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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] 龍王Bosh寫了封告別球迷的信,我們才知道他真是個天才
時間 Tue Jul 4 11:59:34 2017
The dragon king bosh wrote a letter to say goodbye to the nba career after
watching the letter to know chris bosh is a rare talent
The time on July 2, Chris bosh on individual social networking web site wrote
a give oneself, also to his beloved fans a letter to say goodbye to his
career for 11 years.Finish see this letter may be on the dragon king will
have a deeper understanding.Chris bosh, the content of the letter:
美國時間7月2日,Chris bosh在個人社交網站上寫了一份給自己,也同時給自己心愛的球
>From the homeless to young children - learning to real coding, seems to look
a little stupid, but I never give up learning the value of the application
code in the past.In my childhood, my world seemed to be between 0 and 1 to
rotary, I can quickly grasp the pattern of design and coding.As the code in
the telephone, Internet, shopping, and other fields are widely used, I just
have the basic knowledge and understanding, and began to real learning and
study its value.
I contact basketball in my 11 years of basketball career has more than 640
games.Perhaps for most players, they can become a professional athlete is
determined by the study, but for me, it all happened in my high school,
because I like to try something different.But at the same time also let you
deeply fall in love with the basketball.
Because of the special environment I decided I since the childhood can have
access to a computer and grew up in the company of computers, in my mother in
Texas instruments work during that time, he will bring some new things every
day let me play, father do engineering and design work at the same time,
under the education of them, I began to have an engineer's qualification, in
high school, I joined the Wizkids club, where learned two years of computer
graphics, at the same time I also joined the society of black engineers.
After graduating from high school, I brought a year at Georgia tech university,
where I'm a new understanding of coding, it seems to me study the function of
the code is just about the world.This knowledge before completely different
with me.
在高中畢業之後,我在喬治亞理工學院(Georgia Tech)待了一年,學習平面設計和電腦
Although I put the basketball in the first place, but I will still in leisure
is learn and discover new things in the code.When the fans began to push
terry face @, I say their teacher to show them my video and I have done some
technology icon, that moment I finally realized that: revenge of the nerds
finally achieved his (in fact is a reflection of their value).
迷們開始在推特裡面@ 我,說他們老師向他們展示我的影片和我做過的一些科技圖示的時
迷們開始在推特裡面@ 我,說他們老師向他們展示我的影片和我做過的一些科技圖示的時
I be a member of the Miami heat, on the back of my shirt has a "1".My success
is 01110111 01101001 01101110 01101110 01101001 01101110 01100111 (this is w
- I - n - n - I - n - g binary code).
我是邁阿密熱火隊隊員,我的球衣背面有“1”。我的成功是01110111 01101001
01101110 01101110 01101001 01101110 01100111(這是w-i-n-n-i-n-g二進位碼)
After read this passage, maybe just like I have a lot of people are both has
a new understanding, Chris bosh is not only a basketball talent, is a
computer whiz.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1PMnAhef (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1499140779.A.A29.html
推 : 幫qq1F 07/04 12:00
→ chouvincent …
推 : 籃球天才 電腦天才 地板舞天才 技能點很多3F 07/04 12:00
推 : 海軍上將:還不是學我的4F 07/04 12:01
推 : 推波許5F 07/04 12:02
推 : 強 生涯硬被斷6F 07/04 12:02
推 : 可惜假摔技巧不太好XD,想到Booooooo的空氣肘擊7F 07/04 12:03
推 : 推龍王8F 07/04 12:03
推 : 原本以為這是鄉野傳說,沒想到是真的9F 07/04 12:04
推 : 文章只說了binary code就是程式天才 這天才還真多10F 07/04 12:04
推 : 智慧龍王11F 07/04 12:04
推 : 以運動員來說 算天才了12F 07/04 12:05
→ : 要去當碼農了嗎13F 07/04 12:06
推 : 代碼應該是中國用語14F 07/04 12:06
推 : 推15F 07/04 12:06
推 : QQ16F 07/04 12:06
推 : 阿宅17F 07/04 12:07
→ : 台灣通常不翻譯 或翻譯為程式碼18F 07/04 12:07
噓 : 證據跟推論的連結太弱了吧 記者的腦子在哪19F 07/04 12:07
推 : 家境很好 難怪走不進姆斯兄弟圈20F 07/04 12:07
推 : 真的厲害~21F 07/04 12:07
推 : 退休要當工程師惹22F 07/04 12:08
推 : QQ23F 07/04 12:10
推 : 淚推Bosh!熱火感謝你那些年的付出,全心陪家人吧24F 07/04 12:10
推 : QQ淚推25F 07/04 12:11
推 : 會不會久坐coding才Thrombosis26F 07/04 12:12
推 : 這樣只能看出是熱愛程式 不能代表是天才吧?27F 07/04 12:12
推 : 猛28F 07/04 12:12
→ : QQ29F 07/04 12:12
推 : 大多數人真的覺得運動員不用腦嗎?30F 07/04 12:13
噓 : 摔倒哭哭天才31F 07/04 12:14
推 : 當年硬是把馬刺的籃板搶下來32F 07/04 12:14
推 : QQ33F 07/04 12:17
推 : 他不是本來就是資工的34F 07/04 12:17
噓 : 推Bosh 噓垃圾標題35F 07/04 12:18
→ : 哪裡有平面設計 亂翻一通36F 07/04 12:22
推 : QQ37F 07/04 12:22
噓 : 這篇的問題是來源就是屎了,英文文法就狗屁不通,38F 07/04 12:24
→ : 一臉就是英翻中然後哪個白痴再翻回英文的
→ : 一臉就是英翻中然後哪個白痴再翻回英文的
→ : 阿不就計概的東西而已40F 07/04 12:25
推 : 這別怪記者了,你以為記者會學程式碼嗎....41F 07/04 12:25
→ : 當IT老闆吧 工程師跟球員一樣淘汰很快的42F 07/04 12:27
→ : 年過30沒進管理層就沒人要了
→ : 年過30沒進管理層就沒人要了
推 : Bosh!44F 07/04 12:28
噓 : I be...47F 07/04 12:28
推 : Jeremy 0表示:48F 07/04 12:34
推 : 淚推我包49F 07/04 12:36
→ : 退休吧!球迷還是會記著你的,為了健康著想50F 07/04 12:43
推 : 那個二進制碼就ASCII而已51F 07/04 12:44
推 : 強52F 07/04 12:46
推 : 無家可歸還能學程式設計???53F 07/04 12:50
→ : 好厲害54F 07/04 13:14
噓 : 二進位就在天才 我看台灣天才氾濫55F 07/04 13:36
推 : 不下阿宅56F 07/04 14:14
推 : 二進碼不就計概的課程而已嗎?57F 07/04 14:15
推 : bosh吉他彈得也還不錯58F 07/04 14:16
噓 : 這什麼破英文內容你也信59F 07/04 14:21
推 : QQ祝身體健康60F 07/04 14:47
推 : QQ61F 07/04 15:30
推 : 他平常愛讀書 他有說62F 07/04 15:59
推 : 推喬治亞理工63F 07/04 16:04
噓 : 幹,這是哪一國的火星文? 文法狗屁不通64F 07/04 16:13
噓 : "dragon king"我還Khaleesi呢
噓 : "dragon king"我還Khaleesi呢
噓 : 假摔之王66F 07/04 16:19
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 27