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作者 標題 [外絮] Three big things the new CBA might fix
時間 Thu Dec 1 20:17:21 2016
Three big things new collective bargaining agreement might improve - NBA
Is the new collective bargaining agreement likely to be business as usual? Not exactly. Here are some of the big changes to watch for. ...
Three big things the new CBA might fix, including superstars teaming up : nba
[Insider Article]( by Larry... ...
Three big things the new CBA might fix, including superstars teaming up
新CBA三大可能改變, 包括限制巨星組隊
by Larry Coon
We might have news of a new collective bargaining agreement soon.
Does an early deal mean that nothing is changing in the NBA?
Will it be business as usual next July as the league heads into free
Not exactly.
What should we look for in the new CBA? Here are three big things the
NBA would like to fix.
我們可能很快就會有新CBA的消息, 一早達成協議, 是否意味著將不會有所改變
What's different this time
There likely won't be any sweeping changes, but the sides are taking
the opportunity to improve the system. Among a number of smaller tweaks
, the sides are paying attention to three larger issues.
可能不會有任何徹底的變化, 但雙方正在尋求改變系統的機會, 除了一些小調整
之外, 雙方會專注於三個較大的問題
After Kevin Durant made headlines next summer by joining the Golden
State Warriors, the league is taking steps to make super teams harder
to assemble. They're also trying to level the playing field for
restricted free agents, and they're taking further steps to establish
the NBA D-League as a true minor league.
在Kevin Durant加入金州勇士成為頭條新聞之後, 聯盟正在採取措施讓超級球隊
These negotiations reflect a spirit of cooperation that hasn't existed
since -- well, ever.
The two sides aren't at odds with each other this time and aren't under
the gun to ratify an agreement as soon as humanly possible. Previous
agreements -- the recent ones, at least -- were finalized in July or
later with the entire league on hold, anxious to get back to business
the instant a deal was struck. For the most part, neither side trusted
the other. Both sides thought the other would happily throw them in front
of a speeding train, just to get a little extra for themselves.
這次談判, 雙方並不是在互相對立的情況下, 被迫盡快達成協議, 之前的勞資談
判--最起碼上一次--都是在七月之後才達成協議, 有時甚至造成聯盟停擺,雙方才
在急於恢復營運的情況下快速達成協議。大多數情況下, 勞資雙方並不互相信任,
為了各自微小利益, 不顧對方死活。
判--最起碼上一次--都是在七月之後才達成協議, 有時甚至造成聯盟停擺,雙方才
在急於恢復營運的情況下快速達成協議。大多數情況下, 勞資雙方並不互相信任,
為了各自微小利益, 不顧對方死活。
How do you improve the system in that kind of environment? You can't,
really. The best you can hope for is a workable compromise, something
neither side really likes but both sides can live with. You address the
deal-breaking issues, and you patch the glaring holes. You punt on as
many issues as you can -- saying you'll deal with them later, or maybe
never.But this time the sides are close to shaking hands on a deal in
late November or early December, seven months before the season ends.
In this case, the possibility of an opt-out on December 15 is driving
the discussion -- the current CBA will end on June 30, 2017, if either
side exercises its right to terminate the agreement. Both sides want
to have a deal in place before the opt-out date.
你最好的預期是雙方都不滿意但可接受下的妥協方案, 修補導致破局的主要問題
, 並承諾日後你會處理其他問題--事實上可能永遠作不到。
12月15日被宣告退出, 並且在明年6月30日失效促成了這次討論, 雙方都希望在
12月15日被宣告退出, 並且在明年6月30日失效促成了這次討論, 雙方都希望在
Coming to an agreement this early would be unprecedented -- but a lot
has changed since 2011, including the leaders and their approach.
這麼早達成協議是前所未見的, 但自2011年來很多事情已經改變, 包括聯盟領導
"From day one, we both tried to establish a tonality, a process in
which there would be transparency and in which there would be respect
from both sides," NBA commissioner Adam Silver said at his Board of
Governors press conference in October.
NBA理事長Adam Silver在十月份的聯盟理事會記者會上說:「從一開始, 雙方
The other big difference between then and now is money. Back in 2011,
the league maintained that the system was unsustainable, with at least
20 of the 30 teams operating in the red. But with the fixes from the
2011 CBA and the infusion of revenue from the new national television
contracts, the league is now flush with cash -- teams are now turning
a profit, the salary cap spiked from $70 million to more than $94
million in 2016-17, and franchises are selling for record prices.
和2011年當時另一個更大的不同是金錢。2011年當時, 聯盟堅持在30球隊有20支
為赤字的情況下, 體系無法持續下去。但透過2011年CBA的修正以及新的全國電
視合約, 聯盟現在口袋滿滿, 球隊轉虧為盈、薪資上限從70M飆升到94M以上、球
為赤字的情況下, 體系無法持續下去。但透過2011年CBA的修正以及新的全國電
視合約, 聯盟現在口袋滿滿, 球隊轉虧為盈、薪資上限從70M飆升到94M以上、球
Collectively the players are signed for $3.4 billion in 2016-17,
compared to the $2.2 billion they made in 2010-11. Even though the
players are making a smaller percentage now (51 percent vs. 57 percent)
, they are still being paid a lot more under the current deal.
相較於2010-11球季的22億美元, 球員合約在2016-17球季達到34億美元, 即使球
員分配的比例比過去少(51%對57%), 他們仍然在現有的CBA下得到更多報酬
So pretty much everybody is motivated to keep the business running
smoothly. No one wants to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.
According to reports, rather than endless haggling over how to split
the pie, the two sides have reached to a pretty quick consensus to
leave the revenue split the way it is, with the players receiving
the same 49 to 51 percent (the exact percentage depends on how well
the league does financially in each season). The reported quid pro
quo from the league is that additional money will be set aside for
retired players to fund health benefits, educational benefits and
the like.
所以幾乎每個人都有動力確保營運順暢, 沒有人想殺了下金蛋的鵝。據報導, 雙
方很快的達成了營收分配的共識, 球員將得到和現有比例相當的49-51%營收(取
決於聯盟每年的財務狀況), 與其無止盡的爭論分配比例, 聯盟將提撥額外的錢
方很快的達成了營收分配的共識, 球員將得到和現有比例相當的49-51%營收(取
決於聯盟每年的財務狀況), 與其無止盡的爭論分配比例, 聯盟將提撥額外的錢
With the biggest issue -- money -- apparently resolved, the sides
have had the time and the freedom to look at some of the other
problems they want to fix.
當最大的問題--錢--得到解決, 雙方就有時間和自由去處理其他他們想解決的問
Three big things to watch for
Here are three issues the two sides appear to be addressing in the
next CBA, according to media reports over the past month or so.
根據過去一個多月的媒體報導, 雙方正在著手處理三大問題
1. Slowing down the formation of super-teams
1. 減緩超級球隊的產生
Durant leaving the Thunder for the Warriors sent shock waves through
the entire league. It shouldn't have been so easy for a team to win
so many games and then sign a recent MVP in his prime without touching
the core of its roster. But because the stars aligned just right in
2016, that's exactly what happened.
Durant離開雷霆加入勇士震撼了整個聯盟。一個贏了這麼多比賽的球隊, 不應該
這麼輕易的得到一個處於巔峰期的MVP而不傷筋動骨, 但因為許多條件在2016年
齊備, 於是這樣的事情發生了。
這麼輕易的得到一個處於巔峰期的MVP而不傷筋動骨, 但因為許多條件在2016年
齊備, 於是這樣的事情發生了。
The players fought long and hard for the right for today's version of
free agency, and the league is respectful of that. So rather than
overreacting to a fluke occurrence and adding additional restrictions
to chill player movement, owners instead appear to be focused on making
it easier for teams to retain their own talent.
球員們長期艱苦奮戰, 才得到如今的自由球員權力, 這一點聯盟尊重。因此與其
因為一個意外的發生, 而過度反應去限制球員轉隊, 老闆們會把重點放在讓球隊
因為一個意外的發生, 而過度反應去限制球員轉隊, 老闆們會把重點放在讓球隊
The best way to keep a player from leaving in free agency is to lock
him up before he can become a free agent. To that end, it looks like
the owners are trying to increase the availability of extensions.
Currently an extension can't be signed until the third anniversary of
the contract signing. The new rules would lower that to two years.
Rookie extensions would see some improvements as well, with two players,
rather than just one, eligible to be designated to receive a five-year
避免球員成為FA後離開的最好方法, 是提早套牢他, 為此, 老闆們正試圖提高展
延合約的可行性, 目前合約在簽訂三年後才能展延, 新的規定將會縮短為兩年。
新秀合約的展延也將會有一些改進,每個球隊將會有兩名球員, 而不是只有一個
, 可以有資格被指定獲得五年的展延合約
延合約的可行性, 目前合約在簽訂三年後才能展延, 新的規定將會縮短為兩年。
新秀合約的展延也將會有一些改進,每個球隊將會有兩名球員, 而不是只有一個
, 可以有資格被指定獲得五年的展延合約
We'd still need to see more to be sure that an extension will be an
attractive alternative to free agency. One big limitation is that a
player cannot receive more than a 7.5 percent raise in the first year
of an extension. Unless this restriction is lifted, free agency will
continue to be the preferred choice for many players.
要確保展延合約對於FA球員是一個有力的替代方案, 還有很多要改善, 展延合約
一個重大的限制是, 合約的第一年薪資增幅不得超過7.5%, 除非這個限制取消,
一個重大的限制是, 合約的第一年薪資增幅不得超過7.5%, 除非這個限制取消,
Another way to reduce superstar movement is to reduce teams' cap room
(without necessarily lowering the cap itself). It appears the new
agreement will increase cap holds for players coming off their rookie
contracts. It will likely also raise minimum salaries (and also the cap
holds for empty roster spots), and maybe maximum salaries as well.
議可能會增加菜鳥合約結束時的cap hold、提高底薪(同時也會提高球員名單缺
額的cap hold)及頂薪
議可能會增加菜鳥合約結束時的cap hold、提高底薪(同時也會提高球員名單缺
額的cap hold)及頂薪
In addition to the direct financial effect on players, these rule
changes also will have the indirect effect of reducing teams' cap room.
It appears super teams will be harder to assemble under the new
agreement. That said, as long as we have a cap on individual player
salaries, it will encourage players to join forces.
除了對球員直接的財務影響, 這些規定的改變將會間接導致球隊薪資空間減少,
使得超級球隊更難組成, 也會鼓勵球員加入有空間的球隊
2. Making restricted free agency less restrictive
2. 減少受限自由球員所受的限制
Restricted free agents have always been akin to second-class citizens.
They don't enjoy true freedom of movement, because their prior teams
can match any contract they sign, which puts the brakes on their
departure.And because of the three-day window to match a contract offer,
teams are hesitant to make offers to restricted free agents. They often
feel they can't risk tying up their cap room for three days in the
crucial free agency period, only to have their offer matched -- not only
do they miss out on the free agent, but other free agents are getting
signed in the meantime.Cases like Dion Waiters' only add to the
indignity. The Thunder made Waiters a restricted free agent last summer,
restricting his marketability, then rescinded their qualifying offer on
July 18, which made him unrestricted after most teams had already
committed their cap room and roster spots to other players.
受限自由球員一直像是次等公民, 不享有真正的轉隊自由, 因為他們原來的球隊
可以匹配任何他們簽署的合約, 使他們無法離開。除此之外, 三天的合約匹配窗
口, 使得球隊不願向受限自由球員報價, 因為這些球隊不願意在自由球員關鍵競
爭期, 冒險提高自己的cap hold三天, 到頭來卻被匹配合約--這讓他們不只失去
所報價的球員, 許多其他球員已經被簽走了。像Dion Waiters的例子更難看, 雷
霆去年夏天讓Waiters成為受限自由球員, 限制了他的市場競爭力, 然後在7月18
日取消了他們的資格報價, 這使得他在大多數球隊已經花完了薪資空間及球員名
單後, 才得以不受限制
可以匹配任何他們簽署的合約, 使他們無法離開。除此之外, 三天的合約匹配窗
口, 使得球隊不願向受限自由球員報價, 因為這些球隊不願意在自由球員關鍵競
爭期, 冒險提高自己的cap hold三天, 到頭來卻被匹配合約--這讓他們不只失去
所報價的球員, 許多其他球員已經被簽走了。像Dion Waiters的例子更難看, 雷
霆去年夏天讓Waiters成為受限自由球員, 限制了他的市場競爭力, 然後在7月18
日取消了他們的資格報價, 這使得他在大多數球隊已經花完了薪資空間及球員名
單後, 才得以不受限制
It appears the new agreement will feature several rule changes aimed at
leveling the playing field for restricted free agents. Teams will be
able to sign them to offer sheets as early as July 1, while unrestricted
free agents will still have to wait several more days until the end of
the July moratorium. The window to match an offer will be shortened to
48 hours, and teams will no longer be able to scare off other teams by
proclaiming they will match any offer, then wait the entire match period
before pulling the trigger.
新協議可能會採取一些規則改變, 調整受限自由球員的競爭環境, 受限自由球員
的報價將會允許提早簽署, 最早可能在7月1日, 非受限自由球員則要過幾天, 等
七月薪資計算期結束才能簽約。匹配窗口將會縮短為48小時, 球隊將無法再透過
宣稱要匹配合約、然後拖延匹配期的方式, 來嚇跑其他球隊
的報價將會允許提早簽署, 最早可能在7月1日, 非受限自由球員則要過幾天, 等
七月薪資計算期結束才能簽約。匹配窗口將會縮短為48小時, 球隊將無法再透過
宣稱要匹配合約、然後拖延匹配期的方式, 來嚇跑其他球隊
And in what should now be called the Dion Waiters rule, teams can no
longer unilaterally rescind their qualifying offers. Once a qualifying
offer is submitted, making the player a restricted free agent, the offer
has to stay on the table.
同時, 這該被稱為Dion Waiters條款, 球隊將不能再單方面撤銷他們的合格報價
。一旦提出合格報價使得球員成為受限自由球員, 這份報價就必須留在檯面上。
3. Taking the D-League to the next level
3. 提高發展聯盟的等級
The sides are making a number of changes to increase the value of the
D-League as a true minor league. Some D-League salaries will rise from
their current $19,000 -- $26,000 to a much healthier $50,000 -- $75,000.
The league will introduce two-way contracts, in which the player will
earn a higher salary when he's with the parent NBA club and less when
he's playing for the D-League affiliate. The league also will add two
additional roster spots for two-way contracts.
雙方正在進行一些改變, 提高發展聯盟作為真正小聯盟的價值。一些發展聯盟球
員的薪資將從現有的19000-26000美元, 提高到更健全的50000-75000美元。聯盟
將引進雙向合約, 在母隊名單上的球員將可以獲得比在發展聯盟更高的薪資。聯
員的薪資將從現有的19000-26000美元, 提高到更健全的50000-75000美元。聯盟
將引進雙向合約, 在母隊名單上的球員將可以獲得比在發展聯盟更高的薪資。聯
As the league continues to make strides toward every NBA team having
its own affiliate, the D-League will continue to grow in importance as
a destination for young players to develop.
隨著聯盟持續推動每個NBA球隊都擁有自己的子隊, 也將繼續提高發展聯盟的重
要性, 使之達成提供年輕球員發展的目標
But there are still some questions to answer. In order to utilize two-way
contracts, will a team have to have a full complement of 15 players under
regular NBA contracts? If not, teams will be able to simply replace more
expensive NBA contracts with less expensive two-way contracts for the
players at the end of their rosters. If this happens, a rule change that
will be touted as creating up to 60 new jobs will instead become a means
for teams to cut corners.
但仍然有一些問題要釐清, 是否球隊必須要用完15個球員名額, 能使用雙向合約
?如果不是的話, 球隊將可以輕易的將昂貴的NBA合約置換為便宜的雙向合約。
如果這個情況發生, 原本預期將鼓勵提供60個新工作的規則改變, 將變成球隊刪
?如果不是的話, 球隊將可以輕易的將昂貴的NBA合約置換為便宜的雙向合約。
如果這個情況發生, 原本預期將鼓勵提供60個新工作的規則改變, 將變成球隊刪
Another consideration is preventing teams from using D-League assignments
as a punitive measure. If a coach is upset with a player on a two-way
contract, he could assign that player to the D-League, effectively
forcing the player to take an enormous salary cut.
另一個考量是, 避免球隊用發展聯盟作為懲罰手段。如果一個教練對於雙向合約
的球員不滿, 他可以透過指派這個球員到發展聯盟, 有效的迫使這個球員得到可
的球員不滿, 他可以透過指派這個球員到發展聯盟, 有效的迫使這個球員得到可
The first problem is easy to solve -- don't let a team sign a two-way
contract unless it already has 15 players under NBA contract -- although
some of the details will need to be tweaked (for example, what happens
when a team has 15 NBA contracts and two two-way contracts, then makes
a two-for-one trade). The second problem will be harder to solve: How do
you protect a player with a two-way contract from a vindictive coach?
第一個問題很容易解決--除非球隊已經有15名擁有NBA合約的球員, 否則不能簽
Super teams, restricted free agency, and player development appear to be
some of the principal areas of focus as the sides nudge closer to an
agreement. They also appear to be looking at changes to the revenue and
cap calculations, tweaking maximum salaries and the over-36 rule, raising
salaries at the low end of the spectrum, and clarifying some of the rules
on player discipline.
在雙方接近達成協議的情況下, 超級球隊、受限自由球員、球員發展, 似乎將是
主要的重點領域,此外, 雙方似乎也著眼於營收與上限計算公式、提高頂薪、36
主要的重點領域,此外, 雙方似乎也著眼於營收與上限計算公式、提高頂薪、36
But none of this should be considered a lock until there's a handshake
on an actual agreement. The information that has leaked may represent an
incomplete or inaccurate depiction of what's being discussed at the
negotiating table. Even if something has been agreed to, it can still be
traded for another rule change that one side wants more. Nothing is final
until the entire agreement is finalized.
不過在實際協議出爐前, 這一切都還沒定案, 洩漏的資訊可能只是對於談判桌上
實際討論內容不完整或不正確的轉述。即使某些事情已經敲定, 仍然有可能因為
要交換另一個規則或是一方反悔要的更多, 而有所改變, 在最終協議確定前, 沒
實際討論內容不完整或不正確的轉述。即使某些事情已經敲定, 仍然有可能因為
要交換另一個規則或是一方反悔要的更多, 而有所改變, 在最終協議確定前, 沒
But everything we've heard so far sounds promising. These are the kinds
of changes you get to make when you have the luxury of time on your side.
但是我們聽到的一切很有前景, 這些是當你有空的時候, 才有餘力進行的改變。
有三個身懷絕技的年輕人初出茅廬, 被魔教教主痛毆了一頓
第一個年輕人回去苦練絕世武功, 教養小弟, 兩年後果然報了仇
第二個年輕人回去找了幾個同樣身懷絕技的兄弟, 回頭也報了仇
第三個年輕人眼見打不過, 撲通一聲跪下認了魔教教主當大哥
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1OG1JOyF (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1480594648.A.F0F.html
推 : 要怎樣界定巨星?1F 12/01 20:22
看了內文就知道, 這不是重點
推 : 2的確該改,雷霆這招真的很婊2F 12/01 20:22
推 : 學日本職棒那樣由聯盟幫球員分級啊3F 12/01 20:23
推 : 簽名檔是綠->黑->藍黃嗎4F 12/01 20:24
推 : RFA這個好 希望真的明年就生效5F 12/01 20:24
推 : 3真的很重要6F 12/01 20:25
推 : 果然KD加入後其他老闆大概挺不爽的 讓聯盟想阻止吧7F 12/01 20:27
推 : 服務生應該感謝雷霆讓他有機會在歷史留名(誤8F 12/01 20:28
推 : 可是巨星都愛一年一簽耶…9F 12/01 20:30
→ : 要不要乾脆訂 季後賽球隊可以鎖住指定球員算了10F 12/01 20:31
→ : NBDL或許可以考慮像MLB一樣 新秀直接丟小聯盟?11F 12/01 20:31
推 : 這樣看服務生有點慘12F 12/01 20:32
推 : 始作俑者是誰大家都很清楚13F 12/01 20:32
→ : MLB新秀會丟Minor是因為新秀沒好到可以打Major14F 12/01 20:35
推 : 某個人不拖拖拉拉最後跑去西冠打敗你的隊伍就不會急15F 12/01 20:35
→ : 著提早續約龜龜,服務生就不會只領300萬了
→ : 著提早續約龜龜,服務生就不會只領300萬了
→ : NBA頂級新人常常都可以直接當主力 不可能丟NBDL17F 12/01 20:36
※ 編輯: IBIZA (, 12/01/2016 20:37:19推 : 那也可以退而求其次 讓一輪新秀上NBA 二輪先從NBDL18F 12/01 20:37
→ : 開始?
→ : 開始?
→ : 要不掉丟小聯盟都是母隊自己考量, 沒有必要用規定限20F 12/01 20:38
→ : 制, MLB也沒有限制新人直接打大聯盟啊
→ : 制, MLB也沒有限制新人直接打大聯盟啊
→ : 不就給兩個雙向合約了22F 12/01 20:39
→ : 增加名額, 只要確保球隊會用, 那就會多出操作空間23F 12/01 20:39
→ : 其實內文都說的很清楚了
→ : 其實內文都說的很清楚了
推 : 裁判誤判的問題也很嚴重.也該解決一下!25F 12/01 20:40
→ : 裁判不在球員工會與聯盟談判的CBA範圍內喔....26F 12/01 20:41
→ : 裁判有自己的工會
→ : 裁判有自己的工會
推 : 有工資帽、有禁止暗盤已經能防超級球隊啦28F 12/01 20:42
→ : 有人能簽低薪打出AS身手 是GM眼光好吧 這也能怪?
→ : 那簽了肥約就當小倫的 可以不算進工資帽嗎 這好笑
→ : 有人能簽低薪打出AS身手 是GM眼光好吧 這也能怪?
→ : 那簽了肥約就當小倫的 可以不算進工資帽嗎 這好笑
推 : 總覺得還是要有些限制31F 12/01 20:47
推 : 推翻譯32F 12/01 20:49
推 : 服務生總算可以青史留名了XD33F 12/01 20:50
→ : 任何超級球隊的形成都是因為GM有手腕啊,但同時也往
→ : 往是反映出了CBA條款里的漏洞。聯盟也沒有直接打擊
→ : 超級球隊,只是堵上其他球隊照此辦理的渠道
→ : 任何超級球隊的形成都是因為GM有手腕啊,但同時也往
→ : 往是反映出了CBA條款里的漏洞。聯盟也沒有直接打擊
→ : 超級球隊,只是堵上其他球隊照此辦理的渠道
→ : 照此辦理…?把大物新秀弄傷 再跟他簽低薪長約?37F 12/01 20:57
→ : 樓上在亂講什麼,上述修改重點哪點會造成你講的結果38F 12/01 21:05
→ : ?
→ : 喔,你在說Carry
→ : X低薪高能球員只是條件之一而已,低薪高能球員少,
→ : 不代表不應該提高其他條件門檻,而且也其實不能保證
→ : 不會再有低薪高能球員
→ : ?
→ : 喔,你在說Carry
→ : X低薪高能球員只是條件之一而已,低薪高能球員少,
→ : 不代表不應該提高其他條件門檻,而且也其實不能保證
→ : 不會再有低薪高能球員
→ : 如果3個、4個一線球星講好大降薪求冠,改了還是無法44F 12/01 21:13
→ : 阻止吧....人家愛領1千萬求冠軍,怎麼管
→ : 阻止吧....人家愛領1千萬求冠軍,怎麼管
推 : 服務生一舉達到大鳥級的地位46F 12/01 21:14
→ : 規則修改只是提高留下或加盟有空間球隊的誘因,並不47F 12/01 21:15
→ : 是禁止抱團
→ : 內文其實就說的很清楚了
→ : 是禁止抱團
→ : 內文其實就說的很清楚了
推 : MLB也沒限制新人只能待小聯盟, 也有好幾個直上大聯50F 12/01 21:17
→ : 盟的例子了
→ : 盟的例子了
推 : 好多人看不懂文章,裡面明明就有提到,球員要怎麼轉52F 12/01 21:17
→ : 例如,降薪轉隊等等是球員的權利,聯盟管不著,聯盟
→ : 修改這項規則的根本是以球隊為出發點,增加球隊可運
→ : 用的空間和手段,所以你要低薪報團根本不再這項討論
→ : 例如,降薪轉隊等等是球員的權利,聯盟管不著,聯盟
→ : 修改這項規則的根本是以球隊為出發點,增加球隊可運
→ : 用的空間和手段,所以你要低薪報團根本不再這項討論
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 41
作者 IBIZA 的最新發文:
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