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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [花邊] 湯瑪斯表現神勇 戰神:我在關注你
時間 Tue Nov 29 19:55:37 2016
NBA》湯瑪斯表現神勇 戰神:我在關注你 - 自由體育
塞爾提克控衛I.湯瑪斯(Isaiah Thomas)近年站穩球隊一哥角色,去年球季首次入圍明星賽,成功晉升聯盟明星控衛行列,今年表現更上層樓,I.湯瑪斯的偶像,名人堂球星「戰神」艾佛森(Allen Iverson)傳訊息鼓勵他「繼續努力,我一直 ...
NBA》湯瑪斯表現神勇 戰神:我在關注你
2016/11/29 17:23
〔體育中心/綜合報導〕塞爾提克控衛I.湯瑪斯(Isaiah Thomas)近年站穩球隊一哥角
斯的偶像,名人堂球星「戰神」艾佛森(Allen Iverson)傳訊息鼓勵他「繼續努力,我
斯的偶像,名人堂球星「戰神」艾佛森(Allen Iverson)傳訊息鼓勵他「繼續努力,我
生涯新高,馬刺隊教練帕波維奇(Gregg Popovich)就曾稱讚:「我們很難去防守他,因
生涯新高,馬刺隊教練帕波維奇(Gregg Popovich)就曾稱讚:「我們很難去防守他,因
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1OFMoy5y (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1480420540.A.17C.html
推 : 湯瑪士猛 這身高打nba虎虎生風1F 11/29 19:57
推 : 矮腳虎2F 11/29 19:58
推 : 真的滿猛的3F 11/29 19:58
推 : I'm watching you.4F 11/29 19:58
推 : You can't see me.5F 11/29 19:59
推 : My time is now.6F 11/29 20:00
→ : This is an apple.7F 11/29 20:01
噓 : Now is my time8F 11/29 20:02
→ : time is money9F 11/29 20:03
推 : this is a pan10F 11/29 20:03
→ : i have a pan11F 11/29 20:03
推 : pan lin lao shi12F 11/29 20:03
推 : Go Go Lamigo ~~~~13F 11/29 20:04
推 : John Cena~~ (music)14F 11/29 20:05
推 : ……………15F 11/29 20:05
噓 : Ko be how how one16F 11/29 20:05
推 : (  ̄口 ̄)/oh~~ohoh~~ohoh~~ohoh~banana17F 11/29 20:06
推 : Winter is coming18F 11/29 20:07
推 : you know nothing19F 11/29 20:08
推 : 某樓很嗆哦~20F 11/29 20:08
推 : Read my name21F 11/29 20:08
推 : show me the money22F 11/29 20:09
噓 : bananalikeshit23F 11/29 20:09
推 : You are my vegetable24F 11/29 20:09
推 : My boy25F 11/29 20:09
推 : 老大哥正看著你啊26F 11/29 20:12
→ : 還 蠻 屌 的 屌 爆 了27F 11/29 20:13
推 : Who's daddy now?28F 11/29 20:17
→ : so brutal dick's dick explode29F 11/29 20:18
推 : over my body30F 11/29 20:19
推 : it's my life31F 11/29 20:20
推 : How do you trun this on32F 11/29 20:20
推 : cp值超高33F 11/29 20:20
推 : every breath you take...34F 11/29 20:23
推 : you dont say35F 11/29 20:23
推 : May show gun more36F 11/29 20:24
推 : This is my house37F 11/29 20:27
推 : Say my name!!!38F 11/29 20:30
推 : ball don't lie !!39F 11/29 20:34
推 : Nextflix & chill~40F 11/29 20:34
推 : Go Go Roger Let's Go41F 11/29 20:36
推 : Good luck42F 11/29 20:37
推 : Is it good to drink?43F 11/29 20:38
推 : 他常看著你笑...44F 11/29 20:38
推 : atch out watch out Watch out watch out Watch out45F 11/29 20:39
推 : Cum on shot46F 11/29 20:40
推 : 以為是黃國昌47F 11/29 20:44
推 : over my dead body48F 11/29 20:48
推 : What the fuck49F 11/29 20:49
推 : shy shy shy50F 11/29 20:50
推 : Undertaker?51F 11/29 20:51
推 : this is a pen52F 11/29 20:53
推 : captain timo on duty53F 11/29 20:54
推 : Now you see me54F 11/29 20:55
推 : truck truck truck55F 11/29 20:59
推 : I will be back56F 11/29 20:59
推 : MILF57F 11/29 21:00
推 : misc:incest58F 11/29 21:02
推 : Please Don't Try This at Home59F 11/29 21:03
推 : shame shame shame60F 11/29 21:06
推 : The people's elbow!61F 11/29 21:07
推 : jddi fofoc foeodkce sowokd sjwodoc62F 11/29 21:08
推 : 為啥推文一堆英文63F 11/29 21:09
推 : I don't give a shit64F 11/29 21:10
推 : 有人偷推ex變態的tag65F 11/29 21:11
推 : cow bay cow mu66F 11/29 21:12
推 : winter is coming67F 11/29 21:13
推 : You can’t see me68F 11/29 21:14
→ : He, Thomas, I want play a game69F 11/29 21:14
推 : Your member? Ohhhhh..... I member~~70F 11/29 21:15
推 : They're two they're four they're six they're eig71F 11/29 21:16
→ : read my name72F 11/29 21:16
推 : suck my cock73F 11/29 21:19
推 : I love you74F 11/29 21:19
推 : 推文超好笑75F 11/29 21:19
推 : 幹歪樓了喇XDD76F 11/29 21:20
推 : I am who I am77F 11/29 21:21
推 : this is my planet78F 11/29 21:25
推 : Bang Bang Bang79F 11/29 21:25
推 : hit me!80F 11/29 21:26
推 : Costco81F 11/29 21:26
推 : 你在看我嗎?82F 11/29 21:26
推 : two four six o one83F 11/29 21:27
推 : yes I do84F 11/29 21:27
推 : THIS IS WHY WE PLAY85F 11/29 21:29
→ : This is a book86F 11/29 21:30
推 : Who's your daddy?87F 11/29 21:31
推 : Iddqd Idkfa Idclip88F 11/29 21:35
噓 : Make America great again !89F 11/29 21:37
推 : Say my name !90F 11/29 21:39
推 : say my name91F 11/29 21:40
推 : I take five92F 11/29 21:44
推 : I"M BACK!!93F 11/29 21:44
推 : Kobe system94F 11/29 21:45
推 : shut your face grandma!95F 11/29 21:46
→ : 這篇最好笑是十樓XDDD 英文老師常請假96F 11/29 21:49
推 : 推文太好笑了XDDDDDDD97F 11/29 21:49
推 : rko from outta nowhere98F 11/29 21:50
推 : You know nothing John snow99F 11/29 21:54
推 : call your grandma come here100F 11/29 21:55
推 : Ho Ho Hodor!101F 11/29 21:55
推 : Let's talk about practice102F 11/29 21:56
推 : Hello world!103F 11/29 21:57
推 : I'm watching you, JaVale104F 11/29 21:57
推 : is champ there105F 11/29 21:58
推 : Be kind to one another!106F 11/29 21:59
推 : An apple a day.107F 11/29 22:00
推 : Day and night108F 11/29 22:04
→ : An apple a pen, keep pineapple a pen109F 11/29 22:06
推 : Back out to Allen,his three-pointer!110F 11/29 22:06
推 : this is SPADA!!!111F 11/29 22:06
→ : 姆姆:我在打給你112F 11/29 22:07
推 : pv = nrt113F 11/29 22:08
推 : It's good drink114F 11/29 22:08
推 : Laoda cha bow ler115F 11/29 22:09
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