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作者 標題 [外絮] CP3 在德州打球,繳的稅會少好幾百萬
時間 Thu Jun 29 10:48:52 2017
Chris Paul will save millions of dollars in taxes with new
NBA contract in Houston
Chris Paul will save millions of dollars in taxes with new NBA contract in Houston
The NBA All-Star and former LA Clippers guard will move to Houston under a new trade deal that will allow him to benefit financially because of reduce ...
CP3 在火箭的合約,能幫他省下數百萬美元的稅
NBA All-Star Chris Paul is making a move, and a move that will pay dividends
for him because of a reduction of state tax payments.
Paul opted into his contract with the Los Angeles Clippers with one year
left, allowing L.A. to trade Paul, send him to Houston, and pick up three
players and a draft pick in exchange. The last year on Paul’s contract with
the Clippers was worth $24.2 million, but Paul can now sign a maximum $205
million, five-year extension with the Rockets as part of the trade.
鳥權頂薪續約五年 205M的權力。
And that $205 million contract is worth a lot more now than it would be if
Paul stayed with the Clippers. How much? Try around $15 million.
In California, Paul paid 13.3 percent state income tax on his earnings, but
he will now pay a whopping zero percent in state income tax as a Texas
resident. California has the highest state income tax in the country, and it
won’t hurt Paul financially to leave the state at all.
在加州,CP3 要付13.3%的州稅,但搬到德州以後,這條稅額會「咻」變成零。
Athletes in the U.S. are taxed based on the total amount of “duty days”
they play in various states, with the home state obviously comprising of the
majority of those days. In the case of Houston and other Texas teams, those
duty days aren’t taxed at all. Away duty days are taxed at that state’s
respective tax rate. So if a player travels to Illinois, they are taxed at
3.75 percent. However – and this is where it gets complicated – while
players pay the respective state income tax where they are playing, they are
also obligated to pay whatever difference there might be between that state’
s income tax level and their home state’s level. So players for the
California teams playing the Bulls will pay Illinois 3.75 percent and
California 9.55 percent for, still, a total of 13.3 percent.
Forbes does a great job of breaking it down.
Based on the 2017-2018 schedule, 26.2 percent of Paul’s total earnings will
come from games played in states that have a state income tax. At an average
of 5 percent, $2.68 million of his contract will be taken out for state taxes
playing for the Rockets. Had he stayed in California, that number would be
$27.2 million.
Factoring in federal income tax, which actually decrease the total difference
because federal taxes are calculated on income minus state taxes, Paul comes
away with $122.2 million playing for the Rockets versus $107.4 million if he
stayed with the Clippers, for a difference of $14.8 million
His tax payments in California, had he stayed with the Clippers, would be
even higher for Paul if President Donald Trump’s new tax plan passes. Under
the new Trump plan, state income tax would not be taken out of his total
before federal taxes are equated.
In California, Paul is also taxed for his endorsements. In Texas, Paul will
pay no state tax at all.
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1PL6gNn3 (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1498704535.A.C43.html
→ : 你的標題1F 06/29 10:49
推 : 國王的標題2F 06/29 10:49
copy-paste 的時候忘記了,抱歉。
→ gn1384181 …
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推 : 你都知道CP3在想什麼 真的有夠厲害9F 06/29 10:52
※ 編輯: Jeffy (, 06/29/2017 10:53:31推 : 但是在LA業外收入更多10F 06/29 10:54
推 : CP3都這年紀了 真的值得拿5年205M嗎11F 06/29 10:55
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推 : 來台灣打包準你一毛稅金都不用繳16F 06/29 11:15
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→ : 才會這樣操作 不然他要冠軍首選應該是馬刺
→ : 才會這樣操作 不然他要冠軍首選應該是馬刺
→ : 鳥權要符合什麼條件才有啊19F 06/29 11:19
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→ : 那CP25的薪資怎算? 客場沒出賽就照領薪資不課稅??21F 06/29 11:20
推 : 還滿爽的耶22F 06/29 11:21
推 : 原來如此 上了一課23F 06/29 11:25
推 : 影響蠻大的24F 06/29 11:28
推 : 我看到最後實領跟合約數目 真的覺得稅率好誇張25F 06/29 11:28
推 : 德州與佛州的優勢就在這26F 06/29 11:33
推 : 為什麼CP3的頂薪才2E出頭 其他比他菜的都多他很多27F 06/29 11:47
推 : 精打細算~28F 06/29 11:48
推 : 台灣簡單多了 所得直接扣你45%再說 顆顆29F 06/29 11:56
→ : 喔喔!!!30F 06/29 11:59
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推 : 難怪德州州長可以當總統32F 06/29 12:09
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