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作者 標題 [新聞]Korver昨天比賽手上的紅X(為奴隸發聲)
時間 Sat Feb 25 16:58:08 2017
https://goo.gl/MNVqW9 (原文網址)
Why Kyle Korver had red X on his hand during Cavaliers game Thursday night | cleveland.com
It's called the End It Movement, which Korver has been part of for three or four years. ...
By Chris Fedor, cleveland.com
on February 24, 2017 at 6:00 AM, updated February 24, 2017 at 6:06 AM
Cavs’ Kyle Korver explains his support of End It Movement - YouTube Cleveland Cavaliers Kyle Korver explains his support of the End It Movement that raises awareness of the problem of modern-day slavery and human trafficking.

CLEVELAND, Ohio -- Cleveland Cavaliers sharpshooter Kyle Korver marked his
right hand with a red X during Thursday night's game against the New York
Knicks. It was still there when he exited the arena.
It didn't mark the spot where he wanted the ball from his teammates. No, this
stain carried a much deeper meaning.
"The red X that I'm wearing, it's on my clothes too, went all out today,"
Korver said while pointing to his t-shirt and hat that also had the mark.
"One day a year, and literally thousands of people across the world, letting
people know there's over 27 million slaves in the world today."
It's called the End It Movement, which Korver has been part of for three or
four years.
而Korver參與這個「終結(奴隸)運動 」已經有三四年了
His photo is on the website, one of the many athletes that has joined this
fight for freedom that started in Atlanta in 2013, raising awareness for this
global issue. Korver also tweeted out his own picture in support Thursday,
the day on this year's calendar that represented "Shine A Light On Slavery
"It looks a little differently than we thought before," Korver said of
slavery. "There's human trafficking, unfair wages across the world so it
looks a little differently, but 27 million people live like this and they
don't have a voice so this is a campaign.
"I think it's the fifth year, everyone putting on a red X and posting it on
social media. Raising awareness. Just trying -- I mean, people hear that
number and they're like, 'Man, are you serious? I didn't know about that.'"
Notable celebrities have also joined forces with the movement and Freedom
Fighters worldwide, using their voices. Ashton Kutcher made an emotional
speech about human trafficking at a Senate Foreign Relations Committee
hearing on how to put an end to modern slavery. The hope is to turn awareness
into action.
"There's a bill in Congress right now that's about to go through to raise a
bunch of money," Korver said.
According to enditmovement.com, more than $4 million has been raised and the
distinct red X has been shared over 500 million times. In previous years,
"Shine a Light on Slavery Day" has sparked a viral response on social media,
with numerous people, including Korver, drawing red X's on their hands and
sharing the photos on social media platforms.
"There's a lot of people fighting this fight," he said. "That's what these
red X's are all about."
https://enditmovement.com/resources.html 活動網站
Join the fight to END IT. Download END IT Movement resources and post only with the hashtag #enditmovement to show your support and help raise awarene ...
Join the fight to END IT. Download END IT Movement resources and post only with the hashtag #enditmovement to show your support and help raise awarene ...
@KyleKorverHelp me "Shine a Light on Slavery". Go to https://enditmovement.com to learn more. Mark your hand w/ a Red X. Share. #EndItMovement
今天看了一堆Shaqtin'a foll 覺得有點厭煩,看到korver這個新聞至少讓人比較
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推 : 推個1F 02/25 16:59
推 : 我以為今天NBA板是海賊王夜2F 02/25 16:59
推 : 為奴隸? 不是為了夥伴嗎XDD3F 02/25 16:59
推 : 推個4F 02/25 17:01
推 : 上色沒上好5F 02/25 17:01
抱歉,上色失敗,但是要出門了,沒時間改了,有快速上色的方法嗎?推 : 上色失敗6F 02/25 17:01
推 : 最後一張是艾希頓庫奇吧......7F 02/25 17:02
推 : 原PO以前是爵士隊ㄟ8F 02/25 17:02
怎麼還會有人認得他QQ推 : KK真的很準 尤其現在不用一直跑動了9F 02/25 17:03
噓 : 會上色嗎10F 02/25 17:04
推 : 我還真以為是海賊王XD11F 02/25 17:06
推 : KKKKKKKKKKK12F 02/25 17:07
※ 編輯: KirkSynder (, 02/25/2017 17:07:57推 : KK人帥又善良13F 02/25 17:07
※ 編輯: KirkSynder (, 02/25/2017 17:13:54推 : foll14F 02/25 17:09
推 : 推,上色還要再學學。15F 02/25 17:10
推 : 推推16F 02/25 17:14
→ : KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK17F 02/25 17:16
推 : 艾希頓庫奇&KK聯名支持(?18F 02/25 17:19
推 : 有想法推19F 02/25 17:20
推 : 是分享了500"百"萬次20F 02/25 17:21
感謝,我的數學老師在後面,他非常火。推 : 推22F 02/25 17:24
推 : 聊天室KKK起來23F 02/25 17:26
推 : 還以為是直刃族24F 02/25 17:29
推 : KKKKKKKKKKK25F 02/25 17:30
推 : 演過蝴蝶效應就跩上天了26F 02/25 17:30
推 : 怎麼可以帥成這樣27F 02/25 17:31
推 : 每年的這一年(X) 每年的這一年(O)28F 02/25 17:33
推 : 有頭腦又會打球又會演戲太超過了29F 02/25 17:33
→ : 不對,是 每年的這一天(O)30F 02/25 17:33
推 : 推KK善良!31F 02/25 17:33
推 : Kk真的超棒 之前在老鷹的時候主場也是都有捐襪子的32F 02/25 17:39
→ : 活動 超棒的<3333
→ : 活動 超棒的<3333
推 : Ashton Kutcher不就是Kyle Korver34F 02/25 17:39
推 : 推35F 02/25 17:40
推 : 推36F 02/25 17:41
推 : 謝謝幫在台灣不對等拿低工資的員工發聲!37F 02/25 17:43
→ : 我還以為超帥的38F 02/25 17:45
推 : 推推~39F 02/25 17:46
推 : 其實是L99的車迷40F 02/25 17:50
→ : 以自己的影響力為弱勢發聲,推個!41F 02/25 17:52
推 : 還以為是CM PUNK42F 02/25 17:52
→ : KK一向人品好43F 02/25 17:59
推 : 三張圖是同一個人無誤44F 02/25 17:59
推 : 我比較好奇發生以外,有什麼提供幫助的見解,每天45F 02/25 18:03
→ : 看財經新聞,我完全不知到有這件事
→ : 看財經新聞,我完全不知到有這件事
推 : Kkkkkkk47F 02/25 18:05
推 : 推48F 02/25 18:06
→ e7660239 …
推 : 覺得KK蝴蝶效應演的超好...50F 02/25 18:07
→ : 反觀那個歐肥51F 02/25 18:09
推 : 為魯夫發聲52F 02/25 18:24
推 : 推53F 02/25 18:25
推 : 推54F 02/25 18:26
推 : 人帥又有愛55F 02/25 18:29
推 : KKKKKKKKKKK56F 02/25 18:32
推 : 不是給葳葳公主看的?57F 02/25 18:33
→ : 500 million是5億不是500萬......58F 02/25 18:35
推 : 好有意義,大推59F 02/25 18:36
推 : 推60F 02/25 18:40
推 : 推尻佛61F 02/25 18:40
推 : 推62F 02/25 18:41
推 : 不是魯海的喔?63F 02/25 18:43
推 : 奴隸? 沒看過台灣勞工別說你見過奴隸64F 02/25 18:49
推 : 所以是為台灣勞工發聲的意思?65F 02/25 18:52
推 : 推67F 02/25 19:00
推 : s大大(KK太太)KK有設立KK基金會,歡迎設立台灣分部(68F 02/25 19:01
→ : 誤)
→ : 誤)
推 : 推70F 02/25 19:05
推 : 帥71F 02/25 19:16
推 : 真的分不出來...72F 02/25 19:19
推 : 艾希頓庫奇那張沒放錯啊 都說是同場加映了73F 02/25 19:19
→ : 那張印象中就是艾希頓庫奇進參議院演講的照片
影片支援 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-t5SJqL25ak 有英文字幕→ : 那張印象中就是艾希頓庫奇進參議院演講的照片
Ashton Kutcher: Full speech to the Senate on human trafficking - YouTube Actor and Thorn co-founder Ashton Kutcher gave an impassioned speech to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on on human trafficking and modern slavery.

推 : 台勞75F 02/25 19:21
推 : 有意義,推76F 02/25 19:24
推 : 推77F 02/25 19:34
推 : 每年的這一年,可以改一下嗎?不太順78F 02/25 19:38
推 : KK!!!!79F 02/25 20:03
推 : one day a year80F 02/25 20:04
推 : 推81F 02/25 20:06
推 : kk就是推!!82F 02/25 20:27
推 : 在老鷹就很愛做公益了~83F 02/25 20:37
推 : BZ:響應84F 02/25 21:10
推 : KK85F 02/25 21:12
推 : 有兩千一百萬在這....86F 02/25 21:38
推 :87F 02/25 21:38
※ 編輯: KirkSynder (, 02/25/2017 22:11:33推 : 個人真的很欣賞kk,不論球場上的表現或是私下的風格88F 02/25 22:04
推 : 推!!!!89F 02/25 22:12
推 : Nice!90F 02/25 22:13
推 : 找枝紅筆響應一下91F 02/25 22:22
推 : 有kk有推92F 02/25 22:52
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 62
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