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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [花邊] Matweather和Magic Johnson會面
時間 Fri May 5 21:22:40 2017
Floyd Mayweather
已說讚的粉絲專頁 · 21小時 · 編輯紀錄 ·
Just had a great meeting with Magic Johnson. It's about time for me to buy an
NBA team, if you're ready to sell your NBA team, please get in touch with me.
#TMT #Michigan #LivingLegends #Businessmen
Mayweather和Magic Johnson會面
Floyd Mayweather talks to Magic Johnson, says he's interested in buying an NBA team - CBSSports.com
The retired boxer appears ready to get into the ownership game ...
Floyd Mayweather is perpetually interesting, to say the least. The retired
boxing champion has spent his downtime living life to the fullest. From
riding camels in the desert to wearing whatever this is, Mayweather is doing
whatever he wants to. He's also winning a lot of money gambling on sports.
Just this week, Mayweather showed off a picture of an apparent $400,000 in
winnings from one NBA playoff game. With all the pictures of his winnings we
have seen, it should shock no one that "Money" is interested in buying an NBA
"Just had a great meeting with Magic Johnson," Mayweather wrote. "It's about
time for me to buy an NBA team, if you're ready to sell your NBA team, please
get in touch with me."
As of January, Mayweather's net worth was estimated at $340 million,
according to Forbes. Mayweather would probably want to have as close to sole
ownership as possible. But right now he might just have enough for a minority
stake if he wants to get into the game -- Steve Ballmer spent TWO BILLION
DOLLARS on the Clippers three years ago. It'll be interesting to see how far
Mayweather takes this push.
Now if he could just figure out what he wants to do about his McGregor
Mayweather和Magic Johnson會面,還說誰想賣NBA球隊的可以找他
三年前Steve Ballmer花了二十億美金才買下快艇隊
kfclikeshit 4ni !?
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※ 編輯: soaping (, 05/05/2017 21:31:19
推 : 但以五月天財力要購入大量股權 應該很吃緊吧XD1F 05/05 21:24
推 : 籃網不錯 還有好朋友書豪XD2F 05/05 21:24
→ : 標題有錯唷3F 05/05 21:27
推 : 籃網、灰狼不是想賣嗎?4F 05/05 21:27
→ : 五月天好迷你啊5F 05/05 21:28
→ : 他有有錢到可以買個球隊? 我以為身價至少要1個B才行6F 05/05 21:29
推 : 籃網很貴,不要小看籃網7F 05/05 21:29
推 : 他應該0.3~0.4b吧我猜8F 05/05 21:30
推 : 籃網不是Jay-Z的嗎 他有要賣?9F 05/05 21:30
推 : 標題名字打錯了10F 05/05 21:30
推 : 最有錢的運動員比起科技公司大老闆還是差一個檔次qq11F 05/05 21:31
→ : 差個0.6b就6億鎂了, 差的可遠了.12F 05/05 21:35
推 : 何止一個檔次..13F 05/05 21:35
推 : Jay-Z是小股東吧? 籃網老闆不是俄國人?14F 05/05 21:39
推 : 差太多了 喬神13億也才買一個小山貓17F 05/05 21:44
推 : 哦對,我忘記是俄國人了.... 就是那個砸大錢的老闆18F 05/05 21:45
推 : steve ballmer身價315億 這完全不是一個檔次阿...19F 05/05 21:45
推 : Ptt+好像怪怪的 籃網那篇標題是[情報] 籃網老闆要窯20F 05/05 21:45
→ : 49%球隊股份
→ : 49%球隊股份
→ : 老闆中最有錢的應該是微軟那兩位 阿拓的Paul Allen22F 05/05 21:46
推 : 最有錢的老闆應該是拓荒者吧23F 05/05 21:47
→ : 跟比爾蓋茲一起創立microsoft
→ : 跟比爾蓋茲一起創立microsoft
→ : 隨便查勇士老闆也才 0.3~0.4b. 他有資格買勇士 XD25F 05/05 21:48
→ : 為什麼在家還要穿球鞋 (重點錯誤26F 05/05 21:49
推 : 最有錢的還是Steve Ballmer,Paul Allen小輸一佰億27F 05/05 21:49
→ : 鎂
→ : 鎂
推 : 100億鎂不只是小輸吧XDDDDDD29F 05/05 21:49
推 : 勇士原本Larry Ellison有意要買阿,他如果有買下來30F 05/05 21:51
→ : 的話應該就是最有錢老闆了,全世界比他有錢的人也才
→ : 四個
→ : 的話應該就是最有錢老闆了,全世界比他有錢的人也才
→ : 四個
→ : 籃網老闆資產去年好像縮水非常多33F 05/05 21:55
推 : 只有個位數的億不太行吧34F 05/05 21:56
→ : 找人組財團買球隊嘍 也算是老闆之一 跟最近的Jeter35F 05/05 22:00
→ : 一樣
→ : 一樣
推 : 買馬林魚啊37F 05/05 22:01
推 : Lacob當初4.5億就買下勇士了 賺翻 雖然Ellison出價38F 05/05 22:01
→ : 比較高 可是前老闆不喜歡他的樣子
→ : 比較高 可是前老闆不喜歡他的樣子
推 : 五月天還又跟臭嘴來場跨界之戰啦,又會狠撈一票的40F 05/05 22:09
→ : 勇士現在價值這麼高,老闆資產似乎沒多多少.真妙41F 05/05 22:11
推 : 球隊再賺錢也沒有他們這些人的本業賺啦,只能說是42F 05/05 22:12
→ : 不無小補
→ : 不無小補
推 : 看起來魔術的體態控制的還不錯欸....44F 05/05 22:21
推 : 先當小股東45F 05/05 22:26
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