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作者 標題 [花邊] Kerr的兒子去馬刺當影片分析師
時間 Wed May 31 15:57:55 2017
Nick Kerr To Join Spurs As Video Coordinator - RealGM Wiretap Nick Kerr To Join Spurs As Video Coordinator - RealGM Wiretap ...
Nick Kerr, son of Steve Kerr, will join the San Antonio Spurs this offseason
in a video role.
Steve Kerr 的兒子 Nick Kerr 將加入聖安東尼奧馬刺,擔任影片分析師。
Kerr played collegiately at UC San Diego before transferring to Cal as a
graduate student.
他曾經在UC San Diego打球,後來轉到柏克萊直到畢業。
With Steve Kerr not on the sidelines during the playoffs, he's been watching
the games with Nick.
Steve Kerr 近期沒辦法到場邊指導球隊,都是在和兒子一起在家裡看球。
"He’s been at pretty much every practice the last two postseasons–once the
Cal season ended the last two years he just came down and rebounded and
watched film with our staff. So he’s getting a pretty good education here,"
said Steve Kerr.
看影片。所以他已經在這裡接受過良好的教育了。" Steve Kerr 表示。
Nick Kerr will work for Gregg Popovich, who coached Steve Kerr as a player.
Nick Kerr 會為 Gregg Popovich 工作,後者曾執教過還是球員時的老爸。
"It’s good for him to go out and do his own thing; pretty good opportunity
to go work for the best in the business," said Steve Kerr.
"We’re going to miss him."
我們會想念他的。" Steve Kerr 表示。
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→ : 無1F 05/31 15:58
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→ : 沒錄取全額退費。
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→ : 雙方酸酸戰得不可開交吧29F 05/31 16:30
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噓 : 原來派內奸32F 05/31 16:43
推 : Kerr在下一盤很大的棋33F 05/31 16:44
推 : 當作螃蟹哦34F 05/31 16:45
→ : 馬刺:你兒子在我手上35F 05/31 16:45
→ : Kerr:你們在我兒子手上
→ : Kerr:你們在我兒子手上
推 : 這還好吧 太陽過去穿制服的也不少跟馬刺有關37F 05/31 16:48
→ : 廢38F 05/31 16:50
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推 : 野42F 05/31 17:15
推 : 有內鬼...XDD43F 05/31 17:16
推 : 阿 沒人知道MB跟馬刺的關係嗎?這又沒什麼44F 05/31 17:18
推 : Kerr: Popo 不要以為你派一個西瓜當內鬼我不知道45F 05/31 17:22
→ : 內奸46F 05/31 17:23
推 : 臥底?47F 05/31 17:23
→ : NBA無間道 我想做好人 你去跟教練說48F 05/31 17:27
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→ : 研究腳會在那裡落地嗎50F 05/31 17:32
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噓 : 把人弄一弄再來說一家親 會連馬刺的份一起努力 看多57F 05/31 18:19
→ : 了
→ : 了
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→ : 柏克萊....65F 05/31 22:59
推 : 笑死66F 05/31 23:09
推 : 下一個Eric Spoelstra67F 05/31 23:44
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