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看板 NBA
作者 lollygagger (chivalry's alive)
標題 惜敗青賽!Butler氣教頭Hoiberg決勝節不讓先發
時間 Thu Dec 10 22:34:31 2015


而這波攻勢期間Jimmy Butler剛好在板凳上休息

此役拿下生涯得分新高(36分)的Jimmy Butler


"I told Fred not to take me out at the beginning of the fourth," Butler said. "I wanted to play because that's when we give up those leads, at the beginning of the fourth. Nothing against my teammates, but I think if I'm out there and I get their energy going the right way, now take me out and let me rest. But the energy's going, the energy's flowing. I think I got to start playing at the beginning of the fourth quarter." [...]

"[He said] I need a rest," Butler said. "I'm like, 'Man, I can handle an extra 45 seconds to a minute. Just let me get the energy going, get a stop here or there, and get us going in the right direction to start the fourth.'" [...]

"They got off to a 12-2 start on us," Hoiberg said of the fourth quarter, before Butler's comments. "You got to come out with greater urgency. I thought our effort was really good most of the night. [We] had too many turnovers in that first half. They scored 25 points on our 18 turnovers. But they came out and threw the first punch in the fourth quarter and got us on our heels a little bit and then got back into it. But that was it -- the start of the fourth." [...]

"That's what I was back there talking to him about," Butler said. "It's a learning curve for him just like it is for me. I understand what he's trying to do, I'm not mad at him for that, but we got to win games if we want to find ourselves in the postseason." [...]

"I don't give a damn about a career high," Butler said. "I want a win."







It's important to clarify exactly what happened to start the fourth, because Butler didn't sit for the full 12-2 run. A David Lee lay-up at the 9:15 mark gave the Celtics an 8-2 start, after which the Bulls called a timeout to slow the momentum and get Butler and Pau Gasol back in the game. The Bulls then allowed the Celtics to score the next four points until Butler made a jumper with 6:07 remaining to make it 87-79. In other words, Butler sat while the Celtics built a substantial lead but needed more
than three minutes to make a direct impact on the game.

It's therefore maybe not 100-percent worth it to suss out who was right in this disagreement, because Hoiberg didn't let Butler languish on the bench while the Bulls lost the game. (Perhaps those two-plus minutes of rest were even responsible for the 17 points Butler scored over the final 6:07 to help him to his new career-best.) Butler discussed the issue with Hoiberg and seems to understand the coach's perspective. It's likely that he's frustrated with losing much more than he is with the first-year

比賽終了前9分15秒,Fred Hoiberg把Butler和Gasol重新換上時



來源   http://goo.gl/369sii
Jimmy Butler is upset Fred Hoiberg sat him to start 4th in Bulls loss | Ball Don't Lie - Yahoo Sports
From Yahoo Sports: Bulls players have publicly disagreed with Hoiberg several times already this season, but the team still has plenty of time to figure out their first-year coach. ...

To rest or not to rest; that is the question.

Sent from my Windows

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d8456aaa    : 來幾個阻攻XDDDD 推霸氣1F 12/10 22:37
erotica     : 錫箔多調教有方2F 12/10 22:37
rexagi1988  : 被操習慣了XDDD3F 12/10 22:38
Lacus0827   : 其實我是覺得有點看太重了4F 12/10 22:38
rrrrewqqwe  : 自以為白邊開火鍋店5F 12/10 22:38
lonelysam   : 很好阿  代表想贏6F 12/10 22:38
keypad      : 反觀隊上其他人 一開心賣新鞋 一盤算準備轉隊7F 12/10 22:39
lonelysam   : 總比愛輪休輪到往生的好8F 12/10 22:39
jdlpings    : 被操慣了不喜歡休息9F 12/10 22:41
k1453888    : 年輕人就是年輕人10F 12/10 22:41
KKyosuke    : 讓他先發第四節然後最後三五分鐘力竭崩盤會比較好?11F 12/10 22:44
KKyosuke    : 教練很無辜,但是這種問題會鬧的上媒體並不是什麼好
KKyosuke    : 事
web946719   : 被錫箔帶久了 感覺不四節全上好像怪怪的14F 12/10 22:45
try107799   : 贏球就沒問題 輸球一切都可成問題15F 12/10 22:47
bgp915117   : 照過去的經驗 多那一點時間並不會讓他力竭XD16F 12/10 22:48
jyekid      : 還以為公牛軍是姓你Bulter呀17F 12/10 22:49
Liaocavalier: 子龍你已經很操了好嗎 =  =*18F 12/10 22:49
Mitch       : 最後一句不是這樣吧?19F 12/10 22:49
hatsuta     : 請纓上陣XD20F 12/10 22:51
a54965      : 假如換你上被打爆要領繩嗎? 又一個放話的21F 12/10 22:52
thegod13    : 受傷才後悔22F 12/10 22:56
derekhsu    : 子龍一身是膽!!!23F 12/10 22:56
derekhsu    : 奴性太重
yoshro      : 想贏的子龍25F 12/10 22:58
pf775101    : 不血汗渾身不對勁26F 12/10 22:59
nuturewind  : 煩請補一下標題,若稍晚沒更動.視作無分類文章刪除27F 12/10 23:00
obryanto    : 這麼喜歡被操哦@@28F 12/10 23:04
andre5566   : 占美畢拿!29F 12/10 23:04
dahlia7357  : 看太重了啦!ROSE以前比你更拼 拼到韌帶斷了30F 12/10 23:04
GANZ        : 子龍七進七出 還需要休息?31F 12/10 23:05
dustinhuang : 被前教練操上癮了   每場都想上40分鐘32F 12/10 23:06
andrewyllee : 願立軍令狀33F 12/10 23:13
ooxxman     : 球星公開表示干涉新教練調度 不太好34F 12/10 23:15
HomerEDLee  : 變成錫箔的形狀了35F 12/10 23:18
a7v333      : JB去年平均上場時間 38.7,今年37.236F 12/10 23:26
a7v333      : 結果錫箔度一直被酸
tomoti      : 他就球隊一哥,想上就上啊,結果輸球教練就背鍋吧...38F 12/10 23:27
Xenogamer   : 反觀螺絲39F 12/10 23:41
genis83825  : 台灣人血統!!!!40F 12/10 23:43
rkbey       : 子龍殺入長版坡,救哪一個阿斗?41F 12/10 23:52
JOGIBA      : 我是不是看到了「熟」是「熟」非?42F 12/10 23:57
cmid05      : 休息一下才是好的決定...43F 12/11 00:03
libobobo    : 英文部分有很多重複的,可能複製的時候重複到了44F 12/11 00:14
vvnbear     : 年輕人,老了就知道寧願輸球也要控管的教練好45F 12/11 00:22
guesswho    : 好好聽養生迷的話46F 12/11 00:41
joulin      : 今年比去年下降1.5分鐘 所以錫箔度被酸 有不合理嗎?47F 12/11 00:51
bryan21xxx  : 被慣老闆用習慣了48F 12/11 00:53
jyekid      : 年輕人就是年輕人 當年你羅在季後賽抱傷打49F 12/11 00:58
jyekid      : 一個墊步姿勢歪掉就回不去了
hpaor       : 真的年輕人就是年輕人  這只是一場季賽  是多不相信51F 12/11 01:06
hpaor       : 隊友
daily07     : 被操習慣了 如果到養生球隊應該會崩潰53F 12/11 01:36
imgkiller   : 讓我想到kobe大傷的那一場。被MDA猛操,還是自己要54F 12/11 01:39
imgkiller   : 求的。不過那時在進不進季後賽的邊緣,輸贏很重要
※ rosebulls:轉錄至看板 ChicagoBulls 12/11 07:42
rosebulls   : 轉公牛56F 12/11 07:43
pounil      : 被操慣了  今年稍為放養就受不了??57F 12/11 08:22
WEIKUNG     : 果然是亞洲人  喜歡被壓榨欸!!58F 12/11 08:47
andy91994   : 英文重複了唷 可以檢查一下嗎59F 12/11 09:11
s35582008   : 熟是熟非—>孰是孰非60F 12/11 10:05
jerrywin    : 好熟悉的感覺阿 完全被奴性洗腦 不操不起勁61F 12/11 10:23
fw2009tc    : Butler:拜託 以前我都打滿48分鐘的XDD62F 12/11 10:48
auron4041   : 中間有兩段是教練說的啦63F 12/11 11:31
yy810516    : 錫箔教得不錯ww64F 12/11 11:42
kinki999    : 好勝心不錯~~~65F 12/11 13:18
an565an565  : 青賽越打越好!66F 12/11 17:37

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