※ 本文為 JackLee5566.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-05-16 18:49:38
--情報來源:https://goo.gl/yMV3bN 湖人國度
Paul George Talks Lakers Rumors, Plans To Workout With Kobe Bryant - Lakers Nation
Paul George made an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live and talked about Los Angeles Lakers rumors and his plans to workout with Kobe Bryant. ...
Paul George made an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live and talked about Los Angeles Lakers rumors and his plans to workout with Kobe Bryant. ...
原文標題:Paul George Talks Lakers Rumors, Plans To Workout With Kobe Bryant
Paul George on Going to the Lakers - YouTube
Paul talks about the possibility of going to the Lakers and his plans to work out with Kobe Bryant. Donald Trump's Commencement Speech
Paul talks about the possibility of going to the Lakers and his plans to work out with Kobe Bryant. Donald Trump's Commencement Speech
Magic說不能公開交流交易話題 只能像這樣對P.George擠眉弄眼
“I love Magic,” George said on Jimmy Kimmel Live. “Great dude. I’m always
going to get those ties. I’m an L.A. kid. Actually, Kobe is like the biggest
person in my house. Not even me.”
Kimmel: Have you talked to Kobe about coming to the Lakers?
“Not yet. I plan on working out with him.”
Kimmel: You are going to workout with him?
“Yeah, pick his brain a little bit.”
Kimmel: Have you worked out with him before?
“No, not yet.” Are you nervous about that? “Oh yeah. Absolutely. I’m
training now to get ready to workout with him.”
Kimmel: Are you prepared for that kind of situation? (4 a.m. workouts)
“If it’s with Kobe, whatever he says you’ve got to do.”
只說喜歡湖人 然後打算和Kobe一起訓練
他還有一年合約 到2018-19才有球員選項
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1494121361.A.3F1.html
推 : PG是指Parttime Girl嗎1F 05/16 15:57
推 : 去巫師抱腿看看2F 05/16 15:57
推 : LAODA鐵粉3F 05/16 15:58
→ : 明天我湖先把簽弄好來 剩下慢慢談4F 05/16 15:58
推 : 看來……5F 05/16 15:59
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※ 編輯: MrSatan (, 05/16/2017 16:02:05推 : 口外也說過 暑假會找PG練球 兩個人都是加州人12F 05/16 16:01
推 : Kobe 要開補習班了嗎?13F 05/16 16:01
推 : 別換啊 想看五少的能力使否如傳說中的天花板吹高高14F 05/16 16:02
推 : KL好像是看kobe打球的影片學習15F 05/16 16:02
推 : 五少>>>PG16F 05/16 16:05
→ : 等約到他就自動加入湖人啦,不用換吧17F 05/16 16:06
推 : 這鐵定要進我湖了 爽18F 05/16 16:06
→ : 看影片是真的 去年有個假新聞說KL Kobe一起練球19F 05/16 16:06
→ : 害我信了一陣子 後來去查才發現是假的~
→ : 害我信了一陣子 後來去查才發現是假的~
→ : 如果砲喬治願意到湖人當一哥 那湖人就交易吧21F 05/16 16:10
推 : 1f........22F 05/16 16:12
推 : 1樓...23F 05/16 16:16
噓 : 什麼都要扯到那方面不噁心?24F 05/16 16:23
噓 : 老大忙著看女籃女足有空嗎25F 05/16 16:24
推 : 可是可愛投籃已經是Kobe的形狀了26F 05/16 16:24
噓 : 一樓好幽默ㄚ27F 05/16 16:32
推 : 黑娃 可愛 橋至 KOBE的三大弟子28F 05/16 16:34
推 : 湖人多等一年就好... 何必急著交易29F 05/16 16:37
推 : Laodaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa30F 05/16 16:38
推 : 會被老大的小曼巴帶壞...31F 05/16 16:43
推 : 要去湖人了?32F 05/16 16:47
推 : Clarkson+Russell+Ingram+Randle F4不需要PG33F 05/16 16:54
推 : 一樓XD34F 05/16 17:08
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推 : 等一年不用犯傻換啊36F 05/16 18:14
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 34
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