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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [花邊] Kobe Bryant與NIKE合作創立「黑曼巴聯盟」
時間 Fri Apr 14 18:21:16 2017
原文網址: http://clutchpoints.com/kobe-bryant-creates-mamba-league/
Kobe Bryant creates 'Mamba League' with Nike for youth in Los Angeles
He may be from Philadelphia but Lakers legend Kobe Bryant continues to give back to his adopted hometown of Los Angeles. Partnering with Nike, Bryant ...
He may be from Philadelphia but Lakers legend Kobe Bryant continues to give back to his adopted hometown of Los Angeles. Partnering with Nike, Bryant ...
Kobe Bryant creates ‘Mamba League’ with Nike for youth in Los Angeles
退役球星 Kobe Bryant 持續用行動回饋洛杉磯地區
他將與知名運動品牌NIKE共同創立黑曼巴聯盟(Mamba League)
Kobe Bryant’s Mamba League - YouTube
In partnership with Nike, Kobe Bryant inspires LA youth to get moving through the Mamba League. Kobe shares more on the league and how his insights and exper...
In partnership with Nike, Kobe Bryant inspires LA youth to get moving through the Mamba League. Kobe shares more on the league and how his insights and exper...
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推 : 老大!!1F 04/14 18:22
推 : 女2F 04/14 18:22
推 : 女女3F 04/14 18:22
推 : 好強的聯盟4F 04/14 18:22
推 : 老大有推5F 04/14 18:22
推 : 推文不歪掉的機率?6F 04/14 18:23
推 : 老大持續統治NBA版7F 04/14 18:23
推 : 今天是老大退休1週年又1天,存在感還是贏過絕大多8F 04/14 18:25
→ : 數現役球員
→ : 數現役球員
推 : 大黑曼巴10F 04/14 18:26
→ : 說真的 蠻讚的11F 04/14 18:26
推 : 跟復仇者聯盟比 哪個比較強?12F 04/14 18:27
推 : 婦愁者聯盟13F 04/14 18:28
推 : 蘿莉控聯盟14F 04/14 18:28
推 : 高水準科酸持續活躍中15F 04/14 18:28
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 39
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