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※ 本文為 JackLee5566.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-06-17 10:33:51
看板 NBA
作者 soaping (撿肥皂ing)
標題 [花邊] Lonzo Ball想對父親說的話
時間 Sat Jun 17 02:52:07 2017

Source: https://goo.gl/7Y2nRw
The Players' Tribune

<翻譯得若不好 敬請見諒>

Title: To the Loudest Guy in the Gym

Dear Dad,

Over the past few months, you’ve talked a lot about me — maybe more than
some people cared for. So with Father’s Day coming up I thought that writing
this would be a good way for me to actually say a few things about you.

The real you — not the person everyone has seen on TV. Just, my dad.
真實的你 我的父親 不是大家在電視上看到的那個人 而是我的父親

One of the things I admire most about you is that you don’t really care what
other people think. People can have whatever opinions they want about who you
are as a person, but they’ll never have all the facts. They’ll never know
you like I do.

They weren’t there when you cleared out our living room so that my brothers
and I would have room to play games and just be kids.

They’ve never woken up to the smell of one of your signature breakfasts,
which you made for us every single day when we were growing up.

And they weren’t there when you were making sure that I always took care of
business in the classroom and graduated from high school with a 4.0 GPA.
人們更是看不到你是如何確保我可以跟上課業,並且以GPA 4.0的最高成績從高中畢業

But you were.
This probably won’t surprise anybody, but for as long as I can remember you’
ve always been the loudest person in the gym.
或許大家並不覺得驚訝,但在我印象中 你就是球場上喊最大聲的那個人

It didn’t matter if you were coaching my team or sitting in the stands, I’
ve always known you were watching me closely because I could always hear you.
And that’s how it’s always been — you’re not just present, you’re

When I was in middle school, I started dreaming of one day making it to the
NBA. I wanted to be a point guard, just like Magic Johnson. You agreed to
show me how to get there. You made your living training athletes — you still
do — so I put my trust in you. And in return, you made me put in the work.
從我國中開始就想要進入NBA,以Magic Johnson為目標成為一個控球後衛

I still have your schedule ingrained in my mind. I probably always will.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday we did weights.
Tuesday and Thursday we did pull-ups.
Then there was the hill. Oh man, that hill.
還有那要命的山丘 天啊 那山丘

Every day, no matter what, you’d take LiAngelo and LaMelo and me around the
corner from our house in Chino to run up and down that hill in the heat
before bringing us back home to do sit-ups.

You were always out there with us, leading the way. You were there for every
step. Pushing, encouraging and refusing to accept anything less than our very
best. You never forced me to do any of it. You knew that you never needed to.
You understood me.

And when I did need some motivation, you always knew just how to push my
buttons. It wasn’t by making me do more reps or anything like that. It just
came down to saying something simple like, “I hope you know that you’re not
getting better.’ That was all I ever needed to hear from you to make me keep
你單純只是過來跟我說  "我希望你知道你現在一點長進都沒有"

Regardless of what comes next in my life, I’m always going to remember our
family road trips to games. It would be you up front with mom, blasting music
and getting my brothers and I hyped in the backseat.
整路放著音樂 讓我們三兄弟在後座哼唱

The ride to a game was always a party, but the mood on the ride home, well,
that all depended on how the game had gone.

You’ve never told me, “Great game,” and just left it at that. Win or lose,
you’ve always been able to find something that I could improve. Some people
are thrown off by your tone, but I’ve always known to internalize what you
say rather than how you say it. Because when you unpack everything, there’s
always truth in what you tell me.
你從來不會只跟我說 "GG"而已,不管球賽贏還輸,你總是可以挑到我的毛病
因為你從不會修飾 只有百分百的忠言

I’ll never forget the game we played against a travel team from New York a
few years back. They were all older than us, and we were completely outsized.
I mean, Melo was probably a foot shorter than every single guy on that team.
It was such a mismatch that I had to guard their power forward on defense.


It was the type of game that most teams probably would have gone into knowing
they were going to lose. In fact, most teams probably would have been
satisfied with keeping the score within 20.
那種身材水準落差過大的比賽 對大部分的球隊來說都已經是必輸的

Not our family, though.
We went out there and we ran those kids off the court. We rained threes on
them and pressed the entire game. And we won.
對我們這一家來說 絕沒這種事 我們追了他們滿場 用三分球壓迫他們 最後我們贏了

That was a really good ride home.

A lot of people ask if I ever get sick of you talking about me. They see how
I mostly keep to myself and assume that I’d rather you acted the same way.

What they don’t realize is all of the stuff that you’ve said about me in
public is the same stuff you’ve been telling me privately my whole life. And
a lot of the time, you’ve been right. Over the years, you’ve spoken so many
things into reality that otherwise seemed impossible. Even on the night of
the draft lottery, when the Lakers ended up in the top three, you started
running around the house screaming, “I TOLD EVERYBODY! I TOLD THEM IT WOULD
HAPPEN!” That was hilarious.
即使湖人抽到樂透籤的那一晚,你繞著屋子大叫 "我告訴你了啦 我就知道這會發生"

People may not see it, but I possess the very same confidence that you have.
(I think Melo got all of the talking genes.) In fact, when I think about it,
confidence is the most important thing that I inherited from you. The
difference is, I’ve internalized it. Everything you’ve told me, I’ve
absorbed and used on the court. That’s where I do my talking.

The confidence that you have in me makes me feel so strong. It’s helped me
to never back down from a challenge and to stay true to myself. I’m going to
be taking this next step to the NBA knowing that I’m ready. And no matter
what’s thrown at me, I know you’re always going to have my back.

There’s nothing I can ever do to really pay you back for all you’ve done
for me. There might be a car or two I might have in mind, but I know that a
car won’t really cut it. The best way I know how to repay you is by living
up to the vision you’ve always had for me. You’ve always said that making
it to the NBA is much easier than staying there. I want to take the belief you
’ve shown in me and justify it. I want you to see me play and be able to sit
back with a sense of satisfaction knowing that I made it. That we made it.

I know there are a lot of kids who aren’t lucky enough to have a father
figure in their lives. That’s a really tough obstacle to overcome. So
regardless of what anyone else thinks of you, I’m just incredibly thankful
to have you as my dad. If I didn’t have you as an influence in my life, I don
’t think I’d be in the position I am today. Actually, I know I wouldn’t.

You haven’t had the easiest life. Everything you’ve got, you’ve had to
work for. And you’ve spent your entire adult life instilling that work ethic
into me and my brothers to make sure that we never have to face the same
challenges that you did. I can’t think of anything else that you could ask
for from a dad.
所有你給我們的物質生活 你教導我們的所有事情 都是避免我們跟你遇到相同的挑戰

Thank you for teaching me how to play this game. Thank you for teaching me
how to be a man. And thank you for never apologizing for being you.

感謝你帶領我進入籃球 感謝你教導我們怎麼成為一個男人 感謝你不會因做自己而道歉

Happy Father’s Day, Dad. Love you.

父親節快樂 愛你

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1PH2ZRmQ (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1497639131.A.C1A.html
hermes978   : 推個 兒子看父親的角度1F 06/17 02:55
bobocho123  : 淚推2F 06/17 02:56
s567101     : 球哥真心話3F 06/17 02:56
s19790824   : 早就說過他完全不覺得他爸有問題4F 06/17 02:56
slimak      : 球哥其實滿成熟的 but his father..5F 06/17 02:57
eirose      : 這有甚麼好噓的?以他信裡的父親來看,蠻盡責付出的6F 06/17 02:57
wildzeon    : 這個時間點有這篇,看起來像是要幫球爸洗白以保障7F 06/17 02:57
wildzeon    : 自己的順位,希望湖人會買單
DinDing1129 : 是沒什麼問題啦,只是他爸放話頗惹人怨而已9F 06/17 02:57
eirose      : 大家可以不喜歡他爸,不過他爸付出全部身心在他小孩10F 06/17 02:58
chrisplash  : 球哥真的成熟11F 06/17 02:58
eirose      : 身上,難不成因為選秀就出來說他爸腦袋有問題嗎?12F 06/17 02:58
kai08130623 : 這什麼邏輯?盡責付出自己的小孩 就可以嘴別人沒爸媽13F 06/17 02:59
kai08130623 : 嗎?討厭球爸就是他那張嘴
eirose      : 那你又甚麼邏輯?要他小孩去打臉一個這樣付出的老爸?15F 06/17 02:59
kai08130623 : 我沒有叫球去打臉他爸好嗎?只是他當好父親跟嘴砲王16F 06/17 03:00
kai08130623 : 是兩回事
eirose      : 父親節寫這樣一封信給父親,跟大家不喜歡球爸沒關係18F 06/17 03:00
PeterHenson : 所以球爸真的天天跟球講說他可以電全盛期的MJ喔XD19F 06/17 03:00
jerry213    : 沒救了 根本愚孝 這樣也可以合理化 那些白痴言論嗎20F 06/17 03:01
bryon       : 球哥也未必覺得球爸完全沒問題.只是在球爸的父愛沐21F 06/17 03:01
sam86716    : 兒子很成熟老爸怎麼這樣 天啊22F 06/17 03:01
yisdl       : 愛自己的父親人之常情 難道要他大義滅親 批鬥自己23F 06/17 03:01
yisdl       : 父親啊?
bryon       : 裕成長之下.這些都是小問題.25F 06/17 03:01
jerry213    : 怕沒人選 故意發這想洗白吧26F 06/17 03:01
eirose      : 他今天如果在父親節寫一封批鬥球爸的信,那才可怕27F 06/17 03:02
yisdl       : 批評的工作 交給媒體跟鄉民就行了28F 06/17 03:02
jerry213    : 有人說一定要批評嗎 私下溝通不行?真好笑29F 06/17 03:05
lsslz       : 還蠻感人的30F 06/17 03:05
tmac0003    : 已經有公關團隊了吧XD31F 06/17 03:05
eirose      : 家人要說當然私下說阿,所以才不能在這種公開信說32F 06/17 03:06
locdan      : 帶過他的教練也說他沒問題33F 06/17 03:08
chrisplash  : 怎麼可能怕沒人選...球哥天分就擺在那 要相信一堆34F 06/17 03:09
chrisplash  : 選秀前每年都出來的一堆奇怪乳摸才好笑
chrisplash  : 光今天那篇青賽要選JJ就最扯 JJ根本沒去青賽試訓 還
chrisplash  : 一堆人信
nastycurry  : 又有人說龍球怕沒人選XD38F 06/17 03:14
iroo1830    : 球爸明顯就是做秀 為啥一堆人這麼認真……39F 06/17 03:14
nastycurry  : 他老爸幹了什麼事是他老爸的事 他感謝他老爸的養育40F 06/17 03:15
nastycurry  : 之恩有錯嗎哈哈?
Jimmy760612 : 這根本是公關手法阿,笑42F 06/17 03:15
nastycurry  : 你們這些因為他老爸然後嘴他的人才怪吧?難不成你要43F 06/17 03:16
nastycurry  : 叫龍球去教訓管教他老爸?
IBIZA       : 他老爸也沒幹甚麼壞事, 嘴砲又不是殺人放火45F 06/17 03:16
Jimmy760612 : 誰會把給親人的信公開給媒體,科科46F 06/17 03:16
nastycurry  : 選秀本來就要公關啊 當初富兒子早早就做了一支個人47F 06/17 03:17
nastycurry  : 影片發給一隊球團看了哈哈
live147222  : 嗆KI沒老母和495$的鞋應該不只是作秀49F 06/17 03:18
nastycurry  : The players tribune你不知道是什麼?50F 06/17 03:18
iscl6       : 關我屁事,等你烙賽51F 06/17 03:19
Strasburg   : 所以美國六月的第二個星期天是父親節?52F 06/17 03:23
ComicMan    : 特別發這信給大家看,有點矯情53F 06/17 03:24
DirkMavs    : 作秀洗白吧54F 06/17 03:26
WickedEye   : 還沒進來就想洗白 噁心55F 06/17 03:30
Baneling    : 嘴別人老媽死得早就不是作秀了56F 06/17 03:30
billt0523   : 高中有上AP的話GPA最高應該是557F 06/17 03:33
ldt1025     : JJ聲勢起來急了XD58F 06/17 03:36
YummyBosh   : 感覺他爸就是望子成龍59F 06/17 03:37
YummyBosh   : 操之過急了
schumi7401  : 放逐謝謝61F 06/17 03:41
andythe30   : 他爸應該就只是個單純的中二62F 06/17 03:43
bingripplw  : 該不會是球爸作球給球哥洗白!?63F 06/17 03:44
ponkd       : 離父親節一個多月 這封看起來商業成分好濃64F 06/17 03:45
creampie123 : Wow 不錯65F 06/17 03:46
zteboom46   : 這絕對是逆境求生存的殺手鐧之一 父親節還那麼遠66F 06/17 03:46
yun0215     : 公關團隊發功惹?67F 06/17 03:46
tmac0003    : 父親節在選秀後啊,當然要現在發功68F 06/17 03:48
potterpig   : 噁心 這種話你自己在家跟他說就好 發出來給別人知道69F 06/17 03:49
MotoDawn    : 難不成要他出來說我爸是幹話王嗎70F 06/17 03:49
potterpig   : 就是說好的一搭一唱啦 這父子只想炒作而已71F 06/17 03:49
neos042     : Ball有雇用經紀人,這兩天Ball開始接受其它球隊測72F 06/17 03:50
neos042     : 試,又有這一篇,感覺是經紀人開始有危機意識。
lopopo001   : 這篇不錯  滿分的商業文74F 06/17 03:51
neos042     : 既然發出來,就表示這是給大家看的~75F 06/17 03:51
richard1003 : 上面那幾位,美國父親節是六月第三個星期日76F 06/17 03:51
richard1003 : 也就是明天, 先搞清楚這點在發言吧
cloudyheart : 美國父親節是六月第三個禮拜,拜託,他們講88的音78F 06/17 03:52
cloudyheart : 並不是我們的爸爸。可以不知道,但不該以為美國是8/
cloudyheart : 8父親節。
retre77     : 打出名堂再來嘴吧81F 06/17 03:52
richard1003 : 看到有人說離父親節一個多月簡直快昏倒....82F 06/17 03:52
YU0158      : 一看就是公關公司寫的83F 06/17 03:53
tentimes    : 美國的父親節跟台灣不一樣時間好嗎84F 06/17 03:53
kaojet      : 球哥很成熟欸85F 06/17 03:54
cloudyheart : 挺無言的,居然有人會以為8/8是各國的父親節= =86F 06/17 03:55
Guoplus     : Good cop bad cop87F 06/17 03:56
waiting0801 : 太明顯拉XD88F 06/17 03:56
richard1003 : 8/8只有台灣在過,最多國家在過的是六月第三個星期日89F 06/17 03:57
andy56      : 公關想洗白?90F 06/17 03:59
poopoopipi  : 我與我的冠軍兒子的概念91F 06/17 04:03
GarrettLin  : 他們真的很會製造曝光率,但感覺他們現在有點緊張,92F 06/17 04:06
GarrettLin  : 不知道有沒有什麼內幕XD
happy1234557: 推94F 06/17 04:07
zteboom46   : 是是是~我對我的無知感到抱歉~~95F 06/17 04:11
hunterh01   : 現在當然緊張啦湖人和76的差別呢~~~~96F 06/17 04:18
royan0609   : Good for u啊 但人們並不是因為他是個不盡責的父親97F 06/17 04:20
royan0609   : 而討厭他 這真的不關我們的事
wildzeon    : 看得出來公關團隊的努力,希望能順利去湖人99F 06/17 04:27
wildzeon    : 如果真的是寫信給父親,大可在家裡就能給信了
kobeslaker  : NBA待選現在也算公眾人物了,父親節拿來行銷也很正101F 06/17 04:30
kobeslaker  : 常,Fox、Tatum不也跟Lonzo一起拍片祝賀父親節
kobeslaker  : 而且國外的家庭觀念,平時感情就很好了。
TWeng       : 對球哥沒啥意見,可是對他老爸亂講話很有意見104F 06/17 04:33
eirose      : 大家都討厭球爸噓球爸 不過兒子這樣做實在沒啥好噓105F 06/17 04:38
eirose      : 今天如果看到的是一個剛獨立成年的兒子公開打老爸臉
eirose      : 那這種人反而有點可怕
vltw5v      : 很會公關,這種信需要公開嗎?108F 06/17 04:41
seerp       : 真的是噓你爸,即使你打的如此感人109F 06/17 04:50
mclaren65   : 如果他公開批鬥他爸才不正常110F 06/17 04:58
Scion       : 你爸怎麼養你到底乾別人屁是啊,還公開信,笑死111F 06/17 05:02
Scion       : 誰平常跟爸爸講話是用寫公開信的
eirose      : 明天美國父親節,一票公眾人物都這樣做,你笑死吧113F 06/17 05:07
yochengyu   : 打預防針呵呵114F 06/17 05:07
k1230588    : 推文比本文還精彩115F 06/17 05:08
yuiop358    : 湖人沒選球哥他爸不知作何感想116F 06/17 05:25
jehow       : 自信不是看輕別人  別人都比你廢就你最厲害 這種只117F 06/17 05:26
jehow       : 會惹人厭
wdv75342    : 推文一堆為黑而黑 可悲119F 06/17 05:27
bcqqa7785   : 這文筆...靠北好 我大概只寫得出霸父親節快樂八..\120F 06/17 05:29
bcqqa7785   : -爸
McRoberts   : 結果是他爸代筆的122F 06/17 05:53
yauryo      : 以前糗爺用她女兒角度來說多崇拜爸爸123F 06/17 06:05
l2272       : 演哪齣?124F 06/17 06:07
bitters     : 公關公司厲害125F 06/17 06:15
wakayama    : BY球爸126F 06/17 06:27
auerbach    : 演戲而已^_^一堆孩子沒出社會還以為他很成熟127F 06/17 06:34
chrisplash  : 那你說說哪裡不成熟:)128F 06/17 06:36
chrisplash  : 每個同隊的教練跟隊友都說他很成熟 我覺得你比較會
chrisplash  : 裝熟^_^
YenLiKuo    : 好奇那些推文說球爸沒問題的 自己父親有多失敗XD131F 06/17 06:39
YenLiKuo    : 演這齣爛戲 釣到一堆心智不成熟的迷迷
c13         : 很假掰133F 06/17 06:43
jacky0122   : 這個時間點根本想趁機洗白134F 06/17 06:49
YenLiKuo    : A了一下護航的 原來是勇迷啊 還真不意外呢135F 06/17 06:50
lakershank  : 推老爸帶訓練136F 06/17 06:54
snpb        : 為人父之後 我也希望有朝一日自己的兒子這樣看我137F 06/17 06:56
tgsh        : 你爸跟你如此跟你爸不應該對外耍白癡是完全兩回事138F 06/17 06:59
tgsh        : 不是因為你爸對你好、幫助你實現NBA夢,就表示你爸
tgsh        : 可以對外耍白癡。不過我猜也一堆理盲濫情的人看了就
tgsh        : 開始覺得球霸是對的
milkbro     : 淚推 感人142F 06/17 07:02
tfshs0823   : 基本上球哥已經是商業操作的一部分了,別忘了好好143F 06/17 07:11
tfshs0823   : 打球啊
heureuxsou  : 噓145F 06/17 07:17
jackwelch   : 阿球為父祈禱文?146F 06/17 07:21
yukaiw      : 又一個姆斯,真的討厭147F 06/17 07:27
youngpaper  : 動嘴皮子的看看就好了吧148F 06/17 07:28
liusim      : 這完全是為了選秀預估排位下降發的公關文吧149F 06/17 07:30
ANCEE       : 公ㄍㄨㄢ150F 06/17 07:33
Kumasa      : 想洗白?151F 06/17 07:40
YenLiKuo    : 護航的不再出來吠兩聲?152F 06/17 07:46
a9527a      : 我的冠軍兒子153F 06/17 07:47
gaucher     : 簡單翻譯 :「你管太多了」154F 06/17 07:51
Aice5       : 三兄弟打電動的房間要靠爸爸整理是有多成熟155F 06/17 07:54
bruce79     : 球爸可以是個好父親 但跟他亂放話 笑人沒媽媽  這是156F 06/17 08:04
bruce79     : 兩回事
AngelMAyCry : 直接end,莫非測試結果不好想洗白形象158F 06/17 08:05
Transfat    : 所以我們看完應該要說:真感人球爸是個好爸爸好教練159F 06/17 08:05
Transfat    : 我們不噓他了?
charmingpink: 最好一封信就洗白 那要不要順便買鞋子支持一下161F 06/17 08:09
tatata      : LaMelo遺傳到你所有的嘴砲162F 06/17 08:14
iamaq18c    : 最崇拜你的一件事,就是你並不關心別人對你怎麼想163F 06/17 08:16
justin1943  : 一堆人都被controlled under media lol164F 06/17 08:23
EddiePENG   : 推165F 06/17 08:27
zingy       : 垃圾。166F 06/17 08:37
tnpaul      : 這不就跟方仰寧是好爸爸一樣 干大眾屁事嗎?167F 06/17 08:39
toto3527    : 寫的很真誠感人阿168F 06/17 08:55
kentelva    : 這傢伙會很強,心理素質很強169F 06/17 08:59
jack1221    : 想洗白喔再操作啊170F 06/17 09:04
sickiam     : 哪裡感人 根本爸寶171F 06/17 09:05
arubis      : 排位掉了 想洗白172F 06/17 09:07
mike40709   : 演戲摟173F 06/17 09:11
a00110661   : 推174F 06/17 09:16
clonbrian   : 無聊175F 06/17 09:21
simonds     : 很會操弄喔176F 06/17 09:48
OnePiecePR  : 推177F 06/17 09:49
CCFACE      : 洗白?178F 06/17 09:50
KnightLee   : 他爸是很愛兒子 但言論真的是讓人搖頭179F 06/17 10:03
Love41ife   : 這時間點po這篇很難不引人遐想180F 06/17 10:06
rongun      : 翻譯:把拔說我比Curry強、能夠電爆Jordan,寶寶心181F 06/17 10:07
rongun      : 裡也是這樣想的,但是寶寶不說
chrisli30   : 看了那麼久NBA,還真沒看過一個還沒進聯盟的新人,就183F 06/17 10:10
chrisli30   : 已經被大部分前輩想天天電。
Luvsic      : 洗白而已185F 06/17 10:12
kairiyu     : 爸寶186F 06/17 10:29

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