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看板 NBA
作者 djviva (時鼠無奈)
標題 [外絮] 為何本季MVP會是鬍子, 而非西河
時間 Wed Dec 28 13:33:16 2016

Why the NBA MVP is James Harden, and Not Russell Westbrook
為何MVP是鬍子, 而非西河 http://tinyurl.com/h2bnnrx

All the offseason hype this year was garnered towards Kevin Durant bailing on
comrade Russell Westbrook to join the Warriors, in what was largely seen as
the biggest betrayal in sports since LeBron left Cleveland.
休賽季所有的焦點都聚集在Kevin Durant放棄了西河同志轉身加盟勇士

Durant leaving the Oklahoma City shook up the MVP conversation, as it became
harder to imagine a MVP coming out of San Francisco this year (sorry Steph,
no three-peat for you). The Warriors lineup contains four All-Star players,
so should one of the core fail to show up, there are three other all-stars
there to pick up the slack.
離開OKC的Durant吹皺了一池MVP討論的春水, 讓大家更難去想像本季MVP會是名勇士球員
抱歉了Stephen Curry, 不會連三屆MVP了
勇士陣容包含了四名All Star, 當有人狀況不佳時其它三人就會跳出來

Durant left behind an angry Russell Westbrook, whom, fueled by the fire of
betrayal, has posted extraordinary numbers this year to the tune of a triple
double average. He is the first player to record such a stat-line since Oscar
Robertson in the 1961-62 season. Westbrook is posting averages of 31.7 PPG,
10.9 APG, and 10.4 RPG, hijacking media headlines just about every single
night. So how is it that Westbrook is not the guaranteed MVP this year? With
such admirable performances, including a 22 assist game, how is Russell
Westbrook not the sole contender for the coveted Most Valuable Player award?
因為KD的離開而胸臆滿腔怒火的西河, 本季打出非凡的場均大三元表現
是自1961-62 Oscar Robertson之後首位有這樣表現的球員, 31.7分10.9助攻10.4籃板
那為什麼西河不會是本季的MVP呢? 更別說他還有過22助攻的單場表現耶

目前的MVP雷達依序是: 鬍子 > 西河 > LeBron > KD

While his stats have been astronomical, the Thunder haven’t been. Holding on
to the fifth seed of a top-heavy Western conference, the Thunder are 19-12 on
the year, and bouncing around the lower half of the playoff bracket. There
has not been a MVP winner from a team outside of the top two seeds in their
respective conference since Karl Malone won the award in 1999 with the third
seeded Jazz, who were actually tied for the top record in the West. Should
the Thunder continue at their pace, they will finish in 5th place in the
West, So who then is this years NBA MVP? James Harden.
當西河目前的個人數據登峰造極之時, 他的雷霆卻還沒能羽化成仙
自從1999爵士西區第三, Karl Malone獲選MVP之後至今
倘若雷霆持續現在的狀況最終還是西區第五的話, MVP會是誰呢? 是鬍子

The Rockets went through a similar, though less dramatic nor publicized,
offseason to that of the Thunder. Dwight Howard departed back home to
Atlanta, leaving James Harden with the reigns (not that they weren’t
practically his). Harden extended his deal with Houston until 2020, and has
gotten right to work on making them a contender, along with new coach Mike D’
今夏火箭的陣容更動跟雷霆有些類似, 但戲劇性跟大眾注意程度比較小
魔獸跑回家鄉, 留鬍子一個人當火箭王
鬍子跟火箭簽了到2020的延長約, 並在新教頭D'Antoni麾下獲權獨力推動火箭

The Rockets, to many people’s surprise, have accumulated a record of 23-9
through their first 32 games this season, including tough victories on the
road at Golden State and San Antonio. This is largely thanks to James Harden,
who is posting extraordinary stats himself, while tallying six triple doubles
already on the season. Harden is putting up 27.5 points, 7.8 rebounds and
11.9 assists per night, while leading the Rockets to a tie for the third seed
in the West.
讓許多人驚訝的, 火箭目前32場拿下23勝9敗, 包含了客場對抗勇士與馬刺的艱困勝利
這全得歸功於鬍子繳出極其出色的數據, 本季至今已經有過六次大三元
目前鬍子場均數據27.5分7.8籃板11.9助攻, 並讓火箭晉身西區第三

Harden is shooting a higher percentage than Westbrook and taking six less
shots per game, averaging 4.2 less points per contest. Harden is sinking more
three pointers than he has in his career, putting up 3.0 per game, while
actually seeing less time on the court than the previous season. Harden’s
minutes have gone down from 38.1 MPG last year to 36.5 this season. Harden is
also shooting 51.5% on his 2-point field goals, compared to Westbrook's
鬍子的命中率比西河高, 場均比西河少出手6次, 但場均得分只少西河4.2分
鬍子比生涯其他季命中更多三分, 場均3顆, 但上場時間卻比上季更少 (上季38.1>36.5)
目前鬍子兩分球命中率51.5%, 反觀西河僅有45.9%

Yes, Russell Westbrook is playing more efficiently than James Harden, but
only slightly. Westbrook boasts a league best 30.75 PER, while the Beard
comes in at 27.52. The MVP award, however, does not belong to the most
efficient player. LeBron James was the PER leader for the NBA from 2007-2013,
six straight seasons. Within those six years, LeBron won the MVP four out of
the six times, and each year he won the award his team was a top-two seed in
the Eastern Conference. Anthony Davis led the league in PER in 2014-2015, yet
Steph Curry took home the award, with the Warriors holding the best record in
the association. So while Westbrook has been the most efficient player in the
league, and by no small margin, the award would likely go to someone on a
better team.
是的, 西河比鬍子打得更有效率但高不了多少, 西河PER聯盟最高30.75, 鬍子27.52
看看LeBron, 他可是從2007-2013連6年都是聯盟PER第一名, 但只拿過4次MVP
在這4次MVP球季裡, LeBron所屬球隊都是東區前二種子
2014-15聯盟PER最高的是Anthony Davis, 但MVP是Steph Curry, 該季勇士戰績聯盟第一
所以即便西河本季聯盟最高效, MVP將可能會是由戰績更好球隊的球員獲得

After 32 games last season, the Rockets had a .500 winning percentage,
posting a 16-16 record. The Thunder after 31 games last year had a record of
21-10. Houston has improved by seven wins in a young season, something very
difficult to do.
上季前32場打完火箭勝率剛滿5成, 16勝16敗, 上季雷霆31場打完後是21勝10敗
而火箭這季前32場打完, 硬是比上季多拿了7勝, 這是很難辦到的事情

What Harden is doing in Houston is too important to be overlooked any further
and the man deserves credit where credit is due. Even if Westbrook holds a
slightly higher statistical advantage, which is undeniable, the MVP award has
always gone to a player who has helped his team achieve the highest level of
success possible, and Harden and the Rockets are performing well beyond their
original expectations.
這季鬍子在火箭所做的一切太過重要, 一點也無法被忽視, 他值得所有該得的讚賞
縱使西河在個人數據上稍稍占優, MVP永遠都是給予能幫助球隊, 提升球隊成功的人
本季的鬍子與火箭, 展現了超出季前大家所預期的結果

If the Rockets can maintain their incredible performance, expect to see James
Harden hoisting the MVP trophy, and perhaps a deep playoff run for Houston.
就可以期待鬍子本季榮膺MVP, 並且或許帶領火箭在季後賽走的深遠

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iloveyou1x  : 我覺得LBJ最有資格!少了他整隻球隊什麼都不是1F 12/28 13:35
versace     : 贊成,球隊實績就確實是Harden帶領的火箭比較好2F 12/28 13:36
EhDaGer     : 一樓只是因為沒看到沒哈登的火箭而已3F 12/28 13:37
JayFans0610 : Harden>Westbrook,這點毫無疑問,不過Harden能否4F 12/28 13:38
JayFans0610 : 拿到MVP還得看其他隊球員
chenlansue  : 一樓鐵定沒看過開季鬍子下場 換Ennis控球時的反差6F 12/28 13:38
chenlansue  : 鬍子要拿MVP要有戰積加持  沒前三就不用想了
JayFans0610 : 可愛暫時退出這個討論,就看KD+LBJ戰績及表現如何8F 12/28 13:39
o911032     : Harden打法改變影響隊友  西河照樣衝衝衝9F 12/28 13:39
kendiablo   : LBJ沒打 起碼還有KI LOVE兩隻ALL STAR...10F 12/28 13:40
no321       : 鬍子這季真的不錯11F 12/28 13:40
mekiael     : 鬍子這季到目前為止沒話說12F 12/28 13:40
taipeifinest: 沒James的火箭應該比沒James的騎士還鳥13F 12/28 13:40
kendiablo   : 雷霆 火箭 少了溪河 鬍子還剩下啥14F 12/28 13:40
no321       : 問題是騎士只剩他們兩個的時候...15F 12/28 13:40
yanme810508 : 鬍子今年很猛16F 12/28 13:40
kendiablo   : 這個對比太強烈了17F 12/28 13:40
no321       : 不是說KI LOVE不好 只是有LBJ在場 才能將他們最大化18F 12/28 13:41
spark05     : 毫無疑問19F 12/28 13:41
alicelee1218: 鬍子要拿MVP要有戰績加持←西河更是吧20F 12/28 13:41
arcss       : 火箭之前天空貝沒回歸時的地獄6分鐘真的是地獄21F 12/28 13:42
kendiablo   : 最大化套用在火箭雷霆也一樣22F 12/28 13:42
kendiablo   : 球隊天賦是遠遠不如騎士
versace     : 少了LBJ,騎士憑現在陣容應該還能在陣痛期後回穩,24F 12/28 13:43
versace     : 但不再是超級強隊;火箭少了Harden,則是沒有季後
versace     : 賽可打。
kendiablo   : 起碼火箭雷霆在西區 完全沒輪休本錢27F 12/28 13:43
shwkz       : 等騎士打雷霆火箭就知道了...28F 12/28 13:44
Alipapa     : 打完82場 場均30分大三元 小龜應該還是很有機會的29F 12/28 13:45
hunt5566    : 因為鬍子已經被咖哩偷了一座 該還了30F 12/28 13:45
rbking21    : 目前來說 毋庸置疑31F 12/28 13:45
Alipapa     : 個人認為衝進西區前四就都還有機會~32F 12/28 13:45
versace     : 也不能說Harden的隊友弱,尤其這球季新加入的Eric G33F 12/28 13:46
versace     : ordon和Ryan Anderson,真的在丹東尼體系下配合Hard
versace     : en進攻大解放
charmy01    : 試問 假設雷霆卡上第四 火箭第三 誰比較有機會呢?36F 12/28 13:47
versace     : 呵呵,不出所料馬上有人來反串黑鬍子了37F 12/28 13:48
JayFans0610 : 火箭吧,畢竟先發中鋒Capela受傷,稍微有加成38F 12/28 13:50
Amagami     : 西區沒輪休本錢?那馬刺一直在搞笑?39F 12/28 13:51

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