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作者 標題 [外絮] Dwight Howard:「魔獸人生第三季」
時間 Fri Feb 19 15:51:21 2016
Why Dwight Howard's search for a new NBA home continues
By Chris Mannix of The Vertical
Yahoo Sports
Another year, another trade deadline and the never-ending search for stability
for Dwight Howard continues. The Rockets did what they could to move Howard out
of Houston on Thursday, NBA sources told The Vertical, canvassing the league
for offers, plainly instructing teams to submit their best bids. No luck.
Howard is still in Houston, still a Rocket, though with just 27 games remaining
in a forgettable season, those days may officially be numbered.
又經過了一年,又經過了一次交易大限截止日,而由 Dwight Howard 所主演「尋找棲息
嘗試了他們所能做,挨家挨戶地去尋找 Howard 的買主,開門見山地要求對方直接開出手
上最好的價碼。事與願違,Howard 仍留在休士頓,仍然是火箭隊的一員,在一個不值得紀
上最好的價碼。事與願違,Howard 仍留在休士頓,仍然是火箭隊的一員,在一個不值得紀
The gap between what the Rockets wanted and what teams offered for Howard was
considerable, for two reasons: Howard, 30, can be a free agent at the end of
the season, and he will likely seek a contract worth north of $20 million per
year. Howard has been healthy for most of this season, yet concerns about a
once-debilitating back injury linger. And while executives admit Howard is
better than the pedestrian scorer (14.6 points per game) he has morphed into
alongside James Harden, you are hard-pressed to find many willing to mortgage
the future of the franchise to go get him.
火箭方與其他開價想買 Howard 球隊之間的落差有兩個可以探討的主因: 1. Howard 30歲了
可以選擇在本季結束後,恢復自由球員之身;還有他將有可能尋找一份平均 $20M/y 價值的
合約。雖然 Howard 本季大部分而言是健康的,但是也考量到曾嚴重弱化戰力的背傷還在。
還有雖然大部分的買家一致認為 Howard 在與 James Harden共存的情況下,還是擁有優於
可以選擇在本季結束後,恢復自由球員之身;還有他將有可能尋找一份平均 $20M/y 價值的
合約。雖然 Howard 本季大部分而言是健康的,但是也考量到曾嚴重弱化戰力的背傷還在。
還有雖然大部分的買家一致認為 Howard 在與 James Harden共存的情況下,還是擁有優於
Picking on Howard is easy, sporting even. He's the guy who smiles too much,
goofs around too often, who appears to play with the same fire as headband-clad
hackers do in rec league games. He's the guy who drove Stan Van Gundy out of
Orlando, pissed off Kobe Bryant and drew the ire of Kevin Durant. He irritates
winners more than he tries to become one.
找到挑剔 Howard 的地方不難。他是個成天笑個不停、犯傻不停的人,活像是個帶著頭戴
跑去打 rec league(recreational league)比賽的傢伙。他也是把 Stan Van Gundy 弄到
被炒魷魚、激怒老大 Kobe Bryant 還讓 Kevin Durant 氣到冒煙的傢伙。他去惹怒那些
But really: Is he that terrible? In an off year, one that has seen his shot
attempts dip to rookie-year levels, Howard is third in the NBA in rebounding
and field-goal percentage. He's not an automatic double-team anymore but he's a
difficult cover in the post and a load to keep off the glass. Mock him,
belittle him, but good luck finding six or seven true centers better than him.
但說真的: 這有這麼嚴重嗎?雖然在低潮受傷的那一年,他投籃的次數比起秀年還低(2014-
15出賽29場,FGA:423次 vs 2004-05 677次但是出賽了82場) Dwight Howard依然繳出3th的
籃板(10.5 Rebs)和投籃命中率(FG%:59.3%)的成績。他不再是過去那個會讓對手自動包夾的
15出賽29場,FGA:423次 vs 2004-05 677次但是出賽了82場) Dwight Howard依然繳出3th的
籃板(10.5 Rebs)和投籃命中率(FG%:59.3%)的成績。他不再是過去那個會讓對手自動包夾的
Houston would like nothing more than to move forward with Howard and Harden as
cornerstones, to use the pair to lure a marquee free agent like Durant, to
assemble an All-Star team that can compete with the one blitzing the league in
Golden State. But the Rockets understand: The relationship between Howard and
Harden has become increasingly unsalvageable. Howard has never whispered a word
about wanting out of Houston, about any disdain for Harden, but the lack of
on-court chemistry between the two is obvious. Howard still craves a bigger
role, and it's hard to see that materializing in Houston.
休士頓方面原本不求他想,只求可以以 Howard + Harden 的基石組合發展,用這一對去
吸引像是自由球員的大物:Kevin Durant,做「新三巨頭」的美夢,期待能與以快打旋風的
There won't be an elaborate courtship of Howard, but make no mistake: Teams
will come calling. Not being interested in forking over young players and picks
for Howard is a lot different than throwing some decent money at him. Take
Boston. The Celtics were involved in the Howard sweepstakes, league sources
told The Vertical, but, like everyone else, were not interested in paying
Houston's price. Yet Celtics president Danny Ainge is a fan of Howard. Kevin
McHale gave Ainge a strong endorsement of Howard, and there are few people in
the NBA Ainge respects more than Mac. Boston has a hole in the middle and money
to spend; to the Celtics, Howard is intriguing.
當然不再會有像過去一樣,砸重金梭哈全部去追求 Howard,但這不代表球隊不會嘗試爭取
事。拿波士頓塞爾提克來說,據聯盟消息青塞就曾也在 Howard 的談判桌上嘗試交易他。
事。拿波士頓塞爾提克來說,據聯盟消息青塞就曾也在 Howard 的談判桌上嘗試交易他。
Danny Ainge 是 Howard 的紛絲,Kevin McHale也曾在 Ainge 前為 Howard 強力背書,而
Mac(Kevin McHale)也是聯盟中少數幾個受 Ainge 尊敬的人。波士頓在中鋒位置上缺門,手
Danny Ainge 是 Howard 的紛絲,Kevin McHale也曾在 Ainge 前為 Howard 強力背書,而
Mac(Kevin McHale)也是聯盟中少數幾個受 Ainge 尊敬的人。波士頓在中鋒位置上缺門,手
Several teams will undoubtedly feel the same. When the dust settles on the
Durant derby, when Al Horford and Mike Conley choose where they want to play,
there will be Howard. The days of a five-year max contract are history, and
four-year ones might be gone, too. Howard will have to swallow a cheaper deal,
a shorter deal, one that reflects the diminished player he, at least
statistically, has become. Still, right team, right price, Howard's ability to
be an impact player can still be considerable. He can't lead a team to the
Finals anymore but in the right role he can still help one get there.
另外還有數支球隊也同樣感同身受。當今年夏天「Kevin Durant競標大賽」塵埃落定、當
Al Horford 和 Mike Conley 選好下一站之後,剩下的好戲就會輪到 Howard。過去開口就
是五年頂薪不然不用談的好日子已經過完,可能連四年也沒得過了。Dwight Howard必須要
Al Horford 和 Mike Conley 選好下一站之後,剩下的好戲就會輪到 Howard。過去開口就
是五年頂薪不然不用談的好日子已經過完,可能連四年也沒得過了。Dwight Howard必須要
Why Dwight Howard's search for a new NBA home continues - Yahoo Sports
From Yahoo Sports: Dwight Howard's days in Houston are numbered, but someone will come calling for him this summer. ...
Dwight Howard: "My soul, everything I have is in Orlando. I just can't leave it
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※ 編輯: taylorliao (, 02/19/2016 15:54:19
噓 : 不全為事實1F 02/19 15:54
推 : 簽名檔每次看都會笑...忠誠獸2F 02/19 15:54
推 : 要頂薪? 找姆斯就對了 不過可能都會一直忙線中3F 02/19 15:55
→ : BOSTON就等DH跳出再來簽就好,現在換就是會被搶劫啊4F 02/19 15:57
推 : 魔術中產收5F 02/19 15:58
→ : 美劇日常......6F 02/19 16:02
推 : 魔獸搭姆斯的確不錯啊7F 02/19 16:02
噓 : 算了吧,有他永遠沒冠軍8F 02/19 16:03
※ 編輯: taylorliao (, 02/19/2016 16:04:50推 : 二樓少亂說,魔獸是認真的。妳沒發現他越打越爛嗎9F 02/19 16:06
→ : 就是因為混留在奧蘭多阿
→ : 就是因為混留在奧蘭多阿
推 : 樓主翻譯厲害給推11F 02/19 16:11
推 : 樓樓上滿中肯的 離開魔術後再也回不去那水準12F 02/19 16:14
噓 : 噓Q大 魔獸就是離開奧蘭多才沒有成長 反而越打越爛13F 02/19 16:17
噓 : 跳出頂薪合約,降薪求其他隊收留?這篇在講什麼?14F 02/19 16:18
→ : 去湖人火箭這些球團才不像魔術幫他精心規劃陣容15F 02/19 16:20
推 : 在奧蘭多留了很多種子是真的⊙ω⊙16F 02/19 16:21
推 : 結果庫班當年給DH的忠告變成事實了17F 02/19 16:21
推 : 離開了恐慌大師的體系,就開始越來越容易受傷了18F 02/19 16:21
→ : 库班當年給什麼忠告?19F 02/19 16:23
→ : 某q 不會以為他可以跳去湖人 不是因為能力強嗎20F 02/19 16:24
推 : 找姆斯教你怎麼打電話轉隊抱腿呀21F 02/19 16:26
推 : 魔獸+姆斯剛好可以打快樂籃球22F 02/19 16:27
推 : 結論:nba無大將 草莓當先鋒23F 02/19 16:29
推 : 當初wade在笑笑魔獸,結果酸民還是在進攻啊24F 02/19 16:30
推 : 爽!風水輪流轉,火箭哈哈哈25F 02/19 16:32
推 : 交易的也要叫XX人生喔26F 02/19 16:32
→ : 認真問一下.想吸KD這個大物.火箭還有空間嗎..27F 02/19 16:32
→ : 請求Laoda教學如何用trade me 叫球隊補強吧28F 02/19 16:33
推 : 騎士可以組 魔斯啦連線29F 02/19 16:33
推 : 喊催密太慢了 直接開第希遜比較快又務實30F 02/19 16:35
→ kobest …
推 : 有空間,問題是去火箭不如留蕾婷r32F 02/19 16:36
推 : 他現在進的了聯盟前三隊嗎....?33F 02/19 16:37
推 : 雷霆收魔獸應該不錯吧34F 02/19 16:47
推 : 學學姆斯打電話裝熟囉!35F 02/19 16:52
→ : 進不了前三隊36F 02/19 16:56
→ : 真的什麼都能扯姆斯= =37F 02/19 16:56
推 : 還是大范最會用他38F 02/19 16:56
→ : 不過十名左右應該還有39F 02/19 16:56
噓 : 自從輸給湖人拿亞軍後 覺得他越來越沒有想拿冠軍的40F 02/19 16:56
→ : 心情了…
→ : 心情了…
推 : 英文不好 還好有翻譯 讚啦42F 02/19 16:57
推 : 魔獸人生 三部曲 !43F 02/19 16:59
推 : 罰球練好就不知道強多少了 只想要好康不想付出44F 02/19 17:02
→ : Asik的結局?45F 02/19 17:03
推 : 其實好噁現在想去活塞吧 只有大泛能把他打造成巨星46F 02/19 17:13
推 : 活賽有裝猛了~~~正在補1-4外圍射手47F 02/19 17:16
推 : 第二季完結好久終於要回歸了48F 02/19 17:28
推 : 把KD氣到冒煙?49F 02/19 17:32
推 : 他除了罰球真的很爛 其它沒那麼不堪50F 02/19 17:35
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 34
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