帳號18F 09/04 12:10
推 : 那時候還沒創分身吧19F 09/04 12:10
推 : *KD:那不是KD的帳號20F 09/04 12:10
推 : KD果然是鄉民第一籃球高手21F 09/04 12:12
推 : 也許從那時以後 才意識的分身的重要性22F 09/04 12:13
推 : 不小心開到本尊23F 09/04 12:14
噓 : Suck Mamba Head24F 09/04 12:16
推 : 果真KD本色。25F 09/04 12:16
噓 : @mmmn52332 KD就打工仔一個,一哥一直是Curry好嗎26F 09/04 12:17
推 : smh*27F 09/04 12:22
推 : 誰支援一下 經典4格圖28F 09/04 12:23
噓 : KD:KD是不小心用錯帳號29F 09/04 12:25
推 : KD跟紐約小朋友一樣真性情!30F 09/04 12:27
推 : *KD:KD才是真正上場打球的人,不懂籃球的都閉嘴31F 09/04 12:29
推 : KD:KD忘記開小號了32F 09/04 12:30
→ : 可以推“噁心”嗎? 有人說主觀覺得沒問題喔33F 09/04 12:31
噓 : 可悲抱腿仔34F 09/04 12:34
推 : *KD35F 09/04 12:35
→ : 所以KD本來希望球隊選誰? 字母?狗貝?36F 09/04 12:36
推 : 不意外吧 他不是說隊友很弱 除了龜37F 09/04 12:37
噓 : 別人看到藍血懦夫投降才要搖頭吧 噗38F 09/04 12:37
推 : 亞當犧牲太多籃板給龜龜,不然場均雙15沒問題39F 09/04 12:37
推 : KD:慘了 開錯帳號惹~~~40F 09/04 12:37
→ : *KD:忘記切帳號拉41F 09/04 12:39
→ : KD回雷霆也洗不了白了 注定比不上LBJ42F 09/04 12:42
噓 : 真假KD43F 09/04 12:46
推 : 2冠VS0冠44F 09/04 12:46
推 : *KD:選小貓不能搖頭嗎45F 09/04 12:47
推 : 當時還有誰可以選?46F 09/04 12:50
推 : 我也想問當時還有誰能選?47F 09/04 12:52
推 : 還是*KD有選秀眼 知道字母會長成這樣48F 09/04 12:52
→ : KD不意外49F 09/04 12:52
推 : 殊不知鴨蛋是真大腿50F 09/04 12:52
推 : 雷霆沒龜 鴨蛋會場均30分20籃板51F 09/04 12:53
推 : 真鄉民52F 09/04 13:00
噓 : *KD:KD跟到的C級隊友 難怪前年被逆轉53F 09/04 13:01
噓 : Smh54F 09/04 13:03
推 : 不然要有什麼反應呢 又不是選比當初KD更高順位的狀55F 09/04 13:08
→ : 元
→ : 元
推 : KD:KD那時候沒有小號57F 09/04 13:10
推 : 難怪去勇士,氣質符合58F 09/04 13:14
推 : 事後看得話當然選字母哥59F 09/04 13:15
推 : 忘了切換帳號而已60F 09/04 13:19
→ : 這件事之後,KD就多了幾個推特帳號61F 09/04 13:25
推 : 噗~忘記開分身回覆又被抓包了62F 09/04 13:25
推 : 水行俠63F 09/04 13:27
推 : 又忘了換帳號XDD64F 09/04 13:32
推 : 那才不是KD發的,是分身65F 09/04 13:35
推 : KD:KD要15順位那隻辣66F 09/04 13:41
推 : *KD這麼討厭他 難怪跟一直踢他蛋的嘴綠那麼好67F 09/04 13:42
→ : 這就4同仇敵愾 兄弟相挺 好感人QQQQ
→ : 這就4同仇敵愾 兄弟相挺 好感人QQQQ
推 : *KD:KD選到小貓也不能搖頭?69F 09/04 13:43
噓 : KD70F 09/04 13:49
推 : 小貓而已71F 09/04 13:52
推 : KD:刪了smh你不爽是嗎?要我再寫一次嗎!小貓!72F 09/04 13:55
→ : KD:又來一隻水中怪物,smh
→ : KD:又來一隻水中怪物,smh
推 : 24個KD74F 09/04 14:06
推 : 應該是那時還沒開分身 後來就學到了去開小號噴75F 09/04 14:12
推 : 這人真的沒下限76F 09/04 14:22
推 : 抱歉,開錯帳號77F 09/04 14:44
推 : 又不小心開到本尊了78F 09/04 15:02
推 : *KD:*KD:*KD:*KD:小貓79F 09/04 15:11
推 : 不夠粗80F 09/04 15:11
噓 : 好噁心81F 09/04 15:23
推 : 不曉得2013前11順位的球員表現如何?82F 09/04 15:24
推 : 最粗的感動83F 09/04 15:32
推 : 前面順位輪不到雷霆選啊,要看後面吧84F 09/04 15:34
推 : 後面有字母哥吧85F 09/04 15:48
推 : 字母哥完成度超低的吧 要不是後來有老基也練不出來86F 09/04 16:05
→ : 啊
→ : 啊
推 : 挖走KD誰還打的贏湖人...88F 09/04 16:09
推 : suck my head (the one below)89F 09/04 16:12
推 : 老大都說smd的 KD算是溫良恭儉讓90F 09/04 16:13
推 : 忘了開分身91F 09/04 16:29
推 : KD:smh92F 09/04 16:40
推 : 即使當下不看好也沒什麼好鞭的吧93F 09/04 16:45
推 : *KD : 反正雷霆都是拿的到冠軍的小貓94F 09/04 17:11
推 : 現在證明他錯了吧 adams很猛啊95F 09/04 17:17
推 : 所以13年就有小號了嗎?96F 09/04 17:49
噓 : KD97F 09/04 17:56
噓 : 他怎麼老是喜歡幹這種事98F 09/04 17:57
推 : KD:KD忘了切換成小帳99F 09/04 18:05
推 : 就是說很多人也搖頭 就KD比較明目張膽貼在推特100F 09/04 18:19
推 : 字母哥會被後來接手的老唐養壞吧101F 09/04 18:19
推 : KD:沒寫wtf就不錯了102F 09/04 18:49
推 : 後面看起來就字母哥、狗貝這樣103F 09/04 19:24
→ : 讓龜龜搶了那麼多籃板還能場均9板 厲害104F 09/04 20:25
推 : 這隻籤是不是用哈登換來的?105F 09/04 20:45
噓 : Lady忘記開小號喔106F 09/04 22:28
推 : KD:選了隻小貓107F 09/05 00:15
推 : KD:幹又忘了切換帳號108F 09/05 01:21
→ : *KD:我從那時起了轉隊念頭109F 09/05 01:44
推 : 還好吧,當時看的確該選即戰力110F 09/05 03:47
推 : Kd不喜歡小貓咪111F 09/05 06:17
推 : 金州仲彥112F 09/05 06:18
推 : KD:KD:選他幹嘛(搖頭)113F 09/05 08:31
噓 : 這人真的是114F 09/05 09:51
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