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作者 標題 [外絮] McGee希望留在費城指導年輕球員
時間 Tue Feb 24 15:03:19 2015
"I don't want to get bought out," said McGee, a 27-year-old in his seventh
NBA season. "That's not a positive thing. When you think about it, you don't
get all of your money when you get bought out.
現年27歲的JaVale McGee表示:
"So it doesn't make sense why someone would want to get bought out unless
they are older - older and they want to go to a contender or something. I'm
not that old. I just want to play basketball."
McGee also sees this as an opportunity to mentor rookie centers Nerlens Noel
and Joel Embiid. In addition to backing up Noel, McGee said he can help with
the young players' confidence.
留在七六人可以幫助年輕球員建立自信,例如像:Nerlens Noel或Joel Embiid。
"When I was with the Wizards, I think it was my sophomore year, we won like
19 games," he said. "So I've been in the same situation. I've just definitely
got to get these young guys' heads into it where they stay positive, keep
playing hard, just look for wins and [learn] how to win."
Sixers Notes: JaVale McGee wants to stay with Sixers
ORLANDO - Center JaVale McGee wants to remain with the 76ers for the rest of the season and beyond.The Sixers, at least for the time being, are committed to giving him every opportunity to do just that. ...
Shaqtin' A Fool要有接班人了嗎!!??
My Boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Kx28wLl (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1424761402.A.56F.html
→ : 我喜歡這傢伙 拜託來個球隊收留他1F 02/24 15:04
推 : My boy軍團化? XD2F 02/24 15:05
※ 編輯: cat0806 (, 02/24/2015 15:06:45→ : 你面對的不只是我麥基,還有我帶出來的整支球隊!!3F 02/24 15:07
推 : 以後shaqtin' a fool會改成三天一次嗎4F 02/24 15:07
推 : 費城少年兵團...5F 02/24 15:07
推 : 買斷不好 因為拿不到全薪水 Magee聰明喔!!!6F 02/24 15:07
推 : 講的挺實在的,買斷就拿不到全部的錢了7F 02/24 15:07
→ : my boy!!!!!!!8F 02/24 15:12
→ : Mcgee本來就不笨啊, 只是腦忘記帶上場而已9F 02/24 15:13
推 : 他有什麼技術或精神面的東西可以指導人家嗎?10F 02/24 15:13
推 : 指導上俠客fool11F 02/24 15:16
→ : Shaqtin' A Fool御用指導講師12F 02/24 15:16
→ : 搞笑精神算嗎13F 02/24 15:17
推 : 感覺蠻適合指導Embiid的14F 02/24 15:20
推 : 當你被買斷,你就拿不到全部薪水了 哈哈哈笑死我了15F 02/24 15:21
推 : 搞笑連線 McGee+Embiid Shaq準備好了16F 02/24 15:21
推 : 語畢,哄堂大笑17F 02/24 15:21
推 : 指導年輕球員扣爆自家籃框嗎? XD18F 02/24 15:24
推 : XDDDDD 這整篇發言的娛樂效果超高19F 02/24 15:29
推 : 如果有訪談影片的話應該可以直接上Shaqtin' A Fool
推 : 如果有訪談影片的話應該可以直接上Shaqtin' A Fool
推 : MY BOY!!!21F 02/24 15:31
推 : 他不是不懂球團為什麼買斷,是不懂球員想被買斷22F 02/24 15:35
→ : 這樣才跟拿不到全部薪水邏輯一致,翻錯了
→ : 這樣才跟拿不到全部薪水邏輯一致,翻錯了
推 : 第一次看到很會輸球也可以拿來說嘴的24F 02/24 15:36
→ : 技術面年輕人可能都還贏他25F 02/24 15:37
→ : MCGEE的籃球智商有時候都會降到零....26F 02/24 15:40
推 : 教你如何上鏡頭 不過是Shaq'tin a fool27F 02/24 15:51
推 : 被指導吧28F 02/24 15:52
推 : 幫助建立自信 千萬搞笑藝人29F 02/24 15:56
推 : 明年灌籃大賽Embiid要怒灌四球氣走LaVine了30F 02/24 15:57
推 : 教練我只想打籃球 還有拿全部薪水阿!!!!31F 02/24 16:06
推 : 薪水到底在誰的房裡?32F 02/24 16:14
推 : my boy變my boys33F 02/24 16:22
→ : 內線雙寶塔34F 02/24 16:27
推 : 除了大腦之外甚麼都有的天才球員35F 02/24 16:35
推 : SHAQ:^_^36F 02/24 16:37
推 : 還是麥基最可愛了37F 02/24 17:05
推 : 不知道為社麽笑惹 myboooooy38F 02/24 17:25
推 : 根本美國櫻木39F 02/24 17:31
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