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作者 標題 [外絮] 尼克暫停交易Melo的對話或許想要他回來
時間 Fri Jul 14 09:46:38 2017
Sources: Knicks put Carmelo Anthony trade talks on hold, may want him back
New York Knicks put Carmelo Anthony trade talks on hold, may want him back
The Knicks are pausing trade talks centered on Carmelo Anthony and want to pursue a conversation with the ten-time NBA All-Star about possibly reincor ...
The New York Knicks are pausing trade talks centered on Carmelo Anthony and
want to pursue a conversation with the eight-team NBA All-Star about possibly
reincorporating him into the organization, league sources told ESPN.
尼克暫停了交易甜瓜的對談, 想跟這位8屆全明星聊一下在尼克重新合作的可能性
After talking with the Houston Rockets and Cleveland Cavaliers for nearly a
month to help engineer deals for Anthony, the Knicks told both teams that
they're stepping back from trade talks for a short time, league sources said.
Anthony had become eager to waive his no trade clause to join either team.
跟火箭和騎士談交易甜瓜近一個月, 今天尼克跟兩隊說:抱歉我喊個短暫停"
The departure of Phil Jackson as president -- and the impending arrival of
Sacramento executive Scott Perry as general manager -- has pushed the
franchise's top basketball executive Steve Mills to reconsider the Knicks'
intentions on trading Anthony, league sources said.
首先因為跟Melo不合的禪師走了, 新聘了前國王執行長Scott Perry當GM
讓尼克首席籃球執行長Steve Mills重新考慮交易Melo這件事
The Knicks want Anthony to meet with the new front office and coach Jeff
Hornacek in the near future, but it's unlikely that Anthony will respond with
eagerness about a plan to reincorporate himself into a franchise that has
been pushing him -- publicly and privately -- to accept a trade out of New
York, league sources said.
Anthony has been fully focused on getting a deal done, especially with
advanced talks that surrounded Houston. The Rockets were working on a
four-team trade with the Knicks that had gained traction throughout the week,
league sources said.
Melo最近都把心思放在交易如何完成上, 特別是跟火箭的交易
The Rockets have been eager to partner Anthony with Chris Paul and James
因為火箭亟欲組成 Melo + CP3 + 鬍子的Big 3
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1PQ2A1-o (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1499996801.A.FB2.html
推 : 裝肖維1F 07/14 09:49
→ : 我不是一定要你回來~~2F 07/14 09:49
推 : 只是又當一個人看海~3F 07/14 09:51
→ : 假的啦 一定很想出清 吊一下快艇騎士的胃口而已4F 07/14 09:52
推 : 之前怎麼不聊5F 07/14 09:52
推 : 回頭才發現你不在~6F 07/14 09:53
→ : 要他走時他不走 他想走時不給走XD 尼克到底想幹嘛7F 07/14 09:53
推 : 禪師:開始懷念我了嗎8F 07/14 09:53
推 : 留下我迂迴的徘徊~9F 07/14 09:53
→ : 我懷念的是無話不說~10F 07/14 09:53
推 : 個人認為留下安東尼才對11F 07/14 09:55
→ : 尼克才可以一直重建
→ : 達成老闆杜蘭的願望
→ : 尼克才可以一直重建
→ : 達成老闆杜蘭的願望
推 : 我懷念的是腿的溫度14F 07/14 09:56
→ : 談了快一個月 換個GM就OK惹!?15F 07/14 09:56
推 : 倘若那天16F 07/14 09:57
推 : 一種真的想要瓜瓜就拿出誠意(更大包)的概念?17F 07/14 09:59
→ : 就留著再演一季抓馬, 不好嗎?18F 07/14 10:00
推 : 把該說的話好好說 該體諒的不執著19F 07/14 10:01
噓 : 尼克爛在老闆 換多少管理層都沒用20F 07/14 10:01
→ : 靠, 倘若那天就能接起來也太強了21F 07/14 10:02
推 : 看到推文 知道火迷也擔心甜瓜來亂22F 07/14 10:02
噓 : 尼克最爛的是總經理,沒料23F 07/14 10:07
→ : 打錯,是總教練
→ : 打錯,是總教練
→ : 可惜美乳...........GO~~~~~25F 07/14 10:08
推 : 少鬼扯,根本換不到好的,才喊停26F 07/14 10:08
推 : 轉身離開 有話說不出來27F 07/14 10:09
→ : 杜爛:賺錢>>>>>>戰積28F 07/14 10:10
推 : 老闆可能想說今年還有機會進季後賽 多賺點門票錢吧~29F 07/14 10:12
推 : Melo火箭相愛只是一場意外30F 07/14 10:13
推 : 這是一種手法,一來不會讓別人以為他急著想清31F 07/14 10:13
→ : 二來萬一真的換不出去也比較好說話
→ : 二來萬一真的換不出去也比較好說話
→ : 全天下都知道你想清了XD33F 07/14 10:15
→ : 知道昰知道,戲還是要演34F 07/14 10:15
→ : 火箭本就不可能傷筋動骨讓自己變弱進行交易,沒意義35F 07/14 10:15
→ : 尼克及第三隊如果要得太多胃口太大,交易很難進行
→ : 尼克及第三隊如果要得太多胃口太大,交易很難進行
推 : 尼克最爛的是老闆,已經爛十幾年了37F 07/14 10:17
推 : 8屆全明星?38F 07/14 10:19
→ : 花崗一郎:已經忍了二十年,再忍個二十年好嗎?39F 07/14 10:19
→ : 尼克會爛這麼久不是沒原因的40F 07/14 10:21
推 : 都跟你說過放手 不要 再聽 你的借口41F 07/14 10:21
→ : 內部內鬥 意見又分歧XD 重點是老闆很愛亂插手介入42F 07/14 10:21
→ : 尼克現在留Melo也是搞笑 JTH都簽了你是要讓1+1<0嗎43F 07/14 10:24
→ : 雖然尼克本來就是想坦+練兵 可是弄到球隊內部分派就
→ : 會連新人和KP都打不下去了
→ : 雖然尼克本來就是想坦+練兵 可是弄到球隊內部分派就
→ : 會連新人和KP都打不下去了
推 : 甜瓜人生46F 07/14 10:27
推 : 33歲老瓜人生開演47F 07/14 10:28
推 : 我看不懂大蘋果想幹嘛了...48F 07/14 10:29
→ : 再爛十年 不EY49F 07/14 10:36
噓 : 這阿拉花瓜這麼老了還能開演老瓜人生 火箭真要?50F 07/14 10:41
→ : 尼克管理層沒料好幾年了,當一間餐廳賣餿水餐還能大51F 07/14 10:41
→ : 賺,他不會考慮賣一般餐點,頂多改賣屎,紐約客照吃
→ : 賺,他不會考慮賣一般餐點,頂多改賣屎,紐約客照吃
推 : 歹戲拖棚53F 07/14 10:50
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