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※ 本文為 JackLee5566.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-10-11 13:01:12
看板 NBA
作者 JRSmith (丁尺)
標題 [外絮] 多位球員公開反對川普的"更衣室玩笑"言論
時間 Tue Oct 11 11:26:11 2016


https://goo.gl/HsqRNJ (哈隊)
Udonis Haslem Fires Back at Donald Trump's Lewd Remarks About Women - Heat Nation
The 2016 presidential race seems to have spilled over into the NBA after The Washington Post released a 2005 "Access Hollywood" tape of Republican nom ...


https://goo.gl/b6Aqtw (老河)
Doc Rivers Says Trump Tape Not 'Locker Room Talk' | TMZ.com
Doc Rivers says the leaked Donald Trump convo is NOT locker room talk -- as it was described by Donald -- at least not any locker room that he's been  ...


https://goo.gl/DPJdVt (尻佛)
Jamal Crawford
Locker room?

https://goo.gl/tlne2C (CJM)
CJ McCollum
I haven't heard that one in any locker roomshttps://twitter.com/jcrossover/status/785289607411802113 …
Locker room?

https://goo.gl/yAZpCx (BG)
Blake Griffin
All this heavy breathing seems more locker room-esque than anything #debate

https://goo.gl/yDmp0a & https://goo.gl/at4a1U (砍豆)
Kendall Marshall
locker room talk? that's the same as group chat talk right?
Kendall Marshall
PSA: sexual advances without consent is NOT locker room talk.

https://goo.gl/ZgcoKB (D.Jones)
Claiming Trump's comments are "locker room banter" is to suggest they are somehow acceptable. They aren't.


而這次的事件起因,是源自於Donald Trump在最近被爆出的影帶中


而事後川普辯稱這都只是"更衣室的玩笑話"而已 (locker room talk)


熱火前鋒Udonis Haslem:




快艇隊總教練Doc Rivers:





快艇後衛Jamal Crawford:

"更衣室?" (粗體強調)





快艇前鋒Blake Griffin:

"你那厚重的呼吸聲還比較像是更衣室內會出現的言論。 #大選辯論"

自由球員Kendall Marshall:



騎士前鋒Dahntay Jones:



Léon:You need some time to grow up a little.

Mathilda:I finished growing up, Léon. I just get older.

Léon:For me it's the opposite. I'm old enough. I need time to grow up.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1N_5ly86 (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1476156412.A.206.html
kk112255    : Russell更衣室1F 10/11 11:31
tommyslame  : 丹佛的更衣室呢?2F 10/11 11:32
sasolala    : 火箭的哈登怎說!?3F 10/11 11:32
f22313467   : 而事實上川普一直被抵制 但民調卻緊追希拉蕊4F 10/11 11:33
shau7276    : 湖人的更衣室的確如此 老尖就知道5F 10/11 11:35
chris0701   : BG超嘴6F 10/11 11:36
clayman543  : BG XDDDDDDDD7F 10/11 11:37
iamchyun    : KOBE和ROSE同隊的話 這只能算是板凳在更衣室的笑話8F 10/11 11:37
dw1012      : https://youtu.be/SXtFa6Yggcg 川普呼吸9F 10/11 11:38
Donald Trump's sniffling and heavy breathing - YouTube
Trump's breathing at the debate was Heavy, wet, sniffly and audible.

iamaq18c    : 人家講的是他自己家裡的更衣室 臭了嗎~~QQ10F 10/11 11:39
GABA        : 三普到底去哪間更衣室?11F 10/11 11:40
joe74509    : 專業更衣室系12F 10/11 11:41
jason0312   : kobe的更衣室??13F 10/11 11:41
eddie7788   : Kobe:14F 10/11 11:44
birdman5656 : kobe的更衣室 Yi在用15F 10/11 11:46
chenlansue  : 都是黑人球員...對川普沒差16F 10/11 11:52
Otter3      : to im大,locker room跟家裡那種更衣室是不一樣的17F 10/11 11:54
ron830927   : 只有在更衣室外才能強!18F 10/11 12:06
monstertsai : 推文有人下流不下川普19F 10/11 12:09
leo755269   : Griffin之前才把防護員.....20F 10/11 12:09
thegod13    : 一群小鬼 這當然是指1950s的更衣室21F 10/11 12:15
ccl007      : Kobe不愛說笑話 他都實際行動! 謝謝!22F 10/11 12:25
huangjyuan  : BG是當鄉民的料23F 10/11 12:28
ducklingwu  : BG說一套做一套阿 很會24F 10/11 12:28
shadow0326  : 我才不相信這些球員私下都不講黃話25F 10/11 12:31
Athchen     : 快艇的大概都在DAJ家裡講 用沙發堵門順便26F 10/11 12:34
roc074      : 私下講話和公開可以比?27F 10/11 12:35
aoka        : Griffi還公然壓訓練員的頭程口交姿態的玩笑自己忘了28F 10/11 12:38
aoka        : ?
IBIZA       : BG表示:我直接做,可沒講30F 10/11 12:45
owlrex      : BG沒有譴責啊 他是從專業角度提出批評31F 10/11 12:46
chaben      : 政治歸政治,換跟我乾淨的更衣室(?)32F 10/11 12:51
antony0310  : 不管川普有沒說過這個,99.9%的黑人還是不會選他33F 10/11 12:55

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