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看板 Baseball
作者 標題 Fw: [情報] Chapman開了八槍,"Choked"女朋友
時間 Tue Dec 8 11:10:17 2015
※ [本文轉錄自 MLB 看板 #1MPaL4s9 ]
看板 MLB
作者 標題 [情報] Chapman開了八槍,"choked"女朋友
時間 Tue Dec 8 10:49:34 2015
Police report: Aroldis Chapman allegedly fired gunshots, 'choked' girlfriend in domestic incident - Yahoo Sports
From Yahoo Sports: The October incident, which Chapman's attorney denied, has contributed to the closer's trade to the Dodgers being held up. ...
Police report: Aroldis Chapman fired gunshots, 'choked' girlfriend in domestic
Cincinnati Reds closer Aroldis Chapman allegedly fired eight gunshots in the
garage of his Miami-area home following an October argument with his girlfriend
in which she told police he “choked” her and pushed her against a wall,
according to police reports obtained by Yahoo Sports.
No arrests were made after the incident, in which more than a dozen police
officers were dispatched to Chapman’s home in Davie, Fla., around 11 p.m. on
Oct. 30. Chapman’s girlfriend exited the house and hid in bushes following the
argument that stemmed from something she found on Chapman’s cellphone,
according to the police report.
"I've reviewed the facts as portrayed," Jay Reisinger, Chapman’s attorney,
told Yahoo Sports on Monday night. "On behalf of Mr. Chapman, we vehemently
deny the allegations as stated. Beyond that, we have no further comment at this
The Reds through a spokesman declined to comment when asked about the alleged
The Reds have attempted to trade Chapman in recent weeks and were believed to
have completed a trade with the Los Angeles Dodgers on Monday until word of the
incident held up the deal, sources told Yahoo Sports. Through a spokesman,
Major League Baseball confirmed to Yahoo Sports that it would investigate the
On Dec. 3, four days after the incident, police spoke with Assistant State
Attorney Marcie Zaccor, who said “due to conflicting stories, no cooperating
witnesses, and no physical injuries, there is insufficient evidence to charge
Mr. Chapman with simple battery,” according to the report.
證據似乎不足,不足以控告Chapman "battery"
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※ 轉錄者: fountainNess (, 12/08/2015 11:10:17
推 : Choke slam!?1F 12/08 11:11
→ : 不能告電池2F 12/08 11:12
→ : 巴爹利~3F 12/08 11:12
推 : 激情a古巴人4F 12/08 11:13
推 : 溥儀加查普曼,休息室氣氛一定讚!5F 12/08 11:15
→ : 怎這時間才爆出來?6F 12/08 11:18
→ : 還好這時間爆出來7F 12/08 11:20
推 : 待美國沒幾年就學了那麼多壞習慣啊8F 12/08 11:20
推 : 陰謀論咩~誰最不希望他來? 當然是簡森9F 12/08 11:21
推 : 想壓價吧10F 12/08 11:24
推 : GG了11F 12/08 11:26
推 : Battery就我印象應該是offensive contact,倒不一定是暴力12F 12/08 11:26
※ 編輯: fountainNess (, 12/08/2015 11:33:40
推 : 毆打比較能告battery13F 12/08 11:33
→ : 勒脖子也可以吧14F 12/08 11:34
→ : 掐脖子嚴重直接是謀殺也不會是battery XD15F 12/08 11:34
→ : battery是侵權行為,跟殺人沒關係,殺人是刑事16F 12/08 11:35
推 : 好幾年前上侵權課教授有舉過一些極端的例子,但一般來說會造17F 12/08 11:38
→ : 成平常人覺得被冒犯的程度大概就可以算
→ : 太久沒碰了,但像是一般捷運上的推擠就不算,因為一般人會
→ : expect一定程度的碰撞
→ : 成平常人覺得被冒犯的程度大概就可以算
→ : 太久沒碰了,但像是一般捷運上的推擠就不算,因為一般人會
→ : expect一定程度的碰撞
→ : 如果Chapman帶有敵意的勒女友脖子,應該會成立21F 12/08 11:41
→ : 對啊 看報導應該是因為沒有其他證人的關係22F 12/08 11:43
→ : 帶有敵意(intent)本身不夠,還需要有contact不然就是assault
→ : 帶有敵意(intent)本身不夠,還需要有contact不然就是assault
推 : 慘了 整天只看得懂電池...?24F 12/08 12:00
→ : 整篇
→ : 整篇
推 : @"@資質不好 看不懂事什麼狀況 開槍又掐脖子的26F 12/08 12:03
推 : 有身體接觸就是battery,assult沒接觸身體27F 12/08 12:05
推 : 打女人,完蛋了,合約尚未談定,損失史上最大...28F 12/08 12:10
推 : 古巴選手情緒控管不佳的比例也太高29F 12/08 12:12
推 : chan克30F 12/08 12:23
推 : 美國家暴不都直接逮捕嗎?31F 12/08 12:28
推 : 哪來的合約 又不是FA 交易的舊延續舊約而已32F 12/08 12:48
→ : 古巴球員是怎樣 來到自由米國 行為都出槌了33F 12/08 13:26
推 : 不能 charge battery → 手機不能充電,怒開槍 (誤)34F 12/08 13:42
推 : 有內鬼 交易中止35F 12/08 13:59
推 : Choked not Kobed36F 12/08 14:01
推 : 你也懂Choked Slam37F 12/08 14:14
推 : 雙方說法矛盾,沒有目擊證人,沒有實際傷害所以告不了38F 12/08 14:27
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