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作者 標題 [外絮] Stephenson將自己回歸溜馬比喻成Jordan重返NBA
時間 Sun Apr 2 23:08:04 2017
Lance Stephenson終於又回到印第安那為老東家溜馬隊打球了,
記者Michael Grady問他重返印城有何感覺?
Lance Stephenson Compares Return to Indiana to Michael Jordan Coming Back to NBA | Bleacher Report
Lance Stephenson solidified his return to the Indiana Pacers by signing a three-year deal Thursday. Though his career has fizzled since he left the fr ...
Lance Stephenson solidified his return to the
Indiana Pacers by signing a three-year
dealThursday. Though his career has fizzled
since he left the franchise in 2014, the 26-
year-old still anticipates a hero's welcome.
Following Sunday's game at the Cleveland
Cavaliers, Stephenson will return to Bankers
Life Fieldhouse for Tuesday's matchup against
the Toronto Raptors. When asked by 107.5/1070
The Fan's Michael Grady about the homecoming,
the mercurial guard compared it to "Michael
Jordan coming back to play in the NBA."
Let's hope we was joking. Stephenson, who has
played two minutes in the last three-plus
weeks, is averaging 6.6 points per game this
season with a 9.32 player efficiency rating,
per ESPN.com.
Since finding success with the Pacers, he has
played for five different teams in three
seasons. Perhaps he can rekindle his 2013-14
breakout with his first NBA squad, which is
currently fighting for an Eastern Conference
playoff spot.
Whether or not Pacers fans warmly embrace the
returning Stephenson, he's excited to see
them again
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1491145688.A.3EB.html
→ : 耶穌1F 04/02 23:09
噓 : ...2F 04/02 23:10
推 : 乾好有梗 哈哈3F 04/02 23:11
推 : XDDDDD4F 04/02 23:11
推 : 復活梗好屌5F 04/02 23:11
→ : 文森已和耶穌比肩?6F 04/02 23:12
推 : 回來第一場就打LBJ7F 04/02 23:14
→ : 其實不對,應該是摩西返鄉才對8F 04/02 23:15
推 : 其實也才兩年多快三年 待了好幾隊倒是真的9F 04/02 23:15
The Prince of Egypt - Red Sea 1 part HD - YouTube
All DreamWorks cartoons & images go DreamWorks Pictures . I Own nothing.
All DreamWorks cartoons & images go DreamWorks Pictures . I Own nothing.

→ : 感覺前不久才吹氣呢11F 04/02 23:19
推 : 比較像郝龍斌回來參選12F 04/02 23:19
推 : 耶穌是啥梗13F 04/02 23:20
推 : 耶穌復活一樣偉大啊14F 04/02 23:21
推 : 耶穌這梗好猛XDD15F 04/02 23:34
推 : 復活哏太強了XD16F 04/02 23:34
推 : 這個老外的意思是喬丹>>>>>>耶穌?18F 04/02 23:43
推 : 呃...19F 04/02 23:57
推 : 說這話代表他真的回來了20F 04/02 23:58
→ : 他的意思是 你可以再誇張一點21F 04/03 00:24
推 : 姆斯要小心自己的耳朵了22F 04/03 00:40
→ : 比較像在說"你乾脆說你是耶穌復活了算了"23F 04/03 01:02
推 : 反諷 高級酸民24F 04/03 01:06
推 : 耶穌第二次再來還差不多25F 04/03 01:29
推 : 幹 推郝龍彬 笑死26F 04/03 01:40
推 : 這梗普通 看過好幾次類似的27F 04/03 01:42
→ : 我是說耶穌梗
→ : 我是說耶穌梗
推 : XDD29F 04/03 06:27
推 : 意思是還喬神回歸哩,那乾脆說耶穌復活好不好30F 04/03 07:10
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 32
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