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作者 標題 [外絮] 勇士GM承認,球隊的預算有點超乎預期
時間 Tue Jul 11 15:31:46 2017
Warriors GM Bob Myers admits that the team is “way over” budget
Warriors GM Bob Myers admits that the team is "way over" budget
Following the re-signing of Stephen Curry, Kevin Durant, Andre Iguodala and Shaun Livingston this summer, the Golden State Warriors have been successf ...
Following the re-signing of Stephen Curry, Kevin Durant, Andre Iguodala and Shaun Livingston this summer, the Golden State Warriors have been successf ...
With the re-signing of Stephen Curry, Kevin Durant, Andre Iguodala and Shaun
Livingston this summer, the Golden State Warriors have been successful in
retaining their championship core. The acquisition of free agents Nick Young
and Omri Casspi further strengthens their bench lineup, but it does come with
a very hefty price tag.
Dubs general manager Bob Myers recently appeared on the Warriors Plus/Minus
podcast with Tim Kawakami and Marcus Thompson where he admitted that even if
team owner Joe Lacob is fine with paying the luxury tax, he knows they are
way over budget, not just this season, but for at least the next three years
as well.
勇士GM Bob Myers近期接受採訪時承認,就算老闆Lacob樂於支付奢侈稅,球隊的預算還
“Joe is good in that we had a number heading into free agency as to what the
budget was, and we’re way over it,”
「Joe Lacob清楚知道我們有多少籌碼可以投入自由球員市場上,但我們依然超出預算。」
“Here’s the thing to know about Joe. He’s really competitive, and he wants
to win. And so you have to balance that, like anyone does, with running a
business. … you have to balance spending with running a business with trying
to win championships.”
Almost $335 million has been spent by the team in this summer alone, and even
with the salary cap projected to once again increase next season, they will
be way above the luxury tax line, and would be hit with a big loss, should
they fail to defend the title they won this year.
A look at the Warriors' insane luxury tax bill via @BobbyMarks42 on #TheJump.
Per Windy, this includes paying Draymond Green/Klay Thompson.
However, with their stars’ service all secured, the Warriors are expected to
be once again the odds-on favorite to win another style this coming season.
If they indeed go back-to-back, Lacob surely will not mind having gone over
the threshold.
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1499758310.A.F46.html
推 : 藍山啦1F 07/11 15:32
噓 : KD都幫你省多少了2F 07/11 15:32
推 : 222.73F 07/11 15:32
推 : 有人年薪領的比FMVP還多快2000萬鎂 沒辦法阿4F 07/11 15:33
推 : 繳那麼多稅老闆還是會賺錢吧?5F 07/11 15:34
推 : 奢侈稅累進好猛啊6F 07/11 15:34
→ : 能衛冕 我是老闆一定會拼一個王朝 反正還賺錢咧7F 07/11 15:37
→ : 騎士老闆就比較囧一點
→ : 騎士老闆就比較囧一點
推 : 我是覺得咖哩談32M也就簽了(那時預計KD31M)9F 07/11 15:37
→ : 可是老闆凱也沒辦法
→ : 可是老闆凱也沒辦法
推 : 勇士市值增加了快20億美元,光股票增值就夠老闆賺了11F 07/11 15:38
→ : 花錢能奪冠還是最簡單的咧,薪資最貴然後被屠殺才悶12F 07/11 15:39
推 : 19年球季應該會考慮放人 太貴了 稅>薪資13F 07/11 15:39
推 : 補一些給低薪期吧 其實這樣做對未來招募球員還是有14F 07/11 15:39
→ : 好處吧?
→ : 好處吧?
噓 : FMVP都帶頭減了其他有FA的人又敢怎樣?16F 07/11 15:40
→ : 共同營造舒適空間吧
→ : 共同營造舒適空間吧
推 : 19年八成會放掉一些人18F 07/11 15:43
推 : 花錢可奪冠ok啦至少值得 不像有一隊花一堆還是總亞19F 07/11 15:43
推 : 這不是廢話嗎20F 07/11 15:43
→ : 軍 老闆應該很想哭21F 07/11 15:43
推 : 如果非得放一個走 好像主張放K湯的比較多 K湯會比嘴22F 07/11 15:44
→ : 綠早一年到期 19年暑假 勇士老闆就必須做決定了
→ : 綠早一年到期 19年暑假 勇士老闆就必須做決定了
推 : 反觀24F 07/11 15:46
推 : 有冠軍一切好談25F 07/11 15:46
推 : 市值增加除非要賣球隊,否則只是紙上富貴26F 07/11 15:46
推 : 叫帶槍投靠的那位領底薪啊27F 07/11 15:46
→ : 但薪資豪華稅支出,可是多一塊就是馬上要掏一塊28F 07/11 15:47
推 : 花1.3e沒冠軍比較慘29F 07/11 15:47
→ : 勇士明年要打平就有難度了,往後更不用說30F 07/11 15:47
→ : 18-19準備賠一屁股
→ : 18-19準備賠一屁股
推 : 搬到sf先漲兩倍票價補一下啊32F 07/11 15:49
推 : 根本不會虧33F 07/11 15:50
推 : 腿d都降那麼多了 還想怎樣34F 07/11 15:51
→ : 強個五年,鞏固球迷之後,收入很穩定35F 07/11 15:51
推 : 愛組團就繳稅吧36F 07/11 15:52
推 : 總冠軍都多打一場賺了多少了..37F 07/11 15:53
噓 : 沒差啊 一沒奪冠Durant就會跑了 這樣就不用繳了38F 07/11 15:53
推 : 花錢拿不到冠軍的例子比比皆是39F 07/11 15:55
推 : 如果門票收益那些有賺錢 老闆大概不會太在意40F 07/11 15:56
推 : 有冠軍你要KD降到底薪他都可以41F 07/11 15:57
推 : 勇士之前薪資低沒什麼好說的吧42F 07/11 15:58
噓 : 花大錢買來的總冠軍43F 07/11 16:03
推 : 代表明年季後賽會故意多輸幾場,回主場賺門票週邊錢44F 07/11 16:04
→ : 哪個總冠軍不用花錢拉XD 總是比花大錢 沒冠軍 老闆45F 07/11 16:07
→ : 還虧大錢的好得多吧XDDDD
→ : 還虧大錢的好得多吧XDDDD
推 : 有些老闆想花錢買也買不到啊47F 07/11 16:08
推 : 三連霸後解體還超爽阿48F 07/11 16:11
推 : 追上你騎而已49F 07/11 16:15
推 : 騎士表示:50F 07/11 16:18
推 : 1.4億拓荒者表示:51F 07/11 16:19
推 : KD都自願領少了 看來準備解體52F 07/11 16:19
→ : 人家阿拓有賺錢好嗎XD 去年賺40M53F 07/11 16:25
推 : 還好啦,KD都少拿多少了54F 07/11 16:25
→ : IGGY:怪我囉?55F 07/11 16:26
→ : 勇士花這麼多 拿不到冠軍 就跟騎士一樣好笑了56F 07/11 16:38
推 : 明年我湖打爆你勇,KD離隊就不用怕啦57F 07/11 16:46
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