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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] 勇士制服組對於選秀跟小AI合約的意見....
時間 Wed Jun 21 14:54:56 2017
來源:The Mercury News
Bob Myers talks draft, free agency and retaining Andre Iguodala
OAKLAND — Most of the Warrior team went to Las Vegas this past weekend to continue their title celebration. But the architect of the team, Bob Myers, ...
Bob Myers talks draft, free agency and retaining Andre Iguodala
OAKLAND — Most of the Warrior team went to Las Vegas this past weekend to
continue their title celebration. But the architect of the team, Bob Myers,
was forced to stay back, preparing for the NBA Draft, which is Thursday, and
free agency, which starts July 1.
勇士的球員大部份都已經去賭城爽一下,但是制服組Bob Myers(以下簡稱BM)得留下來
In advance, Myers met with the media on Monday, saying most of his focus is
locked into the draft because it is sooner, despite the Warriors holding none
of Thursday night’s 60 picks. Just like last year — when they purchased a
pick from the Bucks in the second round and snagged Patrick McCaw — he has
the go ahead from ownership to buy a pick if the scenario makes sense.
“In there on our board we have a ‘B’ next to our players who we would buy
a pick for, in red,” Myers said, pointing up toward his office. “So there
are guys we would buy a pick for. If you snuck in there, it would be fun to
你有辦法偷溜進去看的話,會很有趣的喔~」The draft comes first. But free agency is far more important for this
franchise this year. The Warriors only have five players under contract for
next season. Ten of the players who finished the season on the roster are
unrestricted free agents.
The two most important, Stephen Curry and Kevin Durant, are expected back on
big deals. But after that, the roster shuffling could get complicated.
If Durant is willing to take a paycut — and all indications are he is open
to a $31.8 million salary next season instead of the estimated $35.3, which
is his max — then the Warriors will have the ability to retain Andre Iguodala
’s bird rights and go over the cap to bring their veteran wing back.
Everything up until Monday, including Iguodala’s public comments, hinted
that the organization and player had already hashed out a plan to make the
partnership work, somewhere likely in the $12 million per year range.
But on Monday, The Vertical reported that Iguodala could get offers somewhere
near $18-$20 million from other suitors and he was willing to at least grant
meetings and listen to overtures. Myers said, per league rules, he couldn’t
discuss the situation much.
“I don’t know,” Myers said. “Free agency is predictably unpredictable. We
love Andre. Hopefully we can find a way to make it work for not just him but
all of our guys. But as far as specifics, there’s not a lot — and the rules
make sense — there’s not a lot we can say definitively one way or the other.
Once the Warriors sort out the future of those three vital pieces, they’ll
likely move on to Shaun Livingston, who is in a similar situation to
Iguodala. If Durant takes that paycut, the Warriors can go over the cap to
sign him, but it’s unlikely they’ll offer near the money he could get on
the open market, should he want to explore.
Then once all of that is sorted out — and that’ll likely come in a flash in
early July — the Warriors can move on to the center position, where they won
’t have much more than veteran minimum contracts to offer.
“We still feel like it’s an important position, but we just have a lot of
money in other positions,” Myers said of the center. “It’s not as if we
devalue the center spot. Depending on what’s available, depending on what
our options are, we like a lot of guys on our team. We’ll look at them. But
we’ll look at the marketplace and see what makes sense.”
The team values its incumbents: Zaza Pachulia, David West and JaVale McGee.
All three provided great value this past season. But there are other veteran
big man options to explore — most notably Zach Randolph, should he opt to
leave Memphis and sign below his market value.
個大個老將--特別是灰熊的Zach Randolph--應該會選擇離開灰熊。
Whatever happens, the Warriors will be loaded next season because all four of
their All-Stars are expected back. But the next few weeks will provide more
clarity, for next year and beyond, about the second layer of their rotation
and the fringe of their roster.
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※ 編輯: pneumo (, 06/21/2017 14:55:24
推 : Z-Bo會離開灰熊嗎? 很難想像1F 06/21 14:57
推 : 同一樓Joba07大,Z寶會離開灰熊?! o_0a2F 06/21 14:59
推 : Z-BO離開灰熊?3F 06/21 15:00
推 : Daj底薪加入啦4F 06/21 15:00
推 : Z-BO如果底薪加勇士,其他隊玩什麼阿.....5F 06/21 15:01
推 : 好奇+1,Myers辦公室裡面存放的購買球員清單會有誰~6F 06/21 15:01
推 : 灰熊代表會離開 不相信7F 06/21 15:01
推 : 故意放話給Z-BO吧8F 06/21 15:02
推 : 希望Z-BO走VC路線9F 06/21 15:02
推 : 魔獸+DAJ啦 隨便講不用錢XD10F 06/21 15:02
→ : 他也是隨規則改變的球員11F 06/21 15:02
→ : Z-BO領底薪??? 那根本快5巨頭了吧!!12F 06/21 15:03
推 : 勇士+Z-Bo真的太大團了 越打越絕望13F 06/21 15:04
推 : 徵中鋒,薪:戒指一枚14F 06/21 15:04
推 : 買VC15F 06/21 15:05
推 : 希望Myboy也要留下阿16F 06/21 15:06
推 : Z-BO學大衛西歐= = 都給勇士玩就好啦17F 06/21 15:06
推 : X! 這是故意受訪放徵中鋒的消息吧 缺戒指的C快來!18F 06/21 15:08
推 : Z-BO若加入 勇士變成五巨頭就無解了 沒人打得贏19F 06/21 15:08
推 : 這年頭一定要會放消息啊XD20F 06/21 15:08
推 : 灰熊真的是人手不夠,不然他們核心球員是真的知道21F 06/21 15:10
→ : 怎麼贏球
→ : 怎麼贏球
推 : Zbo與VC要來奧克蘭圓夢了?23F 06/21 15:10
推 : Z-Bo如果加入勇士真的太超過 唯一的弱點都被補上24F 06/21 15:11
→ : 西區的祭品,連年和雷霆快艇馬刺鬥爭,假如放到東25F 06/21 15:11
→ : 區,2010後能淘汰灰熊的也只有熱火騎士賽提溜馬吧
→ : 區,2010後能淘汰灰熊的也只有熱火騎士賽提溜馬吧
推 : 給勇士一個可以在低位單打的Z-BO,還給不給人活啊?27F 06/21 15:12
推 : Z-BO加進去真的不用玩了...28F 06/21 15:13
推 : KD為了球隊的犧牲 真是令人感動29F 06/21 15:13
推 : Z-BO真的到勇士就真的不用玩了30F 06/21 15:14
推 : 乾脆全聯盟都底薪加入 只剩一支隊伍 讚31F 06/21 15:14
推 : 軟豆腐跟VC都底薪圓夢 畫面太美32F 06/21 15:15
推 : Z-BO來勇士...這夢太美33F 06/21 15:15
→ : 那也要小AI和李文願意領低薪啦 還有降薪降多少的問34F 06/21 15:16
推 : 灰熊也算勇士的敗將..Z BO應該恥度沒這麼低的想加入35F 06/21 15:16
→ : 吧...雖然我蠻希望他加的XD
→ : 吧...雖然我蠻希望他加的XD
→ : 題 想的太美了37F 06/21 15:16
推 : 大衛西可以交棒給下一位奪冠圓夢了38F 06/21 15:17
推 : Z-BO領底薪...他媽媽的怪物 超級失衡39F 06/21 15:17
噓 : 難怪nba越來越看40F 06/21 15:17
推 : Z-bo來陣容有點誇張41F 06/21 15:17
推 : Z-Bo如果真的底薪加入勇士 那明年大戲大概只剩FA42F 06/21 15:18
→ : 軟豆腐感覺是不會離開灰熊 他在灰熊過的很好阿43F 06/21 15:18
推 : Z-BO+VC感覺替補很猛44F 06/21 15:19
推 : 灰熊雖然無法進西冠,但這陣容打到東冠很有可能45F 06/21 15:19
推 : 徵中鋒 待遇法定薪資 福利優 辦公室氣氛佳 附贈戒指46F 06/21 15:19
推 : 來我勇吧 軟豆腐47F 06/21 15:19
→ : 不行啦 再加軟豆腐太誇張 根本無敵了...48F 06/21 15:20
推 : 無法想像Z-BO加入任何一支其他隊 他這個人打發就猛49F 06/21 15:21
→ : 的跟熊一樣啊啊啊啊
→ : 的跟熊一樣啊啊啊啊
推 : 底薪圓夢 值得啊51F 06/21 15:21
→ : 內線比較重要 要是沒有West.Mcgee.Zaza內線被打爽的52F 06/21 15:25
推 : Z-BO打馬刺高手53F 06/21 15:26
推 : Z-BO這種老將才是真正有用 防守也不差54F 06/21 15:26
推 : 灰熊2010以後要打東冠其實偏容易,尤其近4年55F 06/21 15:28
推 : 而且挖Z-Bo跟挖KD有類似的好處,就是西區對手馬上56F 06/21 15:29
→ : 少一隊
→ : 少一隊
→ : 他不能加勇士,那更不能加馬刺快艇雷霆囉58F 06/21 15:29
推 : Z-BO到勇士的話,真的大概三年內西區不用玩了59F 06/21 15:29
推 : 軟豆腐底薪報團 明年就勇士自己玩了60F 06/21 15:30
推 : Z-BO才不會抱腿61F 06/21 15:31
推 : Z-BO也35歲了 是可以團報拿戒子了62F 06/21 15:31
推 : 依照版上浮動的標準 Z-Bo的年齡應該算是圓夢 (?63F 06/21 15:31
推 : 又到了勇士圓夢團開放報名的時間,名額有限,報名64F 06/21 15:32
→ : 請早
→ : 請早
推 : 如果Z-Bo離開去圓夢也支持66F 06/21 15:33
推 : Mcgee.Zaza底薪簽的到???67F 06/21 15:34
推 : 勇士的老將圓夢企劃68F 06/21 15:34
→ : Z紀寶+大衛西站禁區 也算攻擊力很強的小雙塔了 XD
→ : Z紀寶+大衛西站禁區 也算攻擊力很強的小雙塔了 XD
推 : 這篇根本沒有說Z-BO要到勇士 也可以討論成這樣...70F 06/21 15:35
推 : 哇靠Z-Bo來了那姆斯明年不就乾脆停賽一年好了71F 06/21 15:37
推 : Z-Bo為了抱團圓夢 也是練了一陣子替補啦 XDDDD72F 06/21 15:38
推 : 勇士:底薪換戒指 錯過機會不在73F 06/21 15:38
推 : Z-BO去勇士,奪冠壓力又更大了阿阿啊阿阿!!!74F 06/21 15:39
推 : Z-BO完全沒提過降薪拿冠軍的想法 去錢多的比較可能75F 06/21 15:39
推 : 徵中鋒 薪資底薪 保底冠軍戒76F 06/21 15:40
推 : 真的去明年直接宣布總冠軍好了77F 06/21 15:40
推 : ZBO 去圓個夢吧78F 06/21 15:43
推 : vc+zbo去吧79F 06/21 15:47
噓 : 圓夢 去吧 大家都加入勇士 太美了80F 06/21 15:47
推 : 小AI+VC WIN WIN81F 06/21 15:48
推 : VC先去勇士拚個戒指吧82F 06/21 15:48
推 : 有想過球員付錢打球嗎(x83F 06/21 15:48
噓 : Z-Bo千萬別去臭蛹 當年被KD雷霆黑死84F 06/21 15:49
推 : Z-Bo+VC85F 06/21 16:00
→ : 先把渣渣賣了86F 06/21 16:04
推 : Z-BO假如真的去勇士...那真的給勇士打就好了XD87F 06/21 16:06
推 : 領底薪有保證冠軍戒...幹...大家搶著報名吧88F 06/21 16:11
→ : 軟豆腐跟VC如果願意領底薪去勇士 那就無痛再升級了89F 06/21 16:11
推 : 沒冠的老將還有誰除了Z-BO VC90F 06/21 16:12
推 : Z-BO到勇士…這畫面不敢想91F 06/21 16:12
推 : 會很有趣的哦~92F 06/21 16:19
→ : 覺得小AI不會留,他不止一次說McCaw是接班人,我猜93F 06/21 16:20
→ : 是在佈局了
→ : 是在佈局了
推 : VC加軟豆腐去勇士的話,那小AI離開的損失就補起來了95F 06/21 16:23
推 : 誠徵中鋒一位 代價:戒指+底薪 魔獸:可以等我沒約嗎96F 06/21 16:25
推 : Zbo是大前鋒吧,而且他其實已經狀況下滑97F 06/21 16:26
推 : z bo反而不適合勇士 扛15分鐘可以 但要再多 以勇士98F 06/21 16:26
→ : 的節奏 zbo會很難發揮
→ : 的節奏 zbo會很難發揮
推 : 勇士還是全力留ai比較實際100F 06/21 16:29
推 : 如果Z-Bo加入 那目前其他帳面的問題都不是問題 沒人101F 06/21 16:34
→ : 玩得過他們...不過Z-Bo應該不會底薪去的...
→ : 玩得過他們...不過Z-Bo應該不會底薪去的...
推 : Z-bo目前狀況還是不差 頂多不能打太久103F 06/21 16:41
→ : 但這不太可能吧
→ : 但這不太可能吧
→ : Zbo離開灰熊 灰熊還有盜帥坐鎮 不用怕105F 06/21 16:56
→ : ZBo???不是吧…106F 06/21 16:59
→ : Pachulia場均才18分鐘,而且分2-3節上,Randolph要加107F 06/21 17:00
→ : 入勇士怎麼不能打,又不需要一直跟著跑,勇士的傳統
→ : 中鋒的工作是偏向卡位與傳導,抓籃板本來就不是主要
→ : 的工作.
→ : 入勇士怎麼不能打,又不需要一直跟著跑,勇士的傳統
→ : 中鋒的工作是偏向卡位與傳導,抓籃板本來就不是主要
→ : 的工作.
推 : Kerr 似乎跟 Z-BO 關係不錯111F 06/21 17:12
推 : Z.Bo圓夢加入勇士 就真的變成貨真價實的五門齊了112F 06/21 17:17
→ : 這畫面太美 完全不敢想像啊XDDD
→ : 這畫面太美 完全不敢想像啊XDDD
推 : Z-Bo去勇士 啊剩的直接下一季不用打了啊114F 06/21 17:17
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