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作者 標題 [情報] 乳摸:Klay Thompson持續低迷 可能被交易
時間 Wed Nov 9 21:15:17 2016
NBA Rumors: Klay Thompson to demand trade from Warriors if shooting slump gets worse?
The latest NBA rumors imply that Klay Thompson might demand a trade if he continues to struggle with new teammate Kevin Durant. ...
The Golden State Warriors were expected to dominate the NBA this season but
it is the opposite as their four All-Stars need more time to get along.
However, the latest NBA rumors imply that Klay Thompson might demand a trade
if he continues to struggle with new teammate Kevin Durant.
The Warriors are not as bad as it seems at 5-2 but their two losses were
blowouts against the San Antonio Spurs and the Los Angeles Lakers. Many fans
and analysts have noticed that the arrival of KD in Golden State has affected
勇士隊新開季5勝2敗並不符合球迷的期望 很多粉絲認為是KD的到來 影響了KT的表現
The 26-year-old is in a shooting slump to start the season and some people
believe that it was because of Durant’s arrival. NBA rumors have also
circulated that he might grow unhappy with his new role and demand a trade
from the Warriors.
However, Klay Thompson has debunked all the rumors and speculations about his
future. He told ESPN that the does not blame Kevin Durant for his shooting
slump. He added that he just have to get more confidence and not doubt their
KT否決了ESPN認為是KD的到來 導致他的狀態的不佳
KT表示:不用質疑我們的才能 只需給他更多的信心
KT表示:不用質疑我們的才能 只需給他更多的信心
“So last year I struggled, then I went on a tear, so it’s just like any
other season. Obviously, we have different players, but I’m still getting
the shots I always got before he was here, so it’s not on Kevin at all,”
Thompson said.
“I think it would stick out no matter what because we got so much attention
on us. It’s not a big deal; you just gotta play through it. Because if you
start doubting yourself, shoot. That’s when you’re in trouble,” he added.
KT認為 因為我們得到了這麼多的注目 不論是什麼困境 我會堅持下去
因為如果你開始懷疑自己的投籃 你將會陷入麻煩
According to Hoops Rumors, Thompson has been linked with many NBA rumors at
the start of the season. It was speculated that he could be traded for
players like Jimmy Butler, Jabari Parker and a combination of Jae Crowder and
Amir Johnson.
根據乳摸 有可能的交易
KT<->Jimmy Butler
KT<->Jabari Parker
KT<->Jae Crowder and Amir Johnson
The Warriors are not going to break and give up on their superteam very
quickly as the season is just three weeks old. However, expect them to make
some moves to improve their defense and rebounding at the trade deadline.
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1O8o5geJ (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1478697322.A.A13.html
推 : 哈1F 11/09 21:16
推 : 別想了 不可能2F 11/09 21:16
→ : 想太多 除非KT可以換到強禁區3F 11/09 21:16
推 : 公牛不會換 公鹿不是笨蛋 安吉不會幻想4F 11/09 21:16
→ : 有想要來我網嗎?5F 11/09 21:16
推 : 換也是換禁區啦 現在擺明禁區防守被爆6F 11/09 21:17
噓 : 做夢啦7F 11/09 21:17
推 : 當公牛是盤子嗎?8F 11/09 21:17
推 : 原文是說KT會想被交易 不是勇士想賣人9F 11/09 21:18
推 : 除非換到超強禁區不然不可能丟10F 11/09 21:18
→ : 然後KT當然說這是胡說八道11F 11/09 21:18
推 : \解組/12F 11/09 21:19
→ : 換了真的變笑話13F 11/09 21:19
推 : 換得成Butler,那勇士就更強了XD14F 11/09 21:19
推 : 排!都可以排!15F 11/09 21:19
推 : 最強SG欸 哪個籌碼能跟他匹配16F 11/09 21:19
推 : KD又不一定會在勇士待很久 不會放KT吧17F 11/09 21:19
→ : 換禁區才有可能18F 11/09 21:19
→ : 通常這是刺激球員爆發的假消息19F 11/09 21:20
→ : 開始期待換走KT 明年KD再轉隊20F 11/09 21:20
噓 : 史上最問號???21F 11/09 21:20
推 : ......塞爾提克這包根本搶劫吧22F 11/09 21:21
→ : 當初的續命功臣居然…QQ23F 11/09 21:21
→ : KT還有防守.......換這些幹嘛= =24F 11/09 21:21
推 : KT 不是本來就是慢熱嗎 去年也這樣 OK的拉25F 11/09 21:21
→ : 季後賽還打得很好哩
→ : 季後賽還打得很好哩
推 : KT<->lin 籃網小虧27F 11/09 21:22
推 : 結果KD被交易(囧28F 11/09 21:22
推 : KD沒奪冠會自己跑掉八29F 11/09 21:23
推 : 達布拉應該不容易走30F 11/09 21:23
噓 : 垃圾來源31F 11/09 21:23
噓 : 舒適D簽1+1哪有可能放K湯...32F 11/09 21:24
推 : 別啊 後場咖哩就是要配K湯ㄚ 不然勇士都不勇士了33F 11/09 21:24
噓 : 說真的,拉去帶替補延續火力都比拉去交易來的像真的34F 11/09 21:24
→ : KT現在狀態這麼差 誰想換 若狀態轉好勇士又不會丟35F 11/09 21:25
推 : 幹好爽36F 11/09 21:25
推 : 換了KD幹嘛來37F 11/09 21:26
推 : KT的合約根本物超所值,最好勇士會賣38F 11/09 21:28
→ : 說個笑話 第一SG39F 11/09 21:28
→ : 聯盟第一SG 要被交易了 你信嗎
→ : 我是不信 ......... 不信他是第一SG
→ : 聯盟第一SG 要被交易了 你信嗎
→ : 我是不信 ......... 不信他是第一SG
推 : 因為短暫低潮就交易 這傳聞爛透了42F 11/09 21:30
推 : 怎麼可能~43F 11/09 21:30
推 : 第一SG捏 而且KD簽1+1 明年說不定就找更粗的腿惹44F 11/09 21:31
噓 : 魔獸換KT45F 11/09 21:31
推 : 青賽那包也太好笑了46F 11/09 21:31
推 : 好扯 馬上就有流言了喔47F 11/09 21:33
噓 : 做夢,才幾場?48F 11/09 21:33
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