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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [花邊] 條子:格林扇人耳光
時間 Tue Jul 12 06:08:19 2016
Police: Draymond Green arrested in East Lansing, charged with assault.
Police: Draymond Green arrested in East Lansing, charged with assault
EAST LANSING - NBA star and former Michigan State University All-American Draymond Green was arrested early Sunday morning in East Lansing, police con ...
EAST LANSING - NBA star and former Michigan State University All-American
Draymond Green was arrested early Sunday morning in East Lansing, police
confirmed on Monday.
Green, who also is a member of the U.S. Men's Olympic basketball team, was
arrested in connection with non-aggravated assault after an incident on the
100 block of East Grand River Avenue in East Lansing at 2:41 a.m. Sunday,
East Lansing Police Lt. Scott Wriggelsworth said.
Wriggelsworth said Green got into an altercation with another man shortly
after leaving Conrad's Grill, and ultimately slapped the man.
Officers who were standing nearby as part of a regular late-night patrol
witnessed the incident, he said. The victim was not injured.
According to court documents, East Lansing prosecutor Thomas Yeadon on Monday
authorized charges of "assault or assault and battery."
The records indicate Green posted $200 bail and his arraignment was scheduled
for July 20, however his attorney on Monday waived Green's right to an
In doing so, Green acknowledges he understands the charges he faces and the
possible penalties if he is found guilty. He also avoids having to attend an
arraignment in person.
。這表示他不會親自出席進一步的提訊。A pre-trial conference will likely be scheduled at a later date.
Green's attorney did not respond to multiple messages left Monday.
If convicted, Green faces a maximum penalty of 93 days in jail, a $500 fine,
or both.
Green is scheduled to attend Team USA’s basketball training in Las Vegas
July 18-21. Additional training and exhibitions are scheduled through Aug. 1,
with Olympic competition set for Aug. 6-21 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Green's NBA team, the Golden State Warriors, released the following
statement: "We are aware of news involving Draymond Green in Michigan over
the weekend. At this point we are collecting information and will have nor
further comment until we have a better understanding of the situation
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1NX1ZNio (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1468274903.A.B32.html
推 : 是歐陽妮妮吧1F 07/12 06:09
感謝指正我該去睡回籠覺了推 : 大驚小怪 沒踢蛋蛋已經算客氣了2F 07/12 06:10
推 : 是泥泥吧3F 07/12 06:11
推 : Nini4F 07/12 06:12
推 : 美國余天5F 07/12 06:13
推 : 歐陽娜娜XD6F 07/12 06:13
靠盃。推 : 應該是被嘴了惱羞動手7F 07/12 06:15
※ 編輯: Miralles (, 07/12/2016 06:17:59
推 : 蹲93天 崩潰8F 07/12 06:17
推 : 上面那個小劇場我真的笑了哈哈哈9F 07/12 06:29
推 : 有笑有推!10F 07/12 06:33
推 : 不知道是說了什麼?之前不是罵人bitch隊友還要幫腔
→ : 說對方玻璃心嗎lol
推 : 不知道是說了什麼?之前不是罵人bitch隊友還要幫腔
→ : 說對方玻璃心嗎lol
推 : 路人:說個笑話 73-9 沒總冠軍13F 07/12 06:43
推 : 如果明年5-7月蹲,勇士會...14F 07/12 06:45
→ : 路人:你的情感受傷了格林~15F 07/12 06:48
推 : 情感受傷了16F 07/12 06:48
推 : 勇士現在的陣容缺1個主力其實還綽綽有餘17F 07/12 06:49
→ : 如果5~7月蹲.....這一定是LBJ的陰謀 XDDDD18F 07/12 06:49
推 : Sent tree pay19F 07/12 06:58
推 : 啊勇士隊的怎麼不出來嘴砲了啊 ㄎㄎ20F 07/12 06:58
→ : 勇迷都嗎在隊版取暖21F 07/12 06:59
推 : 又不是踢蛋,甩個巴掌而已大驚小怪22F 07/12 07:01
推 : 如果蹲5-9月他就連兩年蟬聯勇士頭號戰犯了 XD23F 07/12 07:03
推 : 勇士也要love me或hate me了嗎24F 07/12 07:05
推 : 勇迷:保釋金200鎂 那應該只是小事啦25F 07/12 07:08
推 : 勇迷呢?26F 07/12 07:10
推 : 下去領50027F 07/12 07:12
推 : 有錢的名人罰個錢跟做公益就沒事了28F 07/12 07:13
推 : LBJ派人去激怒Green,讓他5-7月不能打嗎?29F 07/12 07:14
推 : NBA球員根本不可能判那麼久啦,就算被打的存心要弄30F 07/12 07:15
→ : 他也不可能關那麼久
→ : 他也不可能關那麼久
推 : 為什麼他的律師要放棄出席權?32F 07/12 07:16
推 : "a maximum penalty of 93 days in jail, a $500 fi33F 07/12 07:18
→ : ne"
→ : 感覺這串很多專業法律人未審先定罪 :')
→ : ne"
→ : 感覺這串很多專業法律人未審先定罪 :')
推 : 路人:我只是在街上說個笑話,就被呼巴掌!36F 07/12 07:19
推 : www.youtube.com/watch?v=6W2CqatIKyY#t=137s37F 07/12 07:24
推 : 不是踢蛋?38F 07/12 07:26
推 : 沒踢蛋39F 07/12 07:26
推 : 沒事兒沒事兒 呼個巴掌而已 還沒讓他斷子絕孫呢40F 07/12 07:27
推 : 沒救了 他自己總冠禁賽 說要控制自己 還是沒有41F 07/12 07:30
→ : Green:我在球場上就算踢蛋也不會被吹犯規,你他媽因42F 07/12 07:32
→ : 為扇巴掌逮捕我!?
→ : 為扇巴掌逮捕我!?
推 : 我認為這是一個合法掩護44F 07/12 07:32
推 : 通常會付錢和解啦45F 07/12 07:33
→ : 上面好嗨喔呵呵46F 07/12 07:33
→ : 這種事情問法院王就好,簡訊問一下47F 07/12 07:33
噓 : Green能不能自愛一點.... 勇士隊還很需要他啊....48F 07/12 07:34
推 : 這是做自己49F 07/12 07:35
推 : 場內場外都得體,__最愛這一味50F 07/12 07:36
推 : 蹲93天牢飯 然後11月1號執行入監XD51F 07/12 07:37
→ : 然後16-17球季缺席三個月XD
→ : 然後16-17球季缺席三個月XD
推 : 一個歐陽妮妮的保釋金XD53F 07/12 07:39
推 : 沒事兒沒事兒 一個耳光而已啦^_^54F 07/12 07:41
推 : XD55F 07/12 07:43
噓 : 還沒長大56F 07/12 07:46
噓 : 扯啥未審先鼎罪,內文就說警察目睹,不就現行犯57F 07/12 07:49
→ bahamutuh …
→ : 定罪59F 07/12 07:49
推 : 綠:老子蛋隨便踢都沒事的 打個巴掌就逮捕是怎樣?60F 07/12 07:51
推 : 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈61F 07/12 07:52
推 : 在場外也很得體……62F 07/12 07:53
推 : 這翻譯太趣味惹XD63F 07/12 07:54
推 : 說個笑話,被呼巴掌64F 07/12 07:55
推 : 新聞早點出來 KD就會留雷霆了65F 07/12 07:55
推 : 有啊 勇迷就版主啊 還會刪文66F 07/12 07:55
噓 : 先打*67F 07/12 07:56
→ : KD: 怎麼有點後悔..被騙來了68F 07/12 07:59
→ : 聯盟會另外禁賽嗎69F 07/12 08:00
噓 : TDD綠:耶穌說當別人打你右臉時 要把DD讓出來給他踢70F 07/12 08:00
→ bahamutuh …
→ : Green:老子都在賽場上踢過別人子孫袋了,扇個耳光72F 07/12 08:03
→ : 算什麼?沒事兒 沒事兒
→ : 算什麼?沒事兒 沒事兒
→ : 對美國的法律不是太了解 但真的很好奇如果一對男女74F 07/12 08:10
→ : 在街上吵架 男的被女的甩一巴掌 警察看到也會跑過
→ : 來把女的抓起來嗎
→ : 在街上吵架 男的被女的甩一巴掌 警察看到也會跑過
→ : 來把女的抓起來嗎
噓 : 給他死刑77F 07/12 08:12
→ : 看顏色?78F 07/12 08:12
推 : 這應該能靠錢解決了79F 07/12 08:12
推 : Green的個性遲早會惹出大麻煩 今年丟個冠軍 明年?80F 07/12 08:12
推 : 惹到不看籃球的白人警察才知道痛吧81F 07/12 08:13
推 : 不是說學到教訓了82F 07/12 08:18
推 : 就是慣性了...83F 07/12 08:19
推 : 不可能的 我在球場上打人蛋蛋都沒事的84F 07/12 08:21
推 : 太扯了吧! 場上踢人蛋蛋都沒事了 警察是怎樣???85F 07/12 08:22
推 : 不錯有進步,忍住不踢蛋蛋。好小孩。86F 07/12 08:22
噓 : 繼續喊種族歧視啊不是很會講87F 07/12 08:26
推 : 確定是耳光欸,不是...88F 07/12 08:27
推 : 裁判沒吹哨就是好球啊89F 07/12 08:27
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 72
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