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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [情報] CJ McCollum將參加三分球大賽
時間 Wed Feb 1 10:01:27 2017
2017 NBA All-Star Weekend -- C.J. McCollum of Portland Trail Blazers to be in 3-point contest
Blazers guard C.J. McCollum says he'll be in the 3-point competition at All-Star Weekend because his girlfriend can't take time for a vacation. ...
Blazers guard C.J. McCollum says he'll be in the 3-point competition at All-Star Weekend because his girlfriend can't take time for a vacation. ...
CJ McCollum參加三分球大賽的原因是女朋友不能陪他出去度假
Portland Trail Blazers guard C.J. McCollum can't go on vacation, so he found a
back-up plan: participating in the 3-point shootout at All-Star Weekend.
CJ McCollum發現休假計畫泡湯了,但他找到了備案 : 參加三分球大賽
"I wanted to go on vacation," McCollum said Saturday. "If I'm not going to play
in the game, I would rather be on vacation. But I can't be on vacation since my
girl's got a test. So I figured I could go for 48 hours and get out there and
still get some rest and relaxation."
McCollum participated in the All-Star Saturday night competition last year but
was eliminated in the first round. He said he wasn't sure he was going to make
a return appearance this year until his vacation plans were scuttled.
"I will [compete],'' McCollum said. "At first, I was against it. I didn't
really want to go, but seeing as how I performed last year and my girl can't go
on vacation because she has a test on Monday, it kind of changed my view on
McCollum, who is tied for 14th in the league in 3-point shooting percentage
(.415), said his first-round exit in last year's contest was partially due to
his being a late replacement for Chris Bosh.
後來才接獲聯盟通知補上Chris Bosh的缺
"I'll take it seriously this year,'' he said. "Last year, I was a throw-in.
They called me the night before, so I tried to get to a gym and did a round
[using] the [ball] racks. This year I will prepare more and give it a shot."
CJ McCollum的女朋友 -- Elise Esposito 讀的是牙醫系,現在在哥倫比亞大學
Elise Esposito (@elisespo) • Instagram photos and videos
Columbia University College of Dental Medicine ...
Columbia University College of Dental Medicine ...
Elise Esposito NBA C.J McCollum's Girlfriend - Fabwags.com
Elise Esposito is the NBA wag dating, Christian James McCollum –whom you probably know as C.J McCollum. She is also a graduate from Lehigh University. ...
Elise Esposito is the NBA wag dating, Christian James McCollum –whom you probably know as C.J McCollum. She is also a graduate from Lehigh University. ...
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推 : 幫QQ1F 02/01 10:02
推 : 哥大醫學院 真強2F 02/01 10:03
推 : 醒醒吧 你沒有女朋友3F 02/01 10:03
推 : 人生勝利組4F 02/01 10:04
推 : 好正的牙醫5F 02/01 10:04
推 : 只能射個三分過癮 幫QQ6F 02/01 10:06
推 : 有趣7F 02/01 10:07
推 : 不是考高中入学哦8F 02/01 10:08
推 : 又正又兇9F 02/01 10:08
推 : 勝利組10F 02/01 10:09
推 : 人生勝利組QQ11F 02/01 10:09
→ : 女友要考試,只能射三分打發時間了 (無誤12F 02/01 10:11
推 : 又正又兇還是牙醫,男朋友又高又有錢還是個體力好13F 02/01 10:11
→ : 的黑人...
→ : 的黑人...
推 : 球員的女友都超正15F 02/01 10:12
推 : 反觀CP25連參加資格都沒有16F 02/01 10:13
推 : 勝利組是他女友吧 年薪幾百萬鎂的是選女友17F 02/01 10:14
推 : 七仔不在只好射自己的(!?)18F 02/01 10:14
→ : 不能拿一般幾K的追女友比19F 02/01 10:14
補充 :
She graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Behavioral Neuro-
science, from Lehigh University and also holds a Master of Engineering (MEng),
Healthcare Systems Engineering.
※ 編輯: dw1012 (, 02/01/2017 10:21:36
推 : 其實還好,不算正妹,NBA球員可以把到更正的20F 02/01 10:18
推 : 女朋友考試21F 02/01 10:21
噓 : 幹連結有毒22F 02/01 10:21
推 : 重點是算正又學歷高好嗎 屌打一大堆人了23F 02/01 10:22
推 : 這種比較聰明吧 跟8+9妹不一定幸福啊24F 02/01 10:24
→ : CJ可能比較認真 不是每個NBA球員都只想玩
→ : CJ可能比較認真 不是每個NBA球員都只想玩
推 : 不過以CJ的年薪來講 應該剛好而已26F 02/01 10:25
→ : 我反倒覺得NBA球員只從正不正來挑才是最笨的27F 02/01 10:25
推 : 覺得CJ眼光好28F 02/01 10:29
推 : 不算正 但高學歷大加分 CJ真的很有趣XDDD29F 02/01 10:30
推 : 其實算正了 鄰家女孩型30F 02/01 10:35
推 : 哥大牙醫....本來想說交球星男友功課哪來那麼重要31F 02/01 10:36
→ : 但是看到這校系 真的準備功課很重要
→ : 但是看到這校系 真的準備功課很重要
推 : 還滿正的阿33F 02/01 10:38
推 : 球員只能賺個幾年,牙醫可以賺到超級老der34F 02/01 10:38
推 : 我這個人很誠實,奶子大就推。35F 02/01 10:39
推 : CJ 退休之後應該會去當球評或媒體相關行業吧36F 02/01 10:41
→ : 他蠻適合的
→ : 他蠻適合的
推 : CJ眼光真好 不只看外表38F 02/01 10:42
推 : 女朋友學歷好猛啊39F 02/01 10:45
推 : 又正又兇有很白又高學歷勝利組40F 02/01 10:48
推 : 女朋友強41F 02/01 10:55
推 : Cj那個薪水普通人幾輩子也賺不到好嗎42F 02/01 10:57
推 : 人高真的怎麼穿都好看><43F 02/01 10:59
推 : 牙醫長這樣?屌打台女44F 02/01 11:04
推 : potterpig請問一下這新聞跟CP25有何關係?45F 02/01 11:05
推 : 人生勝利組46F 02/01 11:06
推 : 硬是要射47F 02/01 11:08
推 : CJ好帥48F 02/01 11:08
推 : 正是還好,這個型美國蠻多的lol49F 02/01 11:14
→ : 但學歷真的不錯
→ : 但學歷真的不錯
推 : 血統真好51F 02/01 11:17
推 : CJ其實也是認真的人,印象中休賽季還會主動去NBA還52F 02/01 11:17
→ : 是電視台媒體部門實習
→ : 是電視台媒體部門實習
推 : 系隊學長:周末女友沒空 盃賽報我一個54F 02/01 11:22
推 : 學歷何止不錯哥大常春藤直接跪了55F 02/01 11:23
推 : 只有我覺得這理由綠綠的嗎56F 02/01 11:48
→ : 這時候我們請孫燕姿來幫我們演唱一首57F 02/01 11:49
推 : 常春藤的學霸是什麼概念?58F 02/01 11:52
推 : 拓荒者最喜歡CJ59F 02/01 11:55
噓 : 理由伯喔60F 02/01 12:07
推 : 系隊學長笑了61F 02/01 12:15
推 : CJ大學竟然有唸完才進NBA 現在才看到62F 02/01 12:31
推 : 這個才是好料的,娶個花瓶幹嘛啊…63F 02/01 12:35
※ reaper317:轉錄至看板 BLAZERS 02/01 12:36
→ : 奶很大64F 02/01 12:39
推 : 推CJ65F 02/01 12:47
推 : @@66F 02/01 12:52
推 : 美國牙醫論一輩子爽度,不一定輸球星啊67F 02/01 13:05
推 : 我這個人很誠實,奶子大就推。XDDDDDD68F 02/01 13:08
推 : 推cj好眼光69F 02/01 13:11
推 : 推一下CJ 他私底下也是一個談吐有素養,文筆好的人70F 02/01 13:34
推 : 之前看過CJ寫的文章 文筆好節奏也很流暢 是個有料又71F 02/01 13:38
→ : 認真的球員
→ : 不過小李也是又打球饒舌又強 阿拓專出這種的嗎XD
→ : 認真的球員
→ : 不過小李也是又打球饒舌又強 阿拓專出這種的嗎XD
推 : 女友學歷高自己也會成長啊 反觀跟卡戴姍的………74F 02/01 13:39
推 : 會挑這種女人 表示CJ腦袋不差75F 02/01 13:39
推 : 美國牙醫 呵呵 根本不算醫生76F 02/01 13:46
推 : 我記得麥卡倫自己成績也不錯啊...77F 02/01 14:15
推 : 人生勝利一半了78F 02/01 14:53
推 : CJ不錯喔 加油79F 02/01 15:01
推 : 有些人仇女仇到NBA 想到背後的故事就感到辛酸80F 02/01 15:04
噓 : 這麼不想來喔81F 02/01 15:07
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 106
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