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※ 本文為 JackLee5566.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-06-15 16:19:51
看板 MobileComm
作者 Lsamia (samia)
標題 [情報] LG對於代工Pixel的傳言回覆了一句話
時間 Thu Jun 15 11:45:22 2017


一開始是傳Code Name “walleye”與“muskie”
分別代表新的Pixel與Pixel XL
Sources: Google's second-gen Pixel XL, muskie, has been cancelled - probably to be replaced by even larger phone
Based on information from three separate sources, we are now confident that Google has shelved plans to release one of its upcoming Pixel phones. The  ...


取而代之的就是前幾天在USB PD Compliance Failure. Bug Report上

LG named as possible manufacturer of Google Pixel successor code-named "Taimen" [UPDATE]
For quite a while, we've been hearing that Google is in the process of testing three different models for this year's Pixel lineup – successors to the ...


"We value our close partnership with Google and are always looking for
 opportunities to deepen that relationship."



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myskyfu     : 代工是真的,HTC被迫放出一隻1F 06/15 11:57
jasonpttt   : 比較高階的pixel XL2被Lg搶走了,htc只能做比較低2F 06/15 12:04
jasonpttt   : 階的
CGS0        : 低階的比較有數量吧4F 06/15 12:12
kevinlin12  : 今年的Pixel有趣了5F 06/15 12:19
j3307002    : 會死機嗎6F 06/15 12:22
tonyii      : 一個死機 一個紫光這樣? 換三星應該會泛紅我猜7F 06/15 13:08
Brightheat  : 背面一直這麼醜是故意的嗎8F 06/15 13:08
divx999     : 死機到時候google跟lg又推來推去了9F 06/15 14:56
zxriffey    : lg代工nexus倒是沒啥問題,反正不是lg設計的10F 06/15 15:33
iamxup6     : 有講跟沒講一樣11F 06/15 15:35

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